Home California Some Law Enforcement Agencies Will Not Enforce Governors Mask Mandate

Some Law Enforcement Agencies Will Not Enforce Governors Mask Mandate

by ECT

With Friday being the first day of California’s statewide mask requirement, both the Sacramento County Sheriff and Tulare County Sheriff said they would not be enforcing the mask mandate.

On Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that Californians must wear face coverings in common and public indoor spaces when distancing is not possible. The order began June 18, 2020. Learn more about the guidance and limited exceptions here.

Here is a response from the Sacramento County Sheriffs Office:

NEWS RELEASE: The following is the official statement of Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones regarding Gov. Newsom’s Order (June 18, 2020) for all Californians to wear face coverings while out in public places:

The Sheriff’s Office recommends that everyone continue exercising safe practices, including wearing masks pursuant to the Governor’s recommendation, especially around those in high-risk groups.

However, due to the minor nature of the offense, the potential for negative outcomes during enforcement encounters, and anticipating the various ways in which the order may be violated, it would be inappropriate for deputies to criminally enforce the Governor’s mandate. Accordingly, the Sheriff’s Office will not be doing so. Rather, we will continue to operate in an educational capacity in partnership with the County Health Office.

As for the Sheriff’s Office and its employees, we will comply with the Governor’s mask recommendations to the extent feasible.

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LoveableCurmudgeon Jun 22, 2020 - 5:32 am

As in….” we don’t want the grief”. Enforcing the mask requirement is a thankless task, and there are already a plethora of those. We have to rely on our citizens doing the right thing

Jaime Jun 22, 2020 - 12:45 pm

They can’t enforce it, because it is not a Law, regulation, code put into place by the Legislature, nor was it an Executive Order! An Official “Order” must be a signed document and site existing Law granting that person the Authority to make such an ‘Order’ and include the State Seal.
That is also why you will find NO PENALTY listed on his fake “order”.
The Tyrant Newsome issued a statement, or more correctly as titled “GUIDANCE” on masks disguising it with the ‘Color of Law’
It is unenforceable. I will not be wearing one, if that scares you, stay home.

Dana Roach Jun 22, 2020 - 9:09 pm

It is really funny that there are a lot of tough individuals saying they won’t wear masks. I went to Target, Winco, Lowe’s, and a few other places today and everyone was wearing masks. I didn’t see not one person without a mask! Hmmmmmm

Jaime Jun 23, 2020 - 8:30 am

Hi Dana, I know you wll not read this because you have been effectivly blinded by the government propaganda, but I will just leave this here….

Wake Up People, you are being manipulated….


Dana Roach Jun 23, 2020 - 11:58 am

I WONT READ IT BECAUSE IT DOESN’T KILL ME TO WEAR A MASK!!!!! I lived in Korea for 3 1/2 years and wore a damn mask, along with the majority of the population and never got sick!!! Sorry I am not a Trumptard and all over his dick. I will also continue to use hand sanitizer, because it doesn’t KILL ME!!!!

Dana Roach Jun 23, 2020 - 12:02 pm

Also your article mostly pertains to N95 masks. If you are dumb enough to pass out from wearing a mask you deserve to die. If you are not smart enough to remove your mask the minute you feel dizzy than god help you. How hard is to place a cloth mask around your fat mouth

Jaime Jun 23, 2020 - 1:14 pm

Yeah… ‘Why rock-the-boat?’ Right! ‘Just do what you’re told’ that’s easier.

Dana Roach Jun 23, 2020 - 1:59 pm

You have no valid reason not to wear a mask. Your reason is just “they can’t tell me what to do”, “you’re not the boss of me” it is childish and you are very ignorant.

Jaime Jun 23, 2020 - 4:12 pm

“No valid reason not to wear a mask…..?” -WTF!
–> You really did not give ‘wearing-a-mask’ ANY thought AT ALL, did you?
I am a FREE MAN, not a slave…?
How about ‘oxygen saturation of the blood’….?
How about not becoming Hypoxic.
How about Hypercapnia.
How about you study the relation between oxygen and the immune-system, …..then go ahead and get back to me, sweetheart.
Maybe you might come to understand CANCER thrives in an acidic/ph (oxygen deprived) environment.
How about *I make my medical decisions*, not you, the state or anyone else.

—–and Dana….
I do not need a ‘valid-reason’…. And you certainly don’t get to decide if that reason was valid, if I did.

Larry P Jun 24, 2020 - 7:10 am

Give me liberty or give me death right Jamie?
Such intelligentsia from “American Patriots”

Pastor Maynard Jun 24, 2020 - 10:16 am

Larry Pee, you’re such a hypocrite without a shred of self awareness that it’s almost frightening. You & others like you on here preach non-compliance for masks like you’re some patriotic hero, and then talk shit about other citizens who didn’t want to comply with actual tyrannical laws and were in turn killed. Your bigotry is getting worse with your age.

Paul Delaney Jun 25, 2020 - 9:41 pm

Still your “valid” reason is trash. You are sound like trash, probably are trash. You just want drama, you are a scared little white bitch that thinks she deserves everything. The read why you don’t want to wear a mask is because you have to cover your fat ugly face in makeup and the mask ruins it. You are probably the same trashy ass hoe that drinks Fish Bowls at Johnny Garlics and thinks everyone wants you. It’s ok Karen we know all about you.

Dana Roach Jun 23, 2020 - 5:33 pm

Drama Drama Drama. Looks like you can’t go non any stores. Hypochondriac, that’s what you need to look up. Lmao

Dana Roach Jun 23, 2020 - 7:19 pm

I have been wearing a mask all day for work. I checked my oxygen level with the little finger tester it has said 97 for the past 3 hours. Is 97 bad? Lmao, you believe everything Trumptards say?

American Patriot Jun 23, 2020 - 11:10 pm

Gosh, Dana sounds like a real b****.

Dana Roach Jun 24, 2020 - 9:08 am

American Patriot?!?!? Lmao More like American Idiot.

Pastor Maynard Jun 24, 2020 - 10:11 am

Dana, I agree with you. All of these commentators complaining like children about not wanting to wear a mask don’t understand the irony of it. In one breath they say the government can’t make them comply, and then in the other breath in other articles they preach against the waves of unarmed citizens being killed by cops for “not complying.” This MAGA mindclone crowd of regressive, senile old men is pretty laughable. Hang in there, Dana

Dana Roach Jun 24, 2020 - 11:17 am

What really gets me is that they are telling us we are sheep because we believe what the government is saying. Well, aren’t they listening to the government also? They are hanging on Trumps every word and well we are also hanging on the governors words. I just don’t understand how anyone can believe anything that comes out of Trumps mouth? He said he was gonna build a wall FOUR YEARS AGO!!! There has only been 3 miles built and the Mexican government hasn’t paid shit. In the midst of all the equality and racial issues we are having, OUR PRESIDENT MAKES A RACIST COMMENT!!! KUNG FLU?!?!? Why in the world would you say that?!?!? Also these dumb ass cops who are still today making dumb ass videos of them crying about MacDonalds, the dumb ass Antioch cop who said it was ok to slap a protester, and the many other comments. Hey cops!!!! Stay the fuck off social media and stop being stupid!!! Stop putting yourselves in the public view. Come on man, do better, police yourselves. America has a real problem and it starts with social media, Trump is a 15 y/o on Twitter with no adult supervision. That guy is Disgusting and he is washed up.

Jg Jun 24, 2020 - 1:19 pm

Dana, I feel sorry for you. It’s tough being a hypocrite. You should research your facts about who is killing, robbing, and burning who.Then research that over 200 miles of wall versus your 3. You seam to be a mislead sheep following Maynard around. Get real, get educated facts, and vote responsible.

Dana Roach Jun 24, 2020 - 5:43 pm

What do I seam?

Pastor Maynard Jun 25, 2020 - 6:10 pm

Jg, your senile devotion to your amnesiac orange-skinned leader is blindingly apparent. Just give up the ghost already. All of you racist rednecks are trying so desperately to hold on to your last shred of influence that it’s become laughable. This is stolen land built by oppressed people. It’s time you faced the facts of history and realize you’re on the wrong side of it.

TSG Jun 25, 2020 - 10:55 pm

Pastor Maynard, your name calling is not nice and does not help your point. But I’d like to comment on “This is stolen land built by oppressed people.”
1) “Stolen land”: Throughout history, people have migrated and conquered across all continents. So, all people have “stolen” land when they moved to new places. Get over it. Or do you want to hold the Mongols accountable for invading Europe and settling there in medieval times?
2) “built by oppressed people”: Yes, the slaves were oppressed. But they did not build this country as BLM likes to say. The GDP produced by slaves was maybe 10% at that time. The majority of business was in the northern union states. So taking into account the time after Juneteenth, the overall contribution of slaves to nowadays’ wealth is a percent or less, at most.

Dana Roach Jun 24, 2020 - 8:26 pm

Even past Governors are saying to wear a mask. Arnold said, “just do it” I guess we only listen to Trump. What are you guys gonna do when he doesn’t get re-elected? Who are the racists going to hide behind? By Trumptards

Jack Jun 25, 2020 - 2:42 am

I hope all those who don’t wear masks come down with this new, virulent virus … and wind up with tubes showed down their throats as they lay there and piss themselves into infinity

TSG Jun 25, 2020 - 10:31 pm

Masks are not about government mandates, freedom, etc. We have seen they cannot force us to do a lot of things. It is more up to us, we the people, to make the decisions. Masks may be beneficial to reduce the virus spread. Wear it or not based on your decision what you believe is best, and not just as a protest against what the governor says.

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