Home Antioch Updated: 11-Year-Old Nearly Drowns at Antioch Water Park

Updated: 11-Year-Old Nearly Drowns at Antioch Water Park

by ECT

At 11:22 am Tuesday, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District firefighters were dispatched to a report of a juvenile drowning at the Antioch Water Park in the City of Antioch.

It was reported that an 11-year-old male had drowned and that city staff were in CPR after the youth was pulled from the bottom of a pool. There are conflicting report as to if lifeguards pulled the youth or fellow students from the bottom of the pool.

As care was being provided by city staff, the 11-year-old began to breath and have a pulse, however, he was still unresponsive. Shortly after firefighters arrived on scene, the patient began to further stabilize.

By 11:55 am, a portion of Lone Tree Way in front of Deer Valley High School was shut down as CALSTAR landed for medical transport to Children’s Hospital in Oakland.

According to firefighters on scene, they credit city staff for a quick response and providing medical care to assist in resuscitating the juvenile.

It was later confirmed that the juvenile student was from Jack London Elementary School.

Nancy Kaiser, Parks and Recreation Director, issued a statement saying the staff go above and beyond county and state regulations to ensure safety and work with local agencies on action plans and practice CPR daily.

“The Antioch Water Park meets all regulatory requirements for guarding and serving the facility, to ensure a fun and safe experience for all guests.  Today’s reservation only used partial facilities, and the staff was on duty to provide service at the two pools and the remaining needs of the park,” said Kaiser. “Water Park staff train, practice and prepare for all emergencies every day they work.  The team works closely with CONFIRE on a regular basis as well. The two teams always debrief to learn and change procedures as needed.”

Update per Antioch Police:

Antioch Police reported at around 2:20 pm, the 11-year-old was alert and awake after being transported to a local hospital. He was being held for observation. Police also said they believed he was under water for a few minutes.

Update #2:
It was later reported that three students noticed the student had been at the bottom of the pool when they began to pull him up and with the assistance of a teacher pulled him from the pool and medical care began.

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Vito May 28, 2019 - 1:31 pm

Young children should be under constant supervision in water parks like this. Where were his parent(s) or guardians?

Bart May 30, 2019 - 3:29 pm

This one time there was a huge booger floating in the water at this water park.

Karen May 28, 2019 - 4:07 pm

I pray the child is ok. I can remember years ago my child was on field trip with her class at a water park and how scary it was to get a call she was at hospital hurt. Few stiches and she was fine. My heart goes out to this child’s family and friends.

Karen May 28, 2019 - 4:32 pm

Just heard the child is awake and alert being kept at hospital for observation,

Julio May 28, 2019 - 5:21 pm

This was a school party so under supervision of the park and school.

Dawn May 28, 2019 - 6:09 pm

Obviously, the kids were not supervised close enough or the kid wouldn’t almost drown. The ONLY time our kids go to such a park is when we take them there, not some school.

Jennifer May 29, 2019 - 6:36 am

Does anyone know the name or how I can find out because my aunt currently is taking care of my kids. I’m from New Orleans I moved out here to get clean so I THOUGHT giving her temporary gaurdianship while I did that was the best thing but BOY was I wrong. Me and my 3 kids moved out here 3 years ago to East Palo Alto and since then she has kept all three of them from me. I didn’t realize how evil she was. I haven’t seen this side of my face for 20 years yet all I wanted the whole 20 years was to get back to them as they were my only family. So I really didn’t grow up with her and she is only 10 years older than me with 2 boys the same age as my 2 boys and I’m really freaking out because she just packed up and moved out there without even telling me so I don’t even know her address or the school they go to and I don’t know if I’m being over paranoid or what but I have been having a guy retching feeling that I had to contact them soon and then I see this and every inch of my being if telling me that is my baby and I need to know how can I find out. Please help me if you can anyone. With any of this matter as me and all of my 3 kids were just like 1 person. They were my works as I am theirs. My younger 2 haven’t seen me since then. I don’t know why they would do this to me but most importantly them. My younger 2 were asleep when we parted so when they woke up they never saw me again yet. I understand that I had issues but I’m not perfect but this is not the best for them. I’m so worried yet I do not know the first step to take to find out what I have to do as I trusted my blood to guide me right but come to find out all they wanted was the money from taking care of them.

Simonpure May 29, 2019 - 7:21 am

Jennifer…I would call Children’s Hospital in Oakland.

What a shit show May 29, 2019 - 11:31 am

LMAO!!! Holy shit lady O would never tell you the name of the child after reading this shit story. There must be a good reason she hasn’t let you see them and it is probably for the best. Maybe you should take the needle out of your arm and put down the phone

Nikki Torres May 29, 2019 - 8:19 pm

How dare you assume the worst of this lady, you judgemental idiot .. You are the shit story !!!

johnny marquez Jun 1, 2019 - 1:45 pm

Simpleminded idiots do bother me!

Nikki Torres May 29, 2019 - 8:22 pm

How dare you judge this lady, you judgemental idiot !! You know nothing about her, I’m posituve you are a SHIT SHOW

Dawn May 29, 2019 - 11:53 am

I’d contact Legal Aid and see what they would suggest.

Shit show May 30, 2019 - 1:57 am

I guess we are reading something totally different lol. I must have gotten a different version than you. A druggy wants her kids and don’t even know what school they go to? If you’re a good caring parent you would have found them long time ago. Yes a fucking shit show and yes everyone will judge because she is trash

Kristy K May 28, 2019 - 7:43 pm

I believe this child had a seizure and that’s why he went under. Instead of the negative comments let’s praise the quick actions of those on duty to start the life saving process. Why don’t we all hug or children tight tonight and realize this is life and in life accidents happen, things happen. It’s all in how we react. So I’m here to praise the quick efforts of those involved and give thanks that this 11 year old is alive tonight!!!!

Alexandra May 29, 2019 - 11:56 am

If the kid was prone to seizures, then all the more he should have been very carefully monitored and maybe not be in a situation where there is water and it might be dangerous for him to be frolicking in it.

D Man Swims May 29, 2019 - 7:46 pm

I got an idea, let’s try to place blame on someone so we don’t have to accept responsibility! It was an accident, and accidents happen that’s why they have “life guards” because shit happens and people are there to save you. If my child didn’t know how to swim or was prone to seizures I wouldn’t send her to the water park and place that responsibility on someone else. Also, most of these life guards are young adults so give them a break. Accidents happen that’s why the water park has safety measures in place and anyone can drown or get hurt.

Druggie Mom May 30, 2019 - 4:55 am

Did everyone read about the druggie that lost her children? Lmao she has a gut feeling it was her child lmao she didn’t have a gut feeling to not do drugs and get her children taken away. I am sure her sister just took her kids from her for no reason.

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