Home Oakley Oakley: Downtown Utility Project to Start July 18th

Oakley: Downtown Utility Project to Start July 18th

by ECT

In preparation for the City’s downtown construction project later this summer, the Main Street Downtown Utility Project will start on July 18th and continue through early September.

The project will install a new storm drain system on Main Street from Norcross Lane to Second Street and relocate fire hydrants to make room for the new streetscape improvement project coming later this fall.  The utility project work will be performed Sunday-Thursday from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Starting Monday, July 11th, the contractor will place electronic message boards and signage informing the public of the road closure dates, night hours of work, and detours.

“No Parking” signs will be posted 72 hours prior to the start of work. The signs will indicate the dates and times during which parking is prohibited. Cars parked within prohibited areas will be towed in order for work to progress in an effective manner. There will be flagmen and other workers directing traffic to ensure both the safe passage of all residents as well as the safety of our contractor. Please expect some delays, and choose alternate routes, if possible. Emergency Vehicle Access will be accommodated at all times.

Main Street will be closed from Norcross Lane to Second Street and traffic will be detoured around the project using Second Street, Acme Street, and Norcross Lane. City Public Works staff will be managing the work and assist with any issues as needed.

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