A January 19th Women’s March rally in Eureka has been cancelled after organizes of the event expressed concerns that participants were “overwhelmingly white”.
In a Dec. 28 Facebook Post in the Women’s March Eureka CAL, Beth Ann Wylie released the following PSA:
The below PSA has just been released. Thank you to the women and men who helped make this decision.
Humboldt County organizers and supporters of the annual Women’s March have decided to not hold a rally in Eureka on January 19th. This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march.
The local organizers are continuing to meet and discuss how to broaden representation in the organizing committee to create an event that represents and supports peoples who live here in Humboldt. Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community. Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach. Our goal is that planning will continue and we will be successful in creating an event that will build power and community engagement through connection between women that seek to improve the lives of all in our community.
The group is exploring holding an event in March to celebrate International Women’s Day. Anyone interested in helping organize these events are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Eureka Women’s March organizing committee encourages local supporters to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in Eureka on January 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wylie stated in a follow up post that she did not make the decision alone, but rather it was a group of people.
According to Census Bureau data for Humboldt County, 83.5 percent of people are white.
I’ll go up to Eureka and participate in that march — but in blackface! Megyn Kelly has inspired me!
The county is 83% white and they’re afraid there’ll be too many white people showing up?
The organizers don’t seem to be the sharpest tools in the shed.
Poor decision making. Worried about being “to anything” makes the march much to do about nothing.
Eureka (and very Northern CA) is very white. Of course it’s going to be “overwhelmingly white.”
Hey Nick, if these individuals believe in their cause they should march on with whoever shows up. This is a perfect example of self induced white guilt because they refuse to march because minorities are not participating.
What exactly is “white guilt?”
White guilt is a racist propaganda that has been thrown at white people (usually liberals) since the 60s. It’s racist and political. But black people think they can say anything they want. How ignorant.
I don’t buy anything liberals throw at me. Never have, never will.
@Melanie. Really? And just how many black people do you know? Speaking for an entire group of people as if they are monolithic is so incredibly ignorant.
It’s not “white guilt.” It’s the far left mentality of “diversity.” Do you think diversity is white guilt too? You really are from the deep South. You have a very oppressed mindset from being treated differently in the South.
They should march on with whoever shows up. Ain’t no black folks in Eureka.
BTW Nick, black conservative activist Candace Owens has just announced the first Blexit conference in LA on Sunday, January 20th. Just in case you are uninformed, Blexit is in reference to blacks who are leaving the Democratic Party.
You should come because you really need to be educated on the well documented actual phenomenon that is white guilt.
Thank GOD that many black people FINALLY saw through the Dem party and it’s attempt to keep them on the Democratic PLANTATION.
Since when does “diversity” simply mean black? The ignorance of some people. SMH!
And in Alaska it’s being cancelled due to being too Eskimo ….
Maybe they should be worried about leaving the Kitchen!!!!!! BLACK LIVES MATTER WHITE WOMEN STAY IN THE KITCHEN. BARE FOOT AND PREGNANT.
Lol, I’m a white woman who doesn’t cook nor do dishes (what’s a “kitchen?”.) I’m not barefoot (I wear Manolos) and definitely not pregnant (I’m on the pill.) I don’t do marches. Instead, I vote! So there!
Well that backfired hahahaha.
Thanks ECT why did you even start this
So what if Eureka is majority white? Washington, DC is majority black and white females came from around the nation to attend the women’s march? Why can’t minority women do the same thing and join their sisters in Eureka?
Tell me Nick, why should these women abandon their march just because some people can’t make it? Should their concerns not be heard just because they are white females?
If minority women don’t want to show up and participate that’s their problem. Forced diversity never wins.
You have so much to learn Nick. Keep the comments coming because it’s quite fascinating! BTW, are you sure your not from the South because most home grown Californians don’t use the phrase “ain’t no”!!! ?
I’m from Walnut Creek. And I can tell you that white guilt is a FACADE that some white people choose to pretend so they don’t look “racist.” I don’t care if people think I’m Mark Fuhrman.
And, no, these women shouldn’t abandon their march. You would know more than I what black women do or don’t do. I, unlike you don’t speak for other races.
I understand the way other groups of people think because I have ALWAYS taken the time to get to know and have open and honest conversations with people of different races because this is how we remove the misunderstanding that we have about each other and the divisions that corrupt politicians and the Main Stream Media has intentionally created to encourage to hate each. This very article by the MSM is being used to inflame racial tension. Can you comprehend that?
Unfortunately Nick, you have allowed yourself to be duped and your life influenced by the very people and belief system that feeds on racism and hatred.
It’s a sad existence to spend your life hating and distrusting people you do even know. Find someone that doesn’t look like you Nick and invest your time getting to know them. When you do you will discover the two of you have more things in common then you don’t. Life is too short to live it in a cloud of racism in Walnut Creek.
Happy New Year Nick!
For those who don’t believe white guilt exists, research black conservative author Shelby Steele and author George F. Will, a conservative American political columnist, wrote: “[White guilt is] a form of self-congratulation, where whites initiate “compassionate policies” toward people of color, to showcase their innocence to racism.”
Educate yourselves folks!
Typical racism by the left
Maybe it is because women in general are just lazy!!!! The white women needed the black women to hold the signs and do the work for them. “Yes we can….. if someone does it for us” should have abolished the 19th amendment
Your rights aren’t up for grabs. However, according to the President your vagina is. Yeah Trump you are the greatest. Keep the government shut down and don’t pay service members!!!!
Hey, Go to hell Trump! You have two people confused. Harvey Weinstein is screwed because HE DID IT. Trump only bragged that he COULD DO IT. Do you understand the difference?
I have two brothers in the service and they are getting paid, so your little scheme backfired!
Really?!?! Lola maybe you should ask them to pay close attention to their end of the month LES. (Leave and earnings statement) or learn how they get paid two weeks prior. But what do I know?
Says who naacp?
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