The Oakland Police Department issued the following statement after the City had experienced its 11 murders so far in 2021, including 7 in the past week.
On Jan 19, police said that there were 183 ShotSpotter Activations reported from 1/11-1/17. Activations are up 102% YTD. OPD officers recovered 36 firearms connected to crime this year up 24%.
This comes after the police department warned the city crime would increase if the budget was cut. Last June, the City of Oakland cut $14.3 million from its police budget and reinvested the money into community projects . In the end, the city saw its highest number of homicide cases in 8-years at 102 homicides.
Here is the Statement Issued by Oakland Police
A Sharp Rise in Homicides in Oakland
The City of Oakland is facing a sharp rise in violent crime. Over the last seven days, we’ve had seven people tragically killed in Oakland. To date, our Homicide Division has already investigated 11 murders, compared to one at the same time last year.
The Department continues to direct resources to areas most impacted by violence and trauma to deter further violence. OPD’s Ceasefire Team is meeting with Mayor Libby Schaaf, the independent Department of Violence Prevention and community partners to identify additional strategies to focus the City’s attention towards reducing gun violence. Collectively, we are working to provide assistance and support to loved ones and traumatized communities.
The City of Oakland is determined to once again decrease shootings and homicides, as we did by 50% in just five years, the most dramatic decrease in a major city, according to the Giffords Law Center.
We are again asking our community to stand with us, “to put the guns down and end the violence.” We ask each of you, “if you know something say something.” Working together with the community we can help stop the tragic loss of life in our city. Anyone with information can contact the Homicide Section at (510) 238-3821.
Also, the Oakland Police Department and Crime Stoppers of Oakland are offering reward money for any information leading to an arrest in any or each of these cases. Reward money can be up to $10,000 for each arrest. Tip Line is (510) 238-7950.
#OPDCARES initiative is about working together as a community to help stop the tragic loss of life and reduce the level of violence in our city. Collectively, we want to ensure Oaklanders and our visitors are safe in our community.
It’s only going to get worse…
Until community policing, traffic enforcement and proactive outreach returns, there will be no reduction in the out of control violent crime in Oakland. Why the decision to not enforce vehicle crimes and infractions was made allowing the criminal element to run around town unfettered often driving stolen vehicles with fake paper license plates hindering attempts to identify suspects or better yet, stop the crimes prior to happening is beyond perplexing
Communities are getting what they asked for and deserve. I don’t think the police are the problem.
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