For the fourth time, the East County Little League Snack Shack has been broken into and theft has occurred. No money was taken as the league does not leave money in there after hours; however, there was significant damage to the door frame and door.
Board members arrived Tuesday to find the snack shake door open with items stolen and the shack trashed with items dumped all over the floor.
The league is currently in the process of having emergency repairs performed and looking at temporary solutions until a more permanent fix is implemented.
According to the league, an individual has come forward with two possible suspects, however, no further details were provided. The snack shack is located at Oakley Elementary School.
Stupid tweakers!!! Why don’t they go mess with someone else and stop stealing from our kids……………………….
As a parent and grandparent of kids that work hard and play ball or coach etc this just breaks my heart. It is discouraging to go to the field and find the equipment is gone and other things have been trashed. This country has a big problem and better get their butts in gear to solve the problems.
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