Home Contra Costa County Contra Costa County Community Warning System

Contra Costa County Community Warning System

by ECT

Contra Costa County’s Community Warning System (CWS) helps you, your family and your community learn how to prepare for and handle emergencies.

The Community Warning System (CWS) is an emergency warning system that consists of alert, notification and education. The alert and notification features are linked by a radio frequency network, and are designed to function when telephone systems fail. Signals carried by radio frequency activate every part of the emergency system.

Contra Costa County’s Community Warning System (CWS) alerts the community and emergency responders when there is a hazardous materials incident. The CWS includes a system of outdoor sirens that can be quickly sounded by an large industry in the event of a chemical release that could impact the public. Emergency response agencies can also activate the warning system for transportation and other types of incidents.

Stop by Supervisor Diane Burgis office to pick up your free CAER Emergency Whistle!

For more info on CAER, click here.

To sign up for alerts from the County, click here.

Information provided by Contra Costa County Supervisor Diane Burgis

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WTF Jan 28, 2018 - 6:18 pm

Why waste tax dollars on a stupid whistle ?? How about information packets about what radio station to tune into and what to actually do in case of an emergency?? No lets just not tell you and you can have a free whistle lol.

Girly Jan 28, 2018 - 6:38 pm

Cute whistles….seriously? It’s stuff like this that reminds me how wasteful our government can be.

Pssst nothing is free. Tax dollars hard at work paying for useless whistles. Geebus!

New alarm system Jan 28, 2018 - 7:57 pm

Girly, these aren’t wasteful, you’re supposed to run around blowing these and alerting people. It’s the new care system.
I agree, what a waste.

Dig deeper Jan 29, 2018 - 9:20 pm

There’s a link in the article that gives all the information you’re complaining the article itself doesn’t give you. I don’t think they mean the whistle is the solution.

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