Home Oakley New Recreation Center Opens in City of Oakley

New Recreation Center Opens in City of Oakley

by ECT

On April 13, the City of Oakley held a ribbon cutting event to open its brand new Community Recreation Center located at 1250 O’Hara Avenue.

The project has been more than a decade in the making. In fact, the city first started talking about a community center back in 1997 with the original Oakley City Council.

The community center is being built in two phases with phase one now complete which includes a 4,152 square foot community room, a 1,239 square foot lobby, and a 1,117 square foot kitchen. The center also includes office, and outdoor patio space. The new facility will be supplemented by existing modular as classroom space until phase two of the building can be completed.

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor Diane Burgis called it beautiful and a place that people can connect. Also speaking at the event were representatives from Congressman Jerry McNerney’s office as well as California State Assemblyman Jim Frazier.

Oakley Mayor Claire Alaura says the project was funded by years of savings, parks budget and grants. It also includes a large turf ball field. Councilman Doug Hardcastle called this project one of his easiest votes on the council to move the project forward and now it is a reality.

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Ruining Oakley Apr 14, 2019 - 8:28 am

Well… at least its not another gas station or cigarette store.

Terri Strong Apr 14, 2019 - 9:53 pm

Where’s the damn library oh yeah still in the f****** high school.

Big Pete Apr 14, 2019 - 10:52 pm

The mayors a babe

Rob Broocker Apr 15, 2019 - 6:43 am

Is it next to the Closed FIRE HOUSE. SERIOUSLY THESE PEOPLE ARE USIG LEGALIZED MARIJUANA!!!! Next to their 50 MILLION DOLLAR PARK THEY ARE BUILDING. Politicians are putting public safety at risk. Educated idiots. I hope it’s them or their families that suffer the lack of leadership when it comes to fixing ECCFPD!!!

ECT Apr 15, 2019 - 6:52 am

Wrong… this recreation center is next to station 53.

Rob Broocker Apr 15, 2019 - 3:19 pm

ECT sounds like you are one of those educated idiots. The point being they are spending money on everything accept public’s safety (ECCFPD). You can’t see the forest through the trees. When you do your blogs you are so busy kissing ass that you don’t ask the correct, tough questions. Hence, you are a blogger not a real journalists. Get off the dope and put the decision makers feet to the fire.

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