Home Oakley Oakley Should Postpone Tuesday’s Special Meeting

Oakley Should Postpone Tuesday’s Special Meeting

by ECT


It would be prudent for the City of Oakley to cancel their so called “special meeting” this Tuesday while simultaneously work to become more transparent to the public regarding what exactly will be discussed at this meeting.

Details are non-existent while the time of the meeting is suspect in itself. At 2:00 pm on a Tuesday, it ensures as little public participation as possible and little chances to speak during Agenda Item 3 which my best guess will basically be a two-to-three hour discussion on a variety of city issues.

Adding to the confusion is the meeting is not being held at City Hall, but instead at 1250 O’Hara Ave.  Keep in mind, because the meeting is no longer at City Hall, the meeting will also not be recorded for public viewing.

But what is tragic here is for the second year in a row there is an issue with this type of meeting and it can be traced back to the City Staff’s lack of respect for the public to participate. If you recall, last year’s meeting was rescheduled at the very last minute because of a would-be Brown Act Violation had the meeting occurred while this year is a similar situation with a lack of transparency witthin the agenda.

For example, Agenda Item Three (3) states City Council – City Staff Team Facilitation Discussion.  Say what?  That could mean anything and everything and the city could defend it, but it doesn’t make it right. It’s too vague while there is no staff report accompanying the agenda.

Who from the city staff will be participating with the council? What items will be discussed from city staff? What are the department topics that will be talked about? The list goes on and the sad part is it’s pretty simple information. Heck, the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District put out their agenda of a similar meeting they will host which has about 8-bullet items of what could potentially be discussed, so why can’t Oakley offer the same courtesy?

More importantly, Item 3 is such a broad topic that the mayor should have rejected it prior to the announcement going out and requested more detail being provided to the public. A better way would have been to have each city department on its own agenda item to allow the public to speak on a particular department.

Here is a look at the full agenda which did not include a staff report:


1.      Welcome & Introductions

2.      Public Comments

3.      City Council – City Staff Team Facilitation Discussion

4.      Adjournment

Source – City of Oakley

The lack of effort with this agenda and lack of a detailed staff report is disrespectful to Oakley residents—I don’t say this lightly, but quite it’s a slap in our face. I am offended at what the city staff is trying to pull with this meeting and the city council should not put up with it.

For example, we have what I will call a “Public Works Crisis” currently on our hands in Oakley.

Had there been an agenda item specifically for Public Works, the room would probably be filled with Downtown Business and residents frustrated with the lack of oversight on the Main Street Project which began last August and it’s now February. You then have the issue now on Neroly Rd. where construction was just completed with shoddy patch work leaving Neroly as one of the worst roads in East County. Where is the urgency by city staff to fix it?

You have an Economic Development Department essentially picking and choosing winners and whom to provide financial assistance too.  That needs to be looked at more closely.  You also have City staff consistently promoting the You, Me, We = Oakley while ignoring other fabulous programs/non-profits within Oakley.

Moving on, had there been an agenda item on the City Manager, there likely would be a packed room to discuss obvious changes that need to be made.

For example, in what should have been discussed in public during a council meeting on free rent and accommodations to business, the city manager and his staff simply offered reduced rent, eliminated Cam fees, negotiated free March rent for several businesses, paid for newspaper advertising, and allowed signage for downtown businesses to be placed along Main Street. Of course, even with all the freebies, the city still managed to find a way to be sued by Hook, Line & Sinker.

The point is, those decisions are something the city manager should not be making behind the scenes by himself, but instead vetted by the council in a public setting because the city is not the landlord, the taxpayers are!

The other issue that would likely come up (because I would bring it up) are the pre-council meeting lunches by Mayor Kevin Romick and Bryan Montgomery in Pittsburg (64-times) at a cost of $20-$32 per meeting.  Going forward, this practice should stop immediately. The explanation I got was it was during Romick’s lunch–funny, he could make it to Oakley for a 2:00 pm special meeting.

Going a step further, between 2009-2011, Oakley taxpayers paid a total of 81-meals between Montgomery and Romick.  During that same time period, just for perspective, the next highest person was Bruce Connelly and Tom Williams/ISD at 5-meals each.

Other’s to note include Carol Rios (4), Pat Anderson (4), Tom Williams/ISD (4) Hugh Henderson (3), Federal Glover (3)—records were obtained through Bryan Montgomery’s credit card statements which was an 80-page report at a cost of just under $20.

I could go on, but you get the point.

So while the this meeting is being classified as a team building exercise to the Contra Costa Times, then there should be no problem with including a staff report or accurate agenda.

Ultimately, this meeting should be postponed for many reasons but most importantly is there are potential Brown Act Violations just as there were last year–only difference is instead of not sending out the agenda in a timely manner, this year they failed to provide an agenda with information on it.

Oakley residents deserve much better than the quality of effort we are getting from City staff and this poor excuse of an agenda is the simplest form of proof that the City of Oakley has a communication problem with its residents.

Instead of team building exercises, the staff should first work on improving its communication skills and learn to have some respect of its residents in the process.

I urge the council to cancel this meeting and reschedule once staff has decided to provide some meat and potatoes within the agenda.

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Jake G Mar 4, 2013 - 9:15 am

Ouch, this one is going to leave a mark on the city. Can’t say I disagree with Mr. Burkholder that we do have a pubic works crisis. The city has some serious issues that needs to be addressed and I am sick of being treated poorly by city staff and ignored by the council.

Romick and Montgomery having that many lunches on us???? I would hope they pay it back.

Rob Saw Mar 4, 2013 - 9:17 am

Go get em Burk, this meeting isn’t right and I hope the council realizes that. Shame on city staff! Nice work on shedding light on the free lunches, that needs to stop today!

JimSimmons42 Mar 4, 2013 - 9:22 am

Montgomery needs to go! First a mortgage deal now we are paying for his food. Does he think he is the king of oakley?

Julio-Antioch Mar 4, 2013 - 9:31 am

Honest to gosh this sounds like Antioch. There are more and more complaints about lack of respect from city staff. No one can get through to council members because it seems the e-mail is set so they don’t receive the e-mail.
Who do these guys think pays their salary and benefits? All of them are paid well.
Good luck finding out what this is all aboout.

Barbara DuMont Mar 4, 2013 - 9:49 am

I have wondered numerous times if Oakley city staff is reading email sent to the council via city email.

Steve Nosanchuk Mar 4, 2013 - 9:31 am

Nice work (again) Mike, hang in there!

Oakley Watchdog Mar 4, 2013 - 9:39 am

Did Burkholder get fired from being the Oakley’s PR spin machine? It’s nice to finally agree with him for a change. Nice work. Montgomery needs to go now while city staff need to get their act together before the follow Montgomery to another job.

Barbara DuMont Mar 4, 2013 - 9:41 am

As I posted on Facebook last week, my personal opinion, I will repeat it, MY PERSONAL OPINION, based on observing city staff and city council behavior over the years is this-staff has their noses out of shape and Montgomery feels threatened because Hardcastle, Burgis and Pope are questioning staff reports and making decisions that are different than what staff recommends. I think this meeting is to “get everyone on the same page” so that things can go back to the same old thing-council rubberstamping whatever is put in front of them, never mind input from residents. Sorry but the city staff and Montgomery need to be reminded that they work for the council and us, the taxpayers and we have had enough of their BS. Montgomery needs to go, its plain and simple. Mismanagement is very plain-just look at Main Street. And Romick is displaying very very poor leadership allowing Montgomery to behave and interject himself into council discussions. I won’t even touch the lunches.

Former Chamber Member Mar 4, 2013 - 9:58 am

Maybe the Oakley Chamber would be better off if the City did not pick winners and losers. Instead of helping promote the chamber, they are stuck on You, Me, We = Oakley activities to go along with this stupid next door neighbor social media website.

I bet Hardcastle and Burgis wish they never joined this circus!

Chuck Varnado Mar 4, 2013 - 10:01 am

Great Article Mike!

Jill Thompson 55 Mar 4, 2013 - 10:16 am

Thank you for doing what the Times and Press did not do which is question the meeting. This didn’t look right from the start. Oakley is one of the least friendly business city’s I’ve seen and if staff doesn’t like you, they ignore you or become very short with you. Burk is right, they pick winners and losers based off Montgomery’s vision. Oakley should cancel this meeting and hold it in a location where it could be recorded.

Michelle Buchholz, Hook, Line & Sinker Mar 4, 2013 - 10:33 am

Good work Mike. You are right on target with the secrecy and lack of recording issues. By the way, from what I know from experience, ALL council emails that are processed through the city email system, reviewed, and then are held and given to City Council members with their Friday packet the Friday prior to the council meeting, so if you are not getting timely responses, this is why. What I do not know is if they are screened and not ALL given to the council member to whom they were addressed. This procedure was described by Bryan Montgomery as a “service” that his office provides the council. By doing this, it does not give the council members the ability to respond timely to their own emails, or have sufficient time to discuss or research agenda items. The entire system needs to be revamped.
There is such an attempt at City Hall to publish what they want us to see. For example, the approval of the $1.16 million for the Oakley Plaza/fountain and the $250K for upgrades to the retail facility for Republic of Cake were not even mentioned in the Oakley Update email on Friday – it simply said two agenda items were approved. The Oakley Press only saw fit to mention that Republic of Cake was coming to town, and then focused on Diane Burgis tasting the cupcakes. It almost looked like the city staff had written the article. I commend Diane for taking the time out of her schedule to actually visit their facility and hope that this time the council insists on financial information from the company. If it hadn’t been for the CC Times article by Rowena Coetsee, most would not know the details of either transaction. And yet, Bryan Montgomery continues to refuse to talk to Ms. Coetsee, I suspect because the CC Times blew the whistle on his mortgage bailout.
On one last note, I was reviewing the City budget for this year and noticed the the City Manager’s budget is $366,000 – so that must include lunches too, because I’m pretty sure the salary hasn’t crept up that high yet. Although, since their is no supporting documentation to back up that figure, perhaps it has. This amount is down from the $450,000 allocated in the 2009/10 budget. If you remove the amount for public safety (police services) from the total budget, the City Manager is allocated a whopping 8% of the remaining budget.

JimSimmons42 Mar 4, 2013 - 12:16 pm

No one should be reading what residents send their councilmembers. That should be deemed privileged information until after a council person has read it and chooses to share it.

Oakley Business Owner Mar 4, 2013 - 12:14 pm

I will not share my business name, but am I the only one who is upset about the city providing reduced rent, no Cam fees, free March rent, paid for newspaper advertising, and allowed signage for downtown businesses to be placed along Main Street??? How is this fair to other Oakley business who pay rent, pay for their own advertising and CAM fees? More importantly, how is this fair to the residents of Oakley? Stop giving away our money!

If Romick and Montgomery want to eat lunch, they can bring a brown paper bag, stop charging the taxpayers!!!!!

Ronald Mar 4, 2013 - 12:19 pm

Burgis, Hardcastle and Pope should not even attend unless its held at the city chambers with a recording.

Monty Wanty Mar 4, 2013 - 1:47 pm

Any document, email’s included, that are shared with a majority of the board and relate to any agenda item must be made available to the public. The Brown Act requires that, and common sense and a desire for transparency makes it an easy decision even for those not well versed in Sunshine laws. These are public documents.
If they are to be kept private then they can not be shared with a board quorum.
Montgomery needs to go. His methods are outrageous.

Hank Mar 4, 2013 - 2:16 pm

I hope people show up and share their distaste for how this meeting is going down.

Julio-Antioch Mar 4, 2013 - 4:18 pm

The e-mails are public documents only if they are received through city owned equipment. If you were to write to any of them at another e-mail address, say at home, they are not.

Former Chamber Member Mar 5, 2013 - 5:54 am

diane burgis likely posted this in response to this article on her diane burgis for Oakley city council page.
“Oakley City Council and Staff have been meeting with a facilitator individually today. Tomorrow there will be a team building type of a meeting at the Oakley Rec Building at 2:15PM. This is a way of helping all of us work together BETTER to make Oakley keep moving forward!”
So how much is Oakley paying this so facilitator to get pope, hardcastle and burgis all in line?

Barbara DuMont Mar 5, 2013 - 8:00 am

I used to work for a consulting firm that did communication/team building seminars. Client list included a couple of local cities as well as large corporations world-wide. Lets just say that it was a really good business.

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