Home Contra Costa County 3-2 Vote: Board of Supervisors to Spend $45k on Polling for Countywide Sales Tax Polling

3-2 Vote: Board of Supervisors to Spend $45k on Polling for Countywide Sales Tax Polling

by ECT

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors 2014

In a split 3-2 vote Tuesday, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors agreed to authorize $45,000 for polling on a public opinion poll to determine voter preference on a potential countywide sales tax that would support public safety, emergency response, health care services, and other critical needs in Contra Costa County.

Supervisors Federal Glover, John Gioia and Karen Mitchoff supported the polling while Supervisors Candace Andersen and Mary Piepho disagreed with spending the money.

Editors Note: A poll can move forward with a 3-2 vote, but to put this type of item on the ballot would requires 4-votes which appears it will not have. Unless Andersen or Piepho flip, regardless of the polling results, putting a countywide sales tax on the ballot is dead upon arrival and $45k has been spent for information.

Gioia argued that the County provides service to everyone in the County, not just the unincorporated areas and people need to remember that cities also get services. He shared that this polling would highlight where the public would like its money spent should a sales tax measure be placed on the ballot.

Piepho argued that the BOS would be spending $45,000 and have no idea what the value is or what the questions are. She stated to get it on the November Ballot, it would have to move forward by July or August.

“It’s too compressed of timeframe and not reasonably thought out,” said Piepho. “You have certain people in cities funding other people and you are not comparing apples to apples. There is a lot of uncertainty that has not been properly filtered in a public process or been thoughtful to what the voters will tolerate or where the resources can or will go. That has not been done.”

Andersen stated she agreed with what Piepho stated and this is about local control of sales tax revenue going to fund other areas of the county and is not a return to source.

Gioia explained that somewhere along the way we lose sight of the public good.

“When we pay our 1% we say that is our payment to the county and not where it goes to. We spend the money based on critical needs around the county—general source of revenue. Every year we make tough decisions,” explained Gioia. “Everyone of us has said I wish we had more money for “x” department.”

Piepho replied “I never said I wanted to pay more taxes to fund it.”

“There is no free lunch,” responded Gioia. “I get back to the idea on our property tax dollar saying we want our dollar going to library, District Attorney or whatever. I think its possible to think about the collective public good and critical need we have.”

Gioia explained that the Board of Supervisors are leaders and they can educate voters on county services but that polling would help craft a potential sales tax measure that had countywide appeal.

He then argued that he bets there was many people in the County who do not get a dollar back on their taxes and were willing to pay more to support the collective public good

“Let the voters decide,” pleaded Gioia. “Why are we doing a poll? Because we want to see the most critical needs and craft something that supports what the public wants and what our budget will allow. Do voters in Contra Costa want to fund the public collective good? Maybe they won’t. But at least do a poll to see where they stand.”

He further stated that those in East County said a tax like this would potentially be a better idea and way of collecting more revenue than a parcel tax or benefit assessment. Many people he talks to would rather pay to fund police, fire, and EMS than a transportation tax which may go on the November ballot.

“We do not operate in a vacuum. Our fire stations are closed and I am served by the Sheriff every day,” said Piepho. “I question the timing, the method and the process. It’s to quick, to furious and too much about a few.”

Piepho accused the idea of not providing equal value to all communities while it’s too early for polling because the Board of Supervisors do not have a plan. She did says he did not want this to fail, but without a proper plan it will fail.

“If this moves forward, what effects does it have on the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District who are working on a benefit assessment? On other special districts or cities who are working on special ballots,” said Piepho. “I will not support this.”

Piepho asked legal for a clarification on putting something like this on the Ballot that it would need 4/5 of the BOS support—legal said that was true.

Andersen further questioned the plan explaining she saw the need to do something for Emergency Services in West County, but she did not see a countywide sales tax as the way out. She explained how her District takes in a lot of revenue which would go to other portions of the County to fund their services—she said she

“A different plan needs to be implemented,” said Andersen. “I do not see this sales tax as the answer of any of the problems raised today. I will not be voting in favor of the poll.”

Gioia further explained that the County has many needs and how sales tax revenue would be a better way to get revenue than a parcel tax—each can advocate where to spend the additional revenue.

Piepho accused Gioia of saying those discussions have not occurred yet and no plan had been developed on where the sales tax revenue would be spent.

Gioia disagreed as he read the following out of the Staff Report which said the goal of a proposed sales tax in Contra Costa would be to primarily raise additional revenue for needed public safety such as law enforcement and prosecution; fire and emergency medical services; and healthcare.

Editor’s note – technically, Supervisor Piepho is correct, there is no plan of where the money would be spent and since it’s going to the General Fund the BOS could at any time disperse the money as they please and there is no guarantee that the money would be spent on police, fire or medical services and healthcare. The goal read by Gioia is a blanket statement and potentially a majority of CoCo County sales tax revenue could go to fund Doctors Hospital.

Gioia stated that further said that this document is not set in stone and can be changed based on polling.

Piepho explained voters have had enough of these types of taxes referencing the City of Antioch and their Measure C sales tax which was approved for hiring of more police—which the Council has not done for one reason or another. She raised doubts that residents in Antioch would support this type of tax based on the actions of the City Council.

Supervisor Federal Glover stated the discussion taking place today is premature.

“Part of the polling is to see what the constituency would do. What is their priority? What do they want to see? Is it more cops, more fire stations reopened. Is it patient care? Taking care of EMS system? Libraries?” said Glover. “That is part of the information we need to have to do the planning that has been talked about. Then go out and campaign or maybe we don’t do anything.”

Vote – 3-2 (Andersen/Piepho no)

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Taxed Man Jun 4, 2014 - 8:16 am

I tend to agree with Mr. Gioia.

A county wide sales tax for EMS is a better idea and way of collecting more revenue than a parcel tax or benefit assessment. And I would rather pay to fund EMS than another transportation tax which may go on the November ballot.

Is there a better way to collect revenue from non-Contra Costa County residents who travel into our county and use our EMS services?

There is too much attention paid to return to source. We are a county, not five separate districts, and county responsibilities (EMS) should be funded, at least to a base level, by the entire county. If one believes the county wide transportation tax is reasonable, then why does a county wide EMS tax offend?

Country Club Living Jun 4, 2014 - 1:06 pm

Mildly curious based on Gioia’s comments. Would a PRA request for communications to his office turn up smarmy emails from East County people with names like Don and John?

The collect from non-residents was funny though. What’s the plan, Stan? Do you require all non-residents to stop by the AM/PM for a soda and pony up that 10 cents in sales tax prior to driving into a ditch and requiring County first responder attention?

I know, let’s get some doofus to park his azz on a 5 gallon buck outside Safeway in Disco Bay. He could hold out a tin cup and collect from all the out of town visitors who are loading cases of beer into their high $$ ski boats before launching in the Delta. Why should we provide marine patrol or life saving response to some drunk dummazz?

Maybe because this is America and we’re not just a bunch of self-centered clowns? Naaaah, that concept would never fly with this bunch…..

The buffoon on a bucket approach is probably better and could become a boon for tourism. It’s so brilliant in thought and execution.

Twisted Sister Jun 5, 2014 - 10:45 pm

Country Clubber,

“Would a PRA request for communications to his office turn up smarmy emails from East County people with names like Don and John?”

I’ll bet they would!

I found the exchange below on the internet. No doubt that smarmy “Don” from Disco Bay was out of his skull knowing that he had been exposed. He probably couldn’t whine and plead fast enough to get his name removed. It eventually was.

EMS advocate? Yeah right.



EMS Advocate says
June 5, 2014 at 9:11 am

Money from a sales tax like this can’t go directly to special districts or cities, but it can be used to reimburse cities and districts for county costs they are currently absorbing and causing tremendous financial strain.

EMS is a county responsibility, and Doctors Hospital is part of the network that provides these services, just as the many E.R.s, ambulance service, and the EMS/BLS/ALS provided by firefighters.

If we can’t trust the BOS to distribute general tax funds properly then who can we trust? (ok, sort of kidding about that….but that is what we elect them to do)

**** **** ****** says
June 5, 2014 at 10:29 am

This was the point that Supervisor Gioia made and well. Thanks, Don.

Taxed Enough Jun 4, 2014 - 8:37 am

Shame on John Gioia, Karen Michoff and Federal Glover for voting to waste 45,000 of our tax dollars on a poll when it doesn’t have the support to go forward.

Gioia made some really stupid statements. He must believe that everyone in the room is as shallow as he is! The dog and pony show that he delivered to the board of supervisors was disingenuous to say the least.

Make NO mistake, This is all about funding Doctors Hospital.

Jake G Jun 4, 2014 - 11:40 am

WTF John Gioia. The fact you have to work to change state law which is supposed to protect taxpayers should mean your idea is doomed. You should have the common sense to see what the author pointed out that it takes 4 votes to put on the ballot and you only have 3 so why go forward on a hail mary that Candace Anderson or Mary Peipho will change their minds. NO NEW TAXES! WTF

Robert Long Jun 4, 2014 - 11:43 am

I would hope the public stands in the way of this because I am curious how this is even legal to take general fund money and give to special districts. Didn’t they just argue months ago they cannot take from the General Fund to give to CONFIRE and changes had to come from the State to change Prop 13?

Julio Jun 4, 2014 - 12:46 pm

This is another sham like Measure C in Antioch. Mary Piepho is right. Don’t spend the money on the survey and don’t put Doctor’s Hospital on the ballot no matter how you twist the story. I live in Antioch and will not support a hospital that has been on life support 10 years or more. It should have been closed years ago. Don’t even pretend this is for police and fire.

Chuck Jun 4, 2014 - 6:29 pm

If I was a Piepho and Anderson Supervisor I would make lemon aid with this instead of making enemies with senior board members. For Piepho to compare herself to Antioch is insinuating the county will spend the money on something other than intended. She is one of the last says on spending it. It is like admitting dishonesty. Her and Anderson would have a deciding vote how the funds will be distributed regardless. She must not trust herself to make the right decision I guess. She should make a pact with here fellow board members how the money will be earmarked and ensure it does. Her and Anderson are controlling factors for gods sake.
What a cop out.

Taxed Enough Jun 6, 2014 - 8:41 am


Reading your posts (including this one) I can only conclude you couldn’t cut it as a County Supervisor. Your skill set is much more suited to running a lemon-aid stand. How’s that for making lemon-aid out of a bad situation? The advice is free.

We must have read differing articles. You missed all the key points and convoluted them into your own make believe. Piepho compared the Antioch scenario to a likely possibility, not by her but by the very board members you admire. John Gioia has no real interest regarding your needs or that of the police, fire and EMS departments. It’s all about a west county hospital, but you have somehow managed to look right past that little factoid. The fire and EMS caveats were meant to dupe gullible individuals. People like you are exactly what he is looking for. Chuck, you are his dream come true!

As can be witnessed by the vote to spend 45 grand, Piepho and Andersen did not have a “deciding vote”. It moved forward despite their objections. Fortunately for the rest of us, Piepho and Andersen see exactly what is going on. In the end Andersen and Piepho will have the last say. You see, the most important part of the article points out that no matter how ill conceived this hair brained effort is, it comes down to requiring 4 votes. 4 of the Supervisors must agree to take it to the next step. I don’t know about you but I only counted 3. The 2 no votes were solid and don’t sound likely to change. In my book it’s more a case of John Gioia wasting 45 grand of our money on a project that is DOA.
That is the ultimate cop out.

If I were you I’d give that lemon-aid stand a chance, because your 5th grade political intellect and grammatical challenges have you handicapped in these matters. (For the record most educated people know that God in any form is always capitalized).

For why Jun 5, 2014 - 7:36 pm

Don’t forget to re-elect these clowns

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