Home Brentwood Brentwood Measure B Passage Likely, Increases Lead

Brentwood Measure B Passage Likely, Increases Lead

by ECT

According to the latest election results released Friday, Brentwood Measure B, the Brentwood Union School District Bond, is gaining support and now has 56.23% voter approval and leads by 1,487 votes.

On election night, just a few hundred votes separated the measure as it originally came in with 55.38% support. It needs 55% public support to pass.

According to Dana Eaton, Superintendent of the School District, they are all waiting for the final results because its so close and too tight to call.

The District says “Measure B” Bond funds will be used to renovate and modernize the District’s older schools, upgrade libraries, science and computer labs, and build a new elementary school to avoid overcrowding. To win on Election Day, the proposal must be supported by a super-majority of 55%.

The bond measure provides for strict accountability if approved by voters. An Independent
Citizens’ Oversight Committee will monitor all bond expenditures and annual audits will ensure bond funds are spent properly.

The average yearly cost to property owners in the Brentwood Elementary School District would be $28 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (not market value), generating $158 million for school facilities in Brentwood. Bond funds cannot be used for administrator salaries.

All of the funds generated by the bonds will pay for local school construction and renovation projects and cannot be taken away by the State.

According to County Elections, the next results update will be June 17, 2016.

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Ben Jun 11, 2016 - 8:37 am

Brentwood voters should not have supported this. Horrible tax for homeowners.

The Truth Jun 11, 2016 - 10:36 pm

If voters only knew the truth. 60-70 percent of their tax dollar already goes to schools. It’s insane.

Remember folks, education takes a 65% bite out of the apple and then comes back for more in the form of additional bonds. It’s ridiculous.

Think about it. That leaves less than 30 percent of your tax dollar for all of the other services we expect, fire, police, roadways, public works, libraries, and parks to name a few. They must all make due with the crumbs.

School districts try everything to get us to vote with our hearts instead of our heads.. Remember this when you see the next school bond on a ballot. Don’t take my word for it. Call the county auditor controller for yourself.

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