Home California Moy Calls Sewer Board Appointments “Shenanigans”

Moy Calls Sewer Board Appointments “Shenanigans”

by ECT


A Fairfield city councilwoman announced last night on a popular social networking site that the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer Board is up to no good and is stacking the deck for what she claims will be business as usual for stipend abuse.

If you want to see a power play at its worst, check this process out.

At its January 14, 2013 meeting the Executive Committee recommended the following slate for Officers and Executive Committee for approval by the Board of Directors:

  • President: Mike Hudson
  • Vice President: Rick Vaccaro
  • Member: Pete Sanchez
  • Member: Harry Price

Last night, these recommendations passed.

Moy is calling a foul because before anyone else could offer a nomination, the executive committee did its nominations at their meeting on Jan. 14 and brought it to Monday’s meeting. Before others could object or offer other nominations or replacements, the committee nominated and seconded and it was done.

Here is what she said last night about the appointments:

The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer board (made up of the Fairfield and Suisun City Councils) continued its shenanigans tonight. The executive committee put themselves forward as the only candidates for the NEW executive committee, then tried to shove it down our throats. The decks were stacked so they could continue to get thousands of taxpayers’ dollars (among them) as stipends and prevent others from speaking. yes, they have the power to control the agenda. they even tried to stop me from talking tonight. They just wanted to rush the vote. Others, like me who have never served on the exec. Board, were stopped by their unethical actions.

It is no wonder that the Solano County Grand Jury is investigating them.

The new executive board is Mike Hudson, Rick Vaccaro (who did not go to the meeting and participate in the Tinhorn political travesty and deserves to be on the board), Harry Price and Pete Sanchez, who also should serve.

Sad day for the voters of Fairfield and Suisun City who entrusted us to be ethical and fair.

On the positive side, the three board members who went to a luxurious resort for a conference, gave decent reports on what they learned.

She later added the following comment while stating its an “unneeded committee”:

They took a page out of Saddam Hussein’s electoral schemes “how to elect yourself, literally crush the competition and live off the public’s money.”

They were the only candidates. Before anybody else could suggest a replacement, they moved and seconded and called for a vote. I called for a point of order and asked to make a change to their slate. They would not accept. I demanded debate and was assisted by Pam Bertani. Jane Day voted from her hospital bed in case the vote was too close. Amazing. Now these executives will each be paid with taxpayer money for their extra executive meetings. What do they do in the meetings? They think of ways to retain their power and gravy train.

Plus at least two other Suisun city council members were spoken to. Ruh-roh

In reviewing both the executive committee agenda and sewer board agenda, it appears to back up Moy’s claim that a group of four essentially made the decision via way of recommendation to the full board.

What I don’t understand is why a Sewer-Board of all things needs an executive committee which generates an additional $149.53 in stipends to the committee members. It’s a sewer-board for crying out loud, it should be done away with.

My thoughts on this is process is simple; whoever set up this cockamamie process in August of 2012 was not using their head. You essentially have locked in four votes via way of recommendation before bringing it to the full Sewer Board for official vote—I guess the Brown Act really doesn’t matter after all huh?

“I am up for reelection. They were trying to “punish” me because I and Mraz blew the whistle on their junkets,” said Moy.

According to a May 10, 2012 article by Kelvin Wade, here is some interest facts on Junkets Moy blew the whistle on.

  • In his five years on the Suisun City Council, Mike Hudson he has amassed $33,581.32 in CASA trips.
  • Mike Hudson, who has not gone on any CASA-related junkets this year, racked up $8,870.39 in CASA trips. Sanchez spent $6,004.97 on CASA conferences. Derting spent $6,799.86 while Segala spent $4,064,80.
  • Since being on the board, Sanchez has spent $16,619.56 while Derting has spent $34,413.33. Mike Segala has totaled $26,855.04

Just last week, this same Sewer Board sent three members to the CASA trip at Indian Hills estimated to cost between $2,000 to $2,500 per person. In comparison, the Ironhouse Sanitary District sent just one director plus it’s general manager.

Moy, who has been an advocate to stop stipend abuse, limit district travel, and stop the board pay increases, appears to have had enough of the shenanigans. I am glad to see the Grand Jury will be investigating the sewer board as its long overdue.

This is just another example why these special district and sewer boards need to be looked at a lot closer and how they are not working on behalf of ratepayers.

Agenda & Minutes:

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Willie Wong Jan 29, 2013 - 6:33 am

Another thing that Mike Hudson gets a hold of turns to crap and the process is corrupt. Maybe this is why voters rejected him by 20+ points this past November in his bid for Assembly. Keep up the much needed whistle blowing Ms. Moy!

In The Know Jan 29, 2013 - 6:35 am

I see a pattern, Ironhouse and now Fairfield-Suisun, Special Districts are a problem! What is with these CASA Trips? Seems like a lot of travel. I don’t like this process they have over there and it seriously needs to be fixed.

Rod Ferroggiaro Jan 29, 2013 - 9:07 am

Shame on all of them. I had respect for these men at one time.

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