Home California Rep. McNerney Applauds President Biden’s Forward-Thinking Agenda Outlined in Congressional Address

Rep. McNerney Applauds President Biden’s Forward-Thinking Agenda Outlined in Congressional Address

by ECT
Congressman Jerry McNerney

Stockton, CA – In response to President Joe Biden’s inaugural address before Congress, Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-09) issued the following statement:

“Since day one, President Biden and Vice President Harris have made good on their promise to get America back on track – from ushering through critical COVID relief to far surpassing their goal of 100 million shots in their first 100 days. Tonight, President Biden built on that success and once again made history in the process as the first President to address Congress with two women – the second and third in line to the presidency – seated behind him. A truly inspiring sight as we heard a message of progress for the American people.

“President Biden laid out an ambitious and achievable agenda that will keep our country moving in the right direction. Finally, we have a leader in the White House who will champion those much-needed investments in our future – including modernizing our grid system, which is vital to the stabilization of our power sources that are increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change, as well as expanding broadband access so Americans who have been cut off for far too long can finally benefit from the opportunities of connectivity.

“Right now, our nation has the opportunity to build the tomorrow we wish for today. Investing in our future also means investing in our people. Universal Pre-K and free community college aren’t just thoughtful ideals, they are the next logical step. Health care is a human right and no human being should be too poor to live, so we must tackle the high cost of prescription drugs. And it should not be easier to obtain a gun than it is to vote. These are all problems that have solutions – many of which are included in legislation my colleagues and I have already passed in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Tonight, the President spoke of crisis as a catalyst for opportunity, and we have many crises to overcome. We can rebuild our economy as we battle a pandemic, and we can do that with green and sustainable jobs that will reduce carbon emissions and pollution. We can change a criminal justice system that has too long disproportionately and violently impacted communities of color. And we can hold to our roots as a nation that has long welcomed immigrants while continuing to care for those born on our soil. We can do all this, as the President said, if we have the courage to act.”

Rep. Jerry McNerney proudly serves the constituents of California’s 9th Congressional District that includes portions of San Joaquin, Contra Costa, and Sacramento Counties. For more information on Rep. McNerney’s work, follow him on Facebook and on Twitter @RepMcNerney

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Frank Apr 29, 2021 - 11:41 am

No surprise in that this dem liked dementia Joe’s speech. Going to throw money at every union and watch it circulate back to Democrats. Do you remember Obama did the same thing with shovel ready jobs. This time we’ll also pay you to stay home with universal pay. Another idiot on payroll.

Elizabeth Stern May 2, 2021 - 3:34 pm

Dementia Joe is NOT running this country! His idiotic White House clowns are! The totally-useless Harris woman, among them. When Joe bows out for health reasons, she will step in and continue to destroy this country just like her cumpadre, Obama, started. “O’Bummer” is very much part of this scene. This is why, unlike other ex-residents who moved back to their home towns, ‘Bummer is sticking around DC to make sure his goals are carried out by the Biden/Harris duo. I was raised in DC. I know how it works!

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