Home Antioch Video: Antioch Police and Firefighters Hold Active Shooter Training

Video: Antioch Police and Firefighters Hold Active Shooter Training

by ECT

On July 31, the Antioch Police Department held an active shooter training, its second this month, at Antioch Middle School. This training was in collaboration with the Antioch Unified School District, the FBI, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, AMR, and county communications.

This was their second training of the month as they also held a training on July 10 which. Both trainings took months to plan.

During the day, they ran a total of 3 scenarios to assist first responders with training.

In this video, we interviewed Superintendent Stephanie Anello about the training, along with Antioch Police Sgt. Jimmy Wisecarver.

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Simonpure Aug 1, 2019 - 12:15 pm

Guess they should have done this active shooter training at Cavallo & 18th

Mary Aug 1, 2019 - 5:10 pm

At least those people aim for their targets. You meant they should go to the suburbs of Brentwood, because 9/10 of these mass shootings are a virgin white kid.

Simonpure Aug 2, 2019 - 7:28 am

Not what I meant. There was a shooting at Cavallo & 18th the same morning while they were having the drill. It’s called sarcasm.

Mary Aug 3, 2019 - 4:27 pm

Garlic festival shooting— by white nationalist.

El Paso shooting today— by white nationalist.

Max Mace Aug 1, 2019 - 3:16 pm

The ONLY thing which will stop the active shooter is knowing that people he’s after ARE ARMED! Remember, “an armed society is a POLITE society.”

Neptune's Daughter Aug 2, 2019 - 10:24 pm

Yes, Max! If it’s widely publicized that everybody is armed-to-the-teeth at any event, then it might make the potential perpetrator think twice — if he can think at all.

Wot Aug 1, 2019 - 7:40 pm

Do you know why they hold these drills? Because the government orchestrates all of these shootings.

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