Home California Attorney General Bonta to Add Five States to Travel Restrictions List as a Result of Wave of New Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

Attorney General Bonta to Add Five States to Travel Restrictions List as a Result of Wave of New Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

by ECT

SAN FRANCISCO – California Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced that California will restrict state-funded travel to Arkansas, Florida, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia as a result of new anti-LGBTQ+ legislation recently enacted in each state.

The states are a part of a recent, dangerous wave of discriminatory new bills signed into law in states across the country that directly work to ban transgender youth from playing sports, block access to life-saving care, or otherwise limit the rights of members of the LGBTQ+ community. Many states pushing these new discriminatory laws are already on California’s travel restrictions list. The new restrictions on state-funded travel to the states announced today are prescribed by law in California pursuant to Assembly Bill 1887 (AB 1887), which was enacted in 2016.

“Assembly Bill 1887 is about aligning our dollars with our values,” said Attorney General Bonta. “When states discriminate against LGBTQ+ Americans, California law requires our office to take action. These new additions to the state-funded travel restrictions list are about exactly that. It’s been 52 years to the day since the Stonewall Riots began, but that same fight remains all too alive and well in this country. Rather than focusing on solving real issues, some politicians think it’s in their best interest to demonize trans youth and block life-saving care. Make no mistake: We’re in the midst of an unprecedented wave of bigotry and discrimination in this country — and the State of California is not going to support it.”

In creating AB 1887, the California Legislature determined that California must take action to avoid supporting or financing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans. To that end, the law restricts a state agency, department, board, or commission from authorizing state-funded travel to a state that, after June 26, 2015, has enacted a law authorizing, or repealing existing protections against, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Each applicable California agency is responsible for consulting the AB 1887 list created by the California Department of Justice to comply with the travel and funding restrictions imposed by the law. With the additions announced today, there will be a total of 17 states on California’s state-funded travel restrictions list.

Information regarding the reasons and timeline for each new state’s inclusion on the AB 1887 list is as follows:

Arkansas is being added to California’s state-funded travel restrictions list as a result of Senate Bill 354, Senate Bill 289, and House Bill 1570. The first two bills were signed into law by the Governor on March 25 and March 26, respectively. The third bill was passed after Arkansas’ General Assembly overrode the Governor’s veto on April 6. Senate Bill 354, among other things, prevents transgender women and girls from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity. Senate Bill 289 allows medical providers to deny care to LGBTQ+ Americans. Lastly, House Bill 1570 is the first law in the nation to prohibit physicians from providing gender-affirming healthcare to transgender minors, regardless of the wishes of parents or whether a physician deems such care to be medically necessary. Given the effective date for the new laws, Arkansas, pursuant to AB 1887, will be added to California’s travel restrictions list on July 29, 2021.

Florida is being added to California’s state-funded travel restrictions list as a result of Senate Bill 1028. Signed into law on the first day of Pride Month, Senate Bill 1028 prevents transgender women and girls from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity. Given the effective date for the new law, Florida, pursuant to AB 1887, will be added to California’s travel restrictions list on July 1, 2021.

Montana is being added to California’s state-funded travel restrictions list as a result of House Bill 112 and Senate Bill 215. Signed into law on May 7, House Bill 112 prevents transgender women and girls from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity. Signed into law on April 22, Senate Bill 215 overrides existing state and local laws and policies that prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ+ Americans. It threatens to, among other effects, allow businesses to refuse a broad range of services to same-sex couples because of their sexual orientation alone. Given the effective date for the new laws, Montana, pursuant to AB 1887, will be added to California’s travel restrictions list on July 1, 2021.

North Dakota
North Dakota is being added to California’s state-funded travel restrictions list as a result of House Bill 1503. Signed into law on April 16, House Bill 1503, among other things, repeals existing protections at some North Dakota public universities by permitting certain publicly-funded student organizations to openly discriminate against LGBTQ+ students by restricting participation in those organizations. It also limits the ability of universities and colleges to sanction or discipline student-on-student harassment. Given the effective date for the new law, North Dakota, pursuant to AB 1887, will be added to California’s travel restrictions list on August 1, 2021.

West Virginia
West Virginia is being added to California’s state-funded travel restrictions list as a result of House Bill 3293. Signed into law on April 28, House Bill 3293 prevents transgender women and girls from participating in school sports consistent with their gender identity. Given the effective date for the new law, West Virginia, pursuant to AB 1887, will be added to California’s travel restrictions list on July 8, 2021.

For additional information on AB 1887, including the list of states subject to its provisions, visit: https://oag.ca.gov/ab1887.

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Ken Jackson Jun 28, 2021 - 2:10 pm

That’s just plain STUPID! Just about ever state has some sort of official relationship with another state! Bonita is plumb crazy! Who gave HIM the right to dictate this? Idiot!

Frank Jun 28, 2021 - 4:12 pm

This guy is a frickin idiot. What would happen if all the states had a disagreement with
Ca stupid values. You don’t regulate commerce. Just another yahoo from Soros.

Robert C. Jun 28, 2021 - 7:45 pm

How ridiculous. Playing to an audience, of course.

Mike Jun 28, 2021 - 7:48 pm

I’m glad to see Idaho on there. I don’t want any CA idiots coming up there and messing it up more than they already have! Keep you CA values in San Francisco where they belong! Thank you!

Margaret Rowe Jun 30, 2021 - 2:07 am

MIKE, this has nothing to do with people moving to Idaho. It has to do with official state business and forbidding CA government people from traveling there using state funds. I own a lot of property in Idaho (Priest Lake area) and lots of conservative Californians are moving to Idaho. I don’t think liberals would feel comfortable there.

Jason Knight Jun 29, 2021 - 12:01 am

I have relatives and friends in quite a few of those states and they said their groups will NOT hold their conventions and conferences in CALIFORNIA, nor will many of them fly out here for vacations. The jackass Bonta now added more states to the list. As to the LGBTQXYZ freaks! Don’t get me started! They are what they were at the time of their birth! THE DNA DOES NOT CHANGE ! None of this “non binary” crap either!

Bev Garland Jun 29, 2021 - 2:36 am

I think now he has 17 states on his list. What an imbecile! He’s screwing California like the other libs are. He needs to be kicked out or our state is going down the drain fast! We plan a huge family reunion in MONTANA and that will consist of over 500 people. MONTANA will get the business…. hotels, restaurants, shopping! Originally, this was planned for the Bay Area.

Jaimoe Jun 29, 2021 - 1:42 pm

And if we need help from certain states, to help fighting wildfires? ….let it burn?

Jim Anderson Jun 29, 2021 - 6:21 pm

Exactly, JAIMOE! This Bonta guy is screwing California just like Newsom is doing! I don’t think he has a brain in his head! I sent him an email telling him he’s really off-the-charts here.

Marc Rosset Jun 30, 2021 - 2:17 am

Hey MIKE! I own a great house in McCall, a town I simply fell in love with. Some truly great people there. No troublemakers like we have here in California. I just love Idaho and try to spend as much time there as I can while I liquidate residences and businesses here.

Street-Sweeper Jun 30, 2021 - 9:51 pm

Interesting that some of these anti-gay comments are allowed to be posted, while responses to these haters are censored.

Debra St. John Jul 1, 2021 - 1:28 pm

STREET-SWEEPER? Is that a problem?

Street-Sweeper Jul 1, 2021 - 9:33 pm

Yes it is a problem dumb dumb. People that are anti-gay are typically curious about it themselves.

Martin NMN Jul 1, 2021 - 11:25 pm

This Bonta guy is just adding to the screwing of this state economically! Such a typical liberal goon! Liberals always ruin cities and states! My people always held their family reunions here, but not this year. We are all heading for FLORIDA and that means people are flying in from 4 other countries for a 3 week reunion! A huge crowd! We will be spending our money in FLORIDA, not here!

Kim Shaw Jul 2, 2021 - 2:18 pm

Why do we here in California wind up with such total losers for Attorney General? What have we done to deserve this? It’s one-after-another!

Street-Sweeper Jul 2, 2021 - 6:33 pm

Why don’t all you hillbillies move then!

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