Home Contra Costa County Super Tuesday: Be Sure to Go Out and Vote

Super Tuesday: Be Sure to Go Out and Vote

by ECT

Today is election day and as your civic duty… go vote! Remember, if you do not vote, do not complain!

Polls are open as of 7:00 am and close at 8:00 pm. You can also place your ballot in the mail as long as its postmarked or place it in one of the many Contra Costa Elections boxes.

Find Your Voting Location: Click here

According to Contra Costa County Elections:

 The first report will be released at 8:00 pm on election night, March 3, and posted to the Elections website www.cocovote.us immediately afterward.  The initial posted results will be Vote by Mail ballots that are returned through Monday March 2.

The second report, with results from the polls, will be issued at 9:30 pm with subsequent updates approximately every half hour until all precincts have reported. The final election night report is expected to be issued by 1:00 am.

The first interim report will be posted by 5:00 pm on Friday March 6 and will contain results from Vote by Mail ballots received on and after Election Day.  Additional results will be posted each Friday afternoon up to certification which is expected to be March 31

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Ninner Ninner Pumpkin Eater Mar 3, 2020 - 3:56 pm

I won’t complain because all the candidates are already pure garbage!

Dawn Mar 3, 2020 - 5:05 pm

You can vote until hell freezes over and still not get the right people on board. Look what’s happened here in California —- now a one party state, like Cuba!

There is no one on the ballot I have any interest to vote for …. nor any of the Measures and Propositions! Why should we be forced — our “civil duty” to vote for these useless clowns?

George Mathews Mar 4, 2020 - 5:44 am

Dawn…thanks for proving my point that education has eluded many of my East County brethren. I’m sure you think of yourself as a proud, patriotic, American. Well, being one of those, you must see how stupid your comment is. You don’t vote because you don’t believe in a ” civic duty”? Do you pay taxes? Do you support the troops? And just why do you support yhe troops? Because they are fighting and dying to make sure you continue to live in a place where you’re ALLOWED to perform your civic duty.

Dawn Mar 4, 2020 - 6:00 pm

Hey George! You want to see stupid? Take a look in your mirror! Yes, I pay taxes and I support the military but what does that have to do with some clown running for office? Look at Clinton who de-balled the military or Obama who did even worse! At least this one in power has rebuilt the military, but I didn’t vote for him nor anyone else. It was a fluke that he got in and that the ugly witch came to a CRUSHING defeat. Don’t start on my education … three degrees from prestigious universities speak for themselves.

George Mathews Mar 5, 2020 - 5:50 am

OOOOOO….three (!) degrees from ” prestigious universities”? I am humbled by your humility. All I read in your comments was a lot of whining and not much else. What a waste of a good education

Dawn Mar 6, 2020 - 3:03 am

Georgie boy! I think you should ask your health care provider to increase your meds and maybe add a Thorazine/Lithium “cocktail” to help you cope! I bet you voted for Bernie the Bolshevik.

Vito Carey Mar 4, 2020 - 6:48 pm

Doesn’t really matter whether you vote or not. The decisions are made without taking anything the voters put out there into consideration. Going out to “vote” just makes the average Joe think he’s doing something which matters. That’s not how the world works, so don’t waste your time.

George Mathews Mar 6, 2020 - 5:36 am

The ” average Joe” got prop 13 passed. Among many other things. See? In California we have the option of letting the voters decide, if they think the legislature isn’t doing what we want them to do. So you DO have a say.
And, Dawn, my girl, your University of Phoenix degree ain’t all that prestigious. And, speaking of meds…..

George Mathews Mar 5, 2020 - 5:47 am

Anyone who claims to be a patriotic citizen should realize that a good citizen has a responsibility to be a part of the system. And that means voting. If you claim to love freedom, and think the U.S. is a great nation, then it’s your responsibility to perform your civic duty. Many people have fought, and died, in wars to maintain our way of life. No, it doesn’t always go our way. That’s life. Too bad. Suck it up. You’ll get more chances. And, if you don’t like things as they are, RUN yourself. Just don’t sit there and whine about how things never change. Or it’s all fixed. Be a part of the system you claim to love. It’s not difficult.

Lauren Mar 6, 2020 - 4:30 pm

So? Who claims they are a “patriotic” citizen? Care to name a few?

Jg Mar 5, 2020 - 1:01 pm

I thought he said it was super Thursday. Has everyone already voted? I better tell my sister, oh I meant my wife. Shoot, I must had missed 30330 joe vote. What the heck at least with Sanders everything will be free and I don’t have to work no more. I just keep wondering if no one works who will make all the things I need? Oh what the heck they will figure it out and I can live the dream of free, free, free free free!

Paul Mar 6, 2020 - 3:06 am

Pedo-quid-pro-Joe (PQPJ) obviously has Alzheimer’s and it appears to be getting worse each day.

Like many Alzheimer’s victims, they have good days and bad days. Some days their brains work very effectively, following days, the brain operates at 30% capacity or lower.

By the time of the election, at the rate PQPJ Alzheimer’s is advancing, he may not even know what planet he’s on. I wonder if he’s nominated what Tricks the Democrats have to get rid of him? Arkancide? Epsteinize?

Terry Wilde Mar 6, 2020 - 4:55 pm

I will vote when the candidate lays out what he plans to accomplish and not just say he’s running to get rid of the one already in the White House who got elected because he said what he was going to do and he did it!

Right now, looks like the other half have a communist and an Alzheimer’s victim, who also likes to nuzzle little girls, as choices.

Bearman Mar 7, 2020 - 4:22 pm

See that “I VOTED” thing they slap on you as you exit the polling place? Well, Eric Swalwell has one which sys, “I FARTED” affixed to his jacket. I guess those who reelected him like that.

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