There is a powerful video that was put out recently by You, Me, We = Oakley that is a worthy watch. The video promotes diversity and why people chose to come to Oakley and love living in the City.
To be honest, it was pretty powerful and very well done! To check out the video, you can view it on their You, Me, We = Oakley Facebook Page or click here to directly view the video.
The video includes interviews with the following Oakley residents:
- Rico Cinquini
- Suki Singh
- Tuma Johnson
- Pablo Quibia
- Maria Bordanargo
You, Me, We = Oakley is a program that seeks to enhance understanding, trust, relationships, integration, participation and cooperation among all residents of Oakley in order to build a more vibrant and cohesive community.
To find out more about the organization, you can visit their website.