Home California Daily Question: Should Donald Trump be Impeached Over Ukraine Phone Call?

Daily Question: Should Donald Trump be Impeached Over Ukraine Phone Call?

by ECT

Daily Question: Should Donald Trump be Impeached Over Ukraine Phone Call?

The question of the day should come as no surprise as the White House has released the transcript of Donald Trumps conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Trump asked him to looking into its business dealings with Joe Biden’s son and why the country’s top prosecutor ended the investigation.

For those who have not read the 5-page transcipt, click here.

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Ramona Quimby Sep 25, 2019 - 11:02 am

Accept climate change along with the consensus of the scientific community? Nope

Cozy up to dictators? Yup

Drain the swamp? Nope

Conspire and be treasonous against the USA? Yup

Impeach this orange clown. He talks and acts like a spoiled high school douchebag who never grew up, never been told no, and got a free skate through life… oh wait, he did.

This isn’t the leader our Founding Fathers envisioned for this beautiful nation.

That Guy Sep 25, 2019 - 2:34 pm

You should read the Constitution, and our Bill of Rights, which is how our founding fathers wanted our nation to be run. Trump is pretty much running the show off our Rights and the Constitution, which IS what they envisioned.

Their impeachment inquiry is only solidifying Trumps reelection, so this whole boondoggle will benefit him…don’t believe us? Watch….

Sad Sad State Sep 25, 2019 - 7:54 pm

You are 100% correct. The 1st comment is an utter joke….

Lola Saavedra Sep 27, 2019 - 9:26 pm

Our Founding Fathers did not want any country walking all over us. They didn’t want to let anyone into this country whose intent was to harm us. They made that quite clear in their writings.

Judy Baker Sep 25, 2019 - 4:31 pm

In no way should our President Donald Trump be impeached! He is the only president ever elected that has tried to do what he promised when he ran. All the people that are fighting him should be trying to do what is best for the American People instead of hating him so much and persecuting the man constantly.

Loretta Sweatt Sep 25, 2019 - 10:15 pm

What are you going to impeach Trump for? Not breaking the law?

Tom Sep 26, 2019 - 11:27 pm

“Orange”clown? I’ve met President Trump several times — last time at his campaign fundraiser on Tuesday, 17 September in Portola Valley and I didn’t see any “orange” anything on him. Not even his tie. Where you come up with this “orange” stuff is beyond me! Maybe your TV’s color feature needs to be adjusted, Ramona!

Trump stays! Nothing to impeach him for!

Chris Mills Sep 26, 2019 - 11:40 pm

I work with climatologists and only about 1/3 of the scientists in that field are pushing this agenda about reversing what is a natural phenomena which has existed since the earth war formed. Most of the scientists working in and teaching climatology are at the university level and they have to toe the “official party line” (meaning left-leaning) in order to get grants for their research.

Maybe driving less and getting rid of black top on roads might help …… or reducing the birthrate worldwide from 7 billion to say, 4 billion … but that might do it either.

At one time, the Sahara desert was a jungle. What happened? The climate changed millions of years ago probably without our help. The axis the earth spins on shifts as well changing the climate.

If you want to study the field, be sure to consult the vast scientific literature on the Vostok Ice Core project where core samples were taken from as far down as five miles (in the Antarctic) which gave scientists a look at how climate functioned millions of years ago. It will show you the warming and cooling trends. Read some of the works of Roman writers where they describe extreme heat and cold during the era they lived… same with the writers during the medieval period. Climate is regulated by the sun. If you’re unhappy with the climate or the weather, then have a chat with the SUN!

Charles Sep 27, 2019 - 7:39 pm

The scientific community is divided on this issued! There is no consensus. My own prof, who doesn’t have to go begging for grant money because he finances his own research, is one of those who dissents and there are many dissenters.

Phillip Burton Sep 28, 2019 - 4:29 pm

Hey Ramona! Did you make a big stink when Obama cozied up to the late Hugo Chavez of Venezuela? Not all scientists are in agreement about climate change.

Yvonne Owens Sep 29, 2019 - 4:31 pm

This is EXACTLY the kind of leader our Founding Fathers hoped we would have. One who put this country and it’s people FIRST — as should the leader of every country!

Cynthia Sep 30, 2019 - 12:46 pm

President Trump is exactly the leader our Founding Fathers envisioned!

Grace Sep 30, 2019 - 1:01 pm

Ramona! Where do you come up with “orange clown?” What’s “orange” about the President? How’s your vision these days?

Ray Sep 25, 2019 - 11:54 am

Hell no!
Just another witch hunt!
The DemoRATS just can’t stand that Hilary lost!
They can’t just work together for the good of the country.

Frank Sep 25, 2019 - 12:30 pm

Four more years! He’s the only person working for this country. MAGA.

Barack Sep 25, 2019 - 1:12 pm

No he did absolutely nothing wrong.

The major reasons for the Dems’ pathological need to impeach Trump:

1.They hate and despise him and his base with such passion
they can’t help themselves.
2.They need to destroy him before the 2020 election. His
positive poll numbers are climbing.
3. They are afraid Trump is going to win in 2020 and the
Reps are going to retake the House on his coat tails… their
loss of such power is horrifying to them.
4.They are trying to impede, even terminate, any
investigation into Joe Biden and his son’s illegitimate
dealings in Ukraine, thus, exposing both to criminal
5. Pelosi is getting overwhelming pressure from her far left
wing and all those who supported the Russia collusion
delusion. They desperately need to save face and are
forcing her hand.
6.The media (especially the MSM) requires the turmoil in
order to feed the relatively calm and unexciting news cycle.

They will only succeed in their own downfall if they succeed
with impeachment.

Mike Sep 25, 2019 - 3:40 pm

First president in decades to put america first. Keep pouring the drano. Four more years! MAGA.

Robert Sep 25, 2019 - 5:38 pm

Drano? I think not. Only problem with that theory is that Trump’s cesspool is more polluted that Washington’s was to start.

Thedude Sep 25, 2019 - 5:13 pm

Trump 2020

Antioch-Pittsburg Highway Sep 25, 2019 - 6:56 pm

Transcripts came out today. Zelensky clearly lead the conversation into both Ukraine’s involvement in the 2016 elections and Biden’s threat to without aid due to Ukraine that year 2016. There still is an investigation launch by both houses of congress into our elections being affected by foreign powers. Zelensky asked several times how he may help trump with this election probe and how he can help with the continued probe into Biden’s son involvement in Ukraine’s energy sector. Trump was reacting aloof and non committed to responding either way in Zelensky asking for help. Zelensky answered he was under no pressure or pressured Trump during the conversation all before the actual transcripts were released. Another big lie crap pile by our Democrats.

Mike Sep 25, 2019 - 7:53 pm


Trump will win 4 more years, predict landslide. Republicans hopefully take back the house and then America will prosper like have not seen since the rouring twenties. Trump is true American Patriot. What a great feeling to finally have a leader that works hard for ALL Americans! MAGA!

Robert Sep 26, 2019 - 6:14 am

I would respectfully disagree that Mr. Trump is the “stable genius” he claims to be. On the contrary, his behavior is infantile and incredibly whiny. Even when he has a valid political concept, his execution is hopelessly flawed.

The tragedy is that the presumed opposition on the Democratic side is equally depressing. Perhaps it’s time for a moderate third party to emerge as the Reps and Dems are locked into self-defeating extremism.

Sad Sad State Sep 27, 2019 - 8:01 am

Your first choice is a horrible idea for this country now move along sir, your drunk.

Robert Sep 28, 2019 - 1:29 pm


Your posting makes no sense.

Dana Roach Sep 25, 2019 - 8:50 pm

What has he done?
Where is the wall?
He is a joke

Simonpure Sep 26, 2019 - 7:02 am

Bout as shallow as it gets

Dana Roach Sep 26, 2019 - 9:22 pm

How is that shallow? What has he done? We in the Military hate him, he is a piece of shit. Our country is divided and there are more hate crimes and mass shootings galore. We can’t agree on gun control, the gay ass wall, support for wild fires, DACA, and the list goes on and on and on. You know it is California’s fault for the fires, we should cut down trees to prevent it. Pulling out of Iraq is a good thing? We destroyed a country, promised to make it better an now it is worse than when Saddam was in power!!! Hey hereto good idea let’s kick out the Transgender members, because????? Why kick them out? Most of them were studs. While we are at it lets fuck with North Korea and not do shit about it. North Korea has been doing this for many years and honestly they don’t have the money, resources, or the balls do to any major shit because China has it under control. The dude is a 16 year old girl on Twitter and hasn’t accomplished dick. The First Lady can barley speak English and well she is worthless too. At least Michelle did shit white she was the First Lady. Why did Trump even contact a foreign government to “investigate” shit, that sounds hell of suspicious. Also who in the fuck would do such a thing if there was nothing in it for themselves or their country? DUMP TRUMP!!! We the people need to be smarter and take back our Country and stop letting ALL of these turds screw us over. We get so caught up in all the drama and these people suck it up and stick up our asses. You can’t honestly say he has done shit!!!!! And if he has just don’t say it, look that shit up do some research compare stats and see he hasn’t done shit.

Daisy Sep 27, 2019 - 7:45 pm

The First Lady is a private citizen, Dana! She doesn’t have to do anything but entertain at state dinners and accompany the President to various functions. Melania Knauss Trump speaks 5 languages! How many do YOU speak? What exactly did Michelle (BIG MIKE) do? Got our school kids to dump the food she “strongly” recommended (read: DICTATES) they eat. The dancing on the ELLEN show was a riot!

Kimberly Sep 27, 2019 - 11:30 pm

“Michelle did white shit?” Hmmmm! That means she has a really serious liver disease.

Ericson Sep 27, 2019 - 11:35 pm

Hey Dana! We DID take back our country from the Obama worshipers. Now, we will make sure no one else takes out country by reelecting the President.

DRS Sep 28, 2019 - 4:54 am

I AGREE with you 100%. Dumb Donald is trying to run this country like most if not all of the failed businesses AND like almost EVERY thing he touches. He’s never REALLY to work a day in his life because EVERYTHING was given to him from is hate filled Father. He doesn’t know what it feels like to make his way from the bottom. Obviously his education was bought as well. He was a whiney, tantrum having BRAT who grew up to be a whiney, tantrum having, ignorant, racist, PEDOFILE, sexist, narcissistic, hate filled BRAT ASSHOLE who is the biggest liar I have ever seen in my 74 years of life!!
What ALL of these RED CAPS fail to realize is DONALD J. TRUMP is REALLY the DEVIL IN HUMAN FORM. Those who believe in what he hads done to this GREAT COUNTRY have NOW become the devil’s disciples and will perish along with him! They can’t help themselves but to believe that he is such a “great man” and has done “so much” for this country. Oakley is TRULY Red Cap country and as you see by the folks responding to the question of the day, they have ALREADY GIVEN THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL TRUMP AND ARE PERMANENTLY RENDERED USELESS. The remainder of US saw and TRULY recognized who this bleached cotton candy haired, cheap tanned (but can stand people of color), lying ASS biggot IS. This imbecile cares about NO ONE inclding his ASS SNIFFING FOLLOWERS! The ONLY thing he cares about is PUTIN and his long term vision of being a FOREVER PRESIDENT AND DICTATOR!!! THIS INCOMPETENT, low life, MENTALLY deranged, EVIL IDIOT will be LUCKY if I makes it through 2019. Trust and believe the Donald ALSO knows THE END IS SOOOO VERY NEAR and that ONCE he leaves office…THE STATE OF NEW YORK IS WAITING FOR HIS OLD GRIFTING ASS! He WILL spend the rest of HIS days behind BARS as well as his two sorry ass son’s, his fake ass daugter-wife Ivanka and her garbage can, plastic looking husband. Donald J. Chump President in 2020…..BAHAHAHAHAHAHA?????????? YEAH RIGHT!! PRRSIDENT OF SOME FEDERAL PRISION????!!!

Bob Grant Sep 28, 2019 - 1:47 pm

DRS ……. Trump own over 800 corporations and 4 of them went bankrupt. Not a bad number at all. So, 4 out of 800 is bad in your estimation? He is one of the most successful businessmen in the world! Let’s no be envious! You’re angry because your choice in presidential candidates did not make it. It’s good that you release your anger on this site instead of while you’re driving on our roads.

Sorcerer Sep 28, 2019 - 1:54 pm

Hey DRS! Now, tell us how you REALLY feel! Watch me put on my MAGA hat and MAGA t-shirt autographed by PRESIDENT Trump himself! I’ll also tip my MAGA hat as I pass you by in a store!

Lola Saavedra Sep 28, 2019 - 2:31 pm

DRS — You come across as someone posting from the Atascadero State Hospital for the Bewildered! You’re off your rocker and nuttier than a fruitcake …. and definitely in need of some serious mental help. My grandfather is 74 and is as lucid as they come. You sound like you’re a worshiper at the altar of Obama and The Hildebeast!

I have an extra MAGA hat I can give you. Wearing it would place you with those of us who are familiar with the history of this country and what it stands for.

Belinda Reed Sep 28, 2019 - 4:37 pm

Way to go, DRS! Keep dreamin’, old timer! Dreams are good to have. You need to take a deep breath and relax! Have a bruskie or two. Nothing will happen to Trump and he’ll continue to smell like a rose!

Tammy Sep 29, 2019 - 1:40 pm

Hello there, DRS! So? What will YOU do if Trump wins another term? He has raised more campaign funds here in CALIFORNIA in ONE DAY than the Dems from the time they started campaigning!

DRS, if we could put up with 8 LONG YEARS of Obama, then you can weather 8 years of Trump as well. It won’t kill you!

Meanwhile, take a deep breath, relax, go walk your dog, take a nap. Everything will be OK!

Kate Cate Sep 29, 2019 - 8:50 pm

Got to remind you, Dana. Our country was divided by Obama! It is because of Obama that we have Trump and thank God for that! Hillary would have finished what Obama started, namely, completed the ruination of this country!

Sad Sad State Sep 30, 2019 - 8:33 am

“WE” in the military? Who are you speaking for? Cause “WE” in the military love him, I have never heard anything different. Stub your toe and head home PLEASE. “WE” don’t need you here…..

Richard Sep 26, 2019 - 11:16 pm

Trump has lowered my taxes, clobbered ISIS, deregulated so much, Trump has armed Ukraine with JAVELIN to fight Putin, Trump is killing Russians in Syria, Trump has made more jobs, Trump is rebuilding the military, Trump is making NATO partners pay up, Mueller says “NO COLLUSION”, Trump has the economy rockin’ and rollin’, walls has been retrofitted and new one started being built (drive down along the border and watch it going up) all libs talk about is sex, and Melania’s shoes… and now Trump is undoing MORE of the damage Obama wrought… oh… and Army Beat Navy! All is well in the world!

Need for any impeachment? I say NO!

Dana Roach Sep 26, 2019 - 11:42 pm

Being in the Military sucks no by the way!
Your tax cuts are not permanent!!
And their is no wall being built lol dumb ass. Oh yeah trying to take disability ratings from Veterans, great guy

Thomas Sep 27, 2019 - 3:31 pm

I suggest you take a little car trip along the USA/MEX border through CA, AZ and part of TX and then come back here and post what you saw. You’re the dumb ass, Dana Roach!

Vera Sep 27, 2019 - 7:54 pm

Presidents talk with the leaders of other countries all the time. Trump is working on stopping countries from screwing us over by imposing tariffs on THEIR products! He’s probably the best leader we have had in a long time. As to the military, I have a brother, two cousins and an uncle (colonel) in Ukraine right now along with 3,000 of our troops training the Ukrainian armies in the use of the latest military weapons so they can defend themselves against aggressors because the BUDAPEST MEMORANDUM on SECURITY ASSURANCES, which the US signed, has been pretty useless when Russian INVADED Ukraine!

My friends in the military love and respect President Trump! The walls on our border with Mexico has been retrofitted and a new wall is being built in the Arizona/Texas border. Go check it out, Dana!

Sad Sad State Sep 27, 2019 - 8:03 am

You must be stuck in highway 4 traffic. Rush home and watch some more CNN.

Rose Del Vecchio Sep 28, 2019 - 12:19 am

Let me bring you up-to-date as far as the wall, Dana, since you brought it up! The border wall is being constructed now on the US/Mexico border in southern Arizona in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument area.  Also in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico and then continues east and south of El Paso, TX.   Then it picks up again in the McAllen, TX area.   All this is covered in The Washington Post.

As far as the “impeachment?” I say a big, resounding NO!

Loretta Sweatt Sep 25, 2019 - 10:13 pm

Get out the Vote for Trump! I hope he wins again! The Dems are completely nuts!

Robert Sep 26, 2019 - 7:03 am

Open your mind, Loretta. Neither “side” has a monopoly on nuttiness!

Natalie Sep 27, 2019 - 5:17 pm

Loretta, I just LOVE watching the Dems disintegrating and going totally bonkers over Trump. They try everything! Omarosa’s tapes, hookers (oooops, I mean adult film stars, LOL) trying to extort another wealthy man, Trump’s wealth, vocabulary, properties, his use of Air Force One, his rallies, Melania’s clothes, shoes, hats, trips. Ivanka’s haircut, clothes, trips. Nothing seems to stick … now they are trying “impeachment” … Good luck with that, guys! Have a good look at the makeup of the Senate. I’ll sit back and watch!

I also like how they say that there were no scandals when Obama was in the White House. Too funny!

Loretta Sweatt Sep 25, 2019 - 10:16 pm

What are you going to impeach Trump for? Not breaking the law?

Antioch-Pittsburg Highway Sep 26, 2019 - 8:44 am

Today the talking point is abuse of authority by our President. Congress had no complaints of this crime when Trump raised tariffs on China. They all know raising tariffs will be a big hit to prices of goods in our country and a hit to the pocket of every American. But because their anointed one Biden is involved in a possible crime and Ukraine is involved, the democrats in congress and the media tried to get ahead of our President launching an investigation into Biden/Obama actions in 2016. By distracting us with another call to impeach, Trump and the republicans will have a more difficult time to get then news of what really happen with foreign influence during the 2016 elections.

Roxanne Fox Sep 29, 2019 - 5:27 pm

Hey Antioch-Pittsburg-Highway: Tariffs put on Chinese-made goods won’t phase me one bit because I don’t buy anything which is MADE IN CHINA. I buy some goods manufactured in other countries, those friendly to the US, but I buy mostly American-made goods and I don’t care if they cost more. At least Americans are getting the money, NOT the Chinese!

Jerry Sep 30, 2019 - 4:02 pm

Roxanne, I also buy as many American-made goods as I can and there is nothing in our house which is made in China! Quite a few of our companies have left China because they are sick and tired of the bullying the Chinese authorities and producing shoddy goods.

One of President Trump’s goals is to have as many of our business leave China for good and return their businesses here and hire Americans to do the manufacturing. He needs to be reelected to continue with this goal.

Martha Sep 26, 2019 - 11:09 pm

No! There is no foundation for an impeachment, which is NOT a legal process but a political one. A president’s very phone call and written communication is monitored. Trump spoke with a leader of another country and it was no secret. What bothers me is that Trump is withholding the $1 billion aid package promised Ukraine because of some corruption in that country. Well, what do you expect after 75+ years under communist rule?

We sure don’t seem to withhold aid to African countries ruled by highly corrupt, murderous dictators (the late Robert Mugabe comes to mind) and Obama even entertained them in the White House at OUR expense.

He had no trouble giving Mexico millions each year and they have just about THE most corrupt government and business enterprises in the world. Let’s show some consistency here.

Cynthia Sep 26, 2019 - 11:22 pm

No impeachment! Pelosi has crossed over the line in separation of powers and interfering with the President’s official actions and furthermore slandering him with this impeachment nonsense. Along with Biden, she too should be indicted for interference with the President’s legal right to conduct business as she violated the separation of powers very severely.

TSG Sep 27, 2019 - 8:00 am

Absolutely NO. This is just the next hit job by the democrats, just like the Russia hoax and Kavanaugh. They are mis-citing the phone call transcript, and the so-called whistle-blower did not even write the complaint himself, it was done for him. Everything a lie.

Martin nmn Sep 28, 2019 - 2:54 pm

Democrats are desperate and desperate people don’t stop and think! They come out of emotions and that where their downfall comes. With this totally stupid “impeachment” song-and-dance, the Dems are screwing themselves even more.

No! President Trump has not done anything which can be basis for an impeachment

100 Sep 27, 2019 - 8:22 am

Clinton got impeached for fellatio. I think this is more severe. It fascinates me that people still like Trump. There are so many more articulate, successful, wealthier, cool, patriotic Americans than him. He’s so out of touch. If I had a college professor who spoke like him, I’d be concerned, let alone POTUS. He speaks like a middle schooler.

Henry O’Doyle Sep 27, 2019 - 11:11 am

Exactly. It’s funny how Trump supporters are either racist or rednecks. Yea he speaks his mind, but sounds like an uneducated buffoon when he does. They think a billionaire who’s been spoon-fed with a silver spoon his whole life gives a damn about the middle/working class, even believing he’d “drain the swamp” Hahahaha.
Ignorance really is bliss. Trump fans show how celebrity culture is America’s game. History repeating itself with Reagan’s delusion of “trickle down economics”.

Max Mace Sep 27, 2019 - 11:40 pm

Wow, Henry! You sure seem to hate people who worked hard and accomplished something! It really must be killing you that a person with ambition can get so far in life! Trump didn’t get where he is by sitting on his ass moping about the world owing him a living! You could have done the same if you applied yourself, so stop bitching already!

Lori Sep 28, 2019 - 12:03 am

It seems that Trump’s self-made wealth is just eating you alive. I’m sure after the reelection, you will continue to badmouth President Trump. This “impeachment” will go nowhere.

Rosemary Sep 28, 2019 - 2:50 pm

Hey Henry! Guess what? I’m BOTH a racist and a redneck! That’s killing two birds with one stone! Easy, eh?

Lorie Sep 29, 2019 - 9:01 pm

Rosemary! Me too! I’m actually more racist and rednecked than you or anyone else is. HAHAHAHA! ^5


TSG Sep 27, 2019 - 11:23 am

100, you’re right, he seems to have 100 words vocabulary. A little embarrassing. However, we got none better. If you care what he says, it’s bad. It you care what he does, it not bad at all.

Lelani Oct 2, 2019 - 5:32 pm

I don’t care if his vocabulary consists of 10 words! You have nothing more to bitch about so you pull out the vocabulary bit. What’s the matter? No criticism of Melania’s clothes or shoes or hats or purses? I thought that was one of your pet peeves about the Trumps! You guys must be slipping!

Elizabeth E. Parker Sep 27, 2019 - 5:00 pm

Wrong, 100! Clinton did not get impeached for a BJ! He got impeached for perjuring himself in the PAULA JONES case. His impeachment had nothing to do with Manica Lewinski. Study the case again, please!

Mike Sep 27, 2019 - 12:08 pm

I really want to insult almost everyone of you who commented here. Instead, I will simply ask one question to you, how many of you Trump supporters watch Fox News at all or exclusively? I’m guessing you watch only Fox News.

Martha Sep 27, 2019 - 3:37 pm

I don’t watch ANY so-called TV “news” because it’s not news at all. I read foreign publications online mostly in their own languages (except Mandarin or Cantonese) so I get pretty much unbiased news. The European coverage is fairly objective. Having worked in many US embassies in various countries, one gets to pick up the languages.

Rebecca Sep 27, 2019 - 4:57 pm

We got rid f our TV’s. Waste of time! But I will spend time working on President Trump’s reelection campaign. MAGA! MAGA!

TSG Sep 27, 2019 - 11:20 pm

Mike, on television there is very limited news (if at all news) to find. I prefer Breitbart. They have very well researched articles with facts you won’t find on MSM. This is currently the site to go for facts from the right. I am still looking for an outlet from the left which publishes facts…

Robert C Sep 28, 2019 - 3:11 pm

Facts are facts and non-facts are non-facts – regardless of source. The phrases “facts from the right” and “facts from the left” are oxymorons.

Roxanne Fox Sep 27, 2019 - 4:47 pm

The libs are so angry that their candidate experienced a CRUSHING defeat, they simply cannot let go and will stay angry to the end of their lives. They should have picked a better candidate.

Joe Biden just gave President Trump another victory — and the Four Maggots (aka, The Quad) are doing it daily.

I like that Trump has significantly reduced now many immigrants we can accept and that they have to get here on MERIT ….this means that more jobs will be available for our own children and grandchildren …. very few migrants will make it through an asylum …. economic hardships, fear of gangs will not cut it Being a victim of war will as will proof of being victims of human trafficking.

DAWN Sep 27, 2019 - 5:27 pm

The Senate can subpoena everyone including the whistle blower and have them before the American public on TV being examined by competent lawyers. Trump has the right to hire lawyers and with his cash he’ll hire the best who will tear the CIA whistle blower a new A/H.

What the Democrats want is a TRIAL instead of an Election.

It takes 67 Senators to remove Trump. Any GOP Senator who votes for conviction will be a lame duck immediately. They have no idea how badly Trump supporters will FLAME SPRAY them.

Dana Roach Sep 27, 2019 - 5:37 pm

1) Repeatedly reminded Zelensky of how much the United States does (and can do) for Ukraine.
2) Asked Zelensky to investigate debunked allegations of corrupt activity by Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine
3) Said he would put Attorney General William Barr and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani in touch with Zelensky to follow up about the Biden probe.


Anastasia Beck Sep 27, 2019 - 9:40 pm

Biden openly and publicly admitted to committing the felony of blackmailing a foreign leader (former Ukrainian president, Poroshenko.) What he did falls under the RICO act and he should be prosecuted. They do not need any additional information. His public announcement [bragging] fully substantiates any indictment.

AG Barr, should already have a Federal Grand Jury in place deliberating the indictment. Based on the video, it should take the average Polar Bear about 5 minutes to confirm the indictment is well within the elements of reasonableness to proceed and hand out the indictment and have the U.S. Marshall’s arrest him.

TSG Sep 27, 2019 - 11:11 pm

Dana, I suggest you read and understand the transcript of the phone call. Then you will see that Guliani and Barr were not mentioned by Trump in connection with Biden, but rather with the old 2016 Russia hoax which the democrats put on Trump.

Magnus Sep 27, 2019 - 11:43 pm

TSG ……… you’re wasting your time on Dana. He’s one of these people who probably says, “I’ve made up my mind! Don’t confuse me with facts!”

Peter Sep 28, 2019 - 2:00 pm

The US should do a lot more for Ukraine. It’s the largest country entire in Europe and a buffer between Russia and Europe. We have our troops there training their armies in high tech warfare weaponry! We betrayed Ukraine by not honoring the Budapest Memorandum for Security Assurance which we signed promising to act if Russia tries to invade Ukraine — which it did in 2014.

Eat a fat dick Trump Sep 28, 2019 - 10:38 pm

Can someone please explain how Trump “Clobbered” ISSIS?!?!? So sick of Presidents taking credit for shit they didn’t do. Fucking assholes never picked up a gun or lived in the suck for years at a time. Fuck Trump Fuck Bush Fuck Clinton and Fuck Obama. Yeah and Fuck all you Trump supporters, acting like Trump takes care of us in the Military KISS MY ASS. Oh yeah we Soldiers don’t fight for you assholes we fight to stay alive while the dipshit President puts us in harms way over some Oil. Fuck politics too, look at you keyboard tough guys. If y’all met on the street you wouldn’t say none of this shit, probably just suck each other off. Clobbered ISSIS MOTHER FUCKERS WE ARE STILL FIGHTING THEM!!!!!!! Why don’t you Trump loving faggots pick up a gun and come over to the sand box of hell to fight? Oh yeah let me guess you wanted to join the Military but you had asthma, or flat footed, maybe to old, or just a fucking pussy.

Richard Sep 30, 2019 - 12:50 pm

I’ve already did might fighting in the “sand box” …. it was called the GULF WAR!

Hahahaha Sep 30, 2019 - 7:34 pm

Gulf war? Ok

Elizabeth E. Parker Sep 29, 2019 - 8:55 pm

Hey Eat a fat dick Trump — aka, DANA ROACH … nice try to change your name, but you didn’t change your MO! As for your problem with oil, may I suggest that you stop driving your car and don’t buy any gas!

Now, what’s with the language? How ungentlemanly!

ROLAND Sep 30, 2019 - 12:56 pm

This “impeachment” fiasco is a joke! I agree with Trump. He has a right to face his accuser. These dems are doing this because they know they can’t win at the ballot box.Trump is all for the people. They are are all for power over the people and power to themselves.

Jg Oct 1, 2019 - 10:54 am

This thread reads like more people are getting sick and tired of the socialistic dems left bs. California just may have a chance to go back to the sanity of Republicans if they don’t get out voted by illegals and homeless. Oops that could be a 250,000 fine if Cal follows the other insane New York.

Paul Walker Oct 2, 2019 - 5:38 pm

Now, the liberals are trying to push polls down our throats telling us that those polled favor an impeachment. That’s total BS! The liberal pollsters only call other libs.

Either Democrats have the evidence that the president broke the law or not… Polls mean nothing, unless of course you don’t have the evidence then you poll the public to try to fall on public opinion and not by actually governing with congressional oversight.

These are just another fake polls, compliments of the fake news media! Remember the polls that said Crooked Hillary was at 85% in 2016? WHAT HAPPENED?

What wall Oct 11, 2019 - 11:06 am

According to an official update from Customs and Border Protection, zero new miles of barriers had been erected as of September 30 where barriers hadn’t been existed before; 69 miles of barriers had been constructed in places where “dilapidated and outdated” barriers had existed before. That’s a pace of about half a mile of replacement barrier per week if you start counting from the beginning of Trump’s presidency.

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