Home 2016 Election Opinion: Writers Defend Doug Hardcastle’s Endorsements, Offer Support

Opinion: Writers Defend Doug Hardcastle’s Endorsements, Offer Support

by ECT

The following letters to the editor offer support of Doug Hardcastle, candidate for Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor for District 3 while defending his endorsements after Susan  Morgan stated his lack of endorsements by Ironhouse Sanitary District directors.


I think Susan Morgan, who didn’t bother to mention that she is the Vice President of the Iron House Sanitary District Board in her recent letter to the editor should probably work on her facts and simply communicate with her fellow board members regarding who they are supporting for County Supervisor. The majority of them have endorsed Doug Hardcastle for County Supervisor, they are Chris Lauritzen, Dr. Michael Painter, and Doug Scheer. Morgan is an attorney, and should do a better job of fact gathering prior to distributing her opinion.

Ms. Morgan doesn’t mention any accomplishments by Diane. Let me mention some of Doug Hardcastle’s , he served on the Iron House Board for 12 years, also as president of the board, Oakley City Council and Mayor for four years, and small business owner for 40+ years. Doug is the person most prepared to represent our district for Contra Costa County. I not only trust him with our County funds, I would trust him with my own checkbook. How many politicians can get that endorsement? Join me in voting for Doug Hardcastle for County Supervisor.

Gary Arfsten, Oakley


It seems Susan Morgan (who failed to identify herself as Vice President of the Ironhouse Sanitary District Board) has made some factual errors in her letter supporting Diane Burgis.  Such errors could easily have been avoided by simply asking her fellow board members who they are supporting in the District 3 Supervisor race.  As shown on Doug Hardcastles’s website, Doug is supported by many current and former public figures and local leaders, including three members of ISDB, namely; Chris Lauritzen, Dr. Michael Painter, and Board President Doug Scheer.

By failing to check her facts on such a simple matter as public endorsements, Susan Morgan has called into question her veracity and competence as a public servant, a spokeswoman for Ms. Burgis, and as a professional called to a high ethical standard.

In addition, while Morgan identifies the positions held by Ms. Burgis, as evidence of her experience and qualifications for the office of Supervisor, she fails to note Burgis’ length of service (less than 4 years), or any positive achievements of her chosen candidate.  By contrast, Doug Hardcastle has served Contra Costa County for over 15 years, while at the same time running a local business with his wife, Lyn.  During that time, he introduced innovative solutions to reduce ratepayers’ costs, and, after his tenure as Mayor of Oakley, left the city with an improved public safety record and no debt to the State of California.

While I have not met Ms. Burgis personally, not being a member of the politically elite circles in which both she and Susan Morgan seem to move, I know from personal experience that everyone who meets Doug Hardcastle comes away with a positive impression of him, and all of his friends and colleagues can vouch for his honesty, his character, his dedication to public safety, and his record of accomplishment in fiscal management.  None of the other candidates have such a positive record of accomplishment, and none of the other candidates had the courage to challenge the current incumbent after she and her colleagues on the Board of Supervisors voted themselves a large pay raise instead of prioritizing public safety, like the underfunded fire protection service in East County.

In short, if you want a candidate with a record of improving public safety and using your tax dollars wisely, Doug Hardcastle is the only choice.

Sean Pearson, Brentwood

Dear Editor:

I would like to publicly endorse Doug Hardcastle for the office of District III Contra Costa County Supervisor. After serving for 12 years with him on the Ironhouse Sanitary District (ISD) Board, I have a unique and qualified insight into the man, his character, his dedication and work ethic.

Working together throughout our time on the board, we helped ISD transform from an outdated and inadequate sewer plant into a state-of-the-art Water Recycling Facility and saved our ratepayers $20 million in cost, in the process.

Doug Hardcastle has always questioned the cost of services and compensation packages. He is very independent and refuses to be influenced in his thinking by special interests and the current vogue politics.

Although there are many qualified candidates in this race, I know Doug and I know he will always put the people he represents first, before his own political advancement or personal accolades.

I’m tired of politicians not listening to the people and I know this man has your best interest at heart. I want somebody who will fight to keep taxes in check, stick with the job until he gets it right and always put people before politics. That’s why I urge you to vote for Doug Hardcastle as your District III Contra Costa County Supervisor.


Dr. Michael J. Painter, DC
Oakley resident and business owner
Member, Ironhouse Sanitary District Board of Directors

Editors Note – the following was sent by Doug Hardcastle on May 21, 2016

Doug Scheer endorsed my campaign for Supervisor last October. He signed the line on the Volunteer/Contribution envelope, beneath the box – which he marked – next to “You may list me as a supporter:” and included a check for $300 to my campaign, which was reported having been written on 10/21/15. The envelope was postmarked 10/22/15.

As for Dr. Michael Painter’s and Chris Lauritzen’s endorsements of my campaign, they were both verbal and to me, in person, long before you sent your letter to the editor.

While, it’s not necessary to get an endorsement in writing from friends and colleagues I’ve worked with and trust, to clear up any confusion, I’ll be happy to get them in writing.

Feel free to see Doug Scheer’s signed endorsement posted on my campaign’s Facebook page.

This election is much more important than who is endorsing whom. The most important endorsement to me is from the voters on Election Day and that’s who I’m focused on.

Doug Hardcastle
Candidate for Contra Costa County Supervisor, District 3

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Dougie buddy May 25, 2016 - 12:11 am

Doug needs all the support he can get, made up or otherwise. He is clumsy and not a very knowledgable person when it comes to politics.

Never, ever, ever vote for him.

How’s that for a endorsement? Yeah, I know him well and like the guy, but politics is just not his strong point. Sorry Doug but you are not suited to this line of work. You and Harper should hang it up.

Dougie buddy May 25, 2016 - 12:23 am

And another thing….Doug Hardcastle needs to give better material to those writing letters of support. For starters “support” or “supporter” is not the same as an endorsement. Candidates often get caught confusing the two. Rookie mistake and Doug should know better! The fact that he doesn’t is trouble.

Second the board of supervisors raise, which was about 12 percent spread out over 3 or 4 years isn’t out of line. I believe the Sherrifs just got 15 percent spread out over 3 years.

But most importantly is the glaring error that the Board of Supervisors pay has nothing to do with the underfunded fire district. The fire district is not a county department and the two budgets have about as much in common as Neiman Marcus and McDonalds. There is no financial tie to the county budget what so ever. Doug and his spoon fed supporters need to get their facts straight if they want to be taken seriously.

Nice try Doug.

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