Home California Stanislaus Sheriff Says Cop-Killer was in the Country Illegally

Stanislaus Sheriff Says Cop-Killer was in the Country Illegally

by ECT

On Thursday, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson stated during a press conference that the suspect who shot and killed Officer Ronil Singh was not in the country legally.

Christianson stated the suspect was not a resident of Newman and had immigrated into the United States illegally. He added Suspect was originally pulled over on suspicion of a DUI when a gunfight broke out.

“We are actively investigating every lead, we have spared no expense, we have multiple teams following up every lead, and we will relentlessly continue to hunt our suspect down and bring him to justice so we can bring closure to this community and this police department,” stated Christianson.

Christianson offered his deepest condolences to Chief Richardson, the family, the law enforcement family and the community of Newman who had never suffered a line-of-duty death.

“This suspect, unlike Ron who immigrated into this country lawfully and legally to pursue his life-long career of public safety and public service and being a police officer, this suspect is in our country illegally and he doesn’t belong here, he is a criminal,” said Christianson. “We will find him, we will arrest him and we will bring him to justice.”

According to the Christianson, they were not releasing the suspects name because it would be irresponsible of them without absolutely knowing without any doubt that they have identified the right suspect.

“It is purely and internal protocol in identifying people and releasing names understanding that social media always gets a head of us and am pretty sure some of you have already figured out who it is but it is not appropriate for me to identify until we are absolutely 100% certain we have the right name,” said Christianson. “Many people share the same name, so we don’t want to make a mistake like that.”

Christianson believes the suspect is still located within Stanislaus County and encouraged him to surrender himself peacefully.  He is considered armed and dangerous.

With regards to the markets at the scene of the shooting, Christianson stated there was a gun fight between Singh and the suspect and that he tried to defend himself and stop this credible threat.

Singh, 33, was a Fiji native who entered the country legally, was a member of the Newman Police Department since July 2011.

Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson highlighted the department was just 12-members and that he relieved Singh on Christmas Day so he could spend some time with his family.

“What needs to be known is that he was truly just a human being, an American patriot. Ron was not born in America, he was born in Fiji. He came to this country with one purpose and that was to serve this country,” said Richardson who added when he came to this country, all he wanted to do was become a police officer.

Richardson said that Sam, Singh’s K9 who was with, was uninjured in the incident.  will be retied and remain with the family saying he would not take another family member from them.

“Please remember the man, please remember the husband, please remember what he was, what he came to this country to do. Yes he was a police officer, but more importantly he was a human being,” said Richardson. “That is how he would want to be remembered, he was proud to wear the uniform and he does want to be remembered as a police officer, but don’t forget the other things. The little things that are often forgotten in these stories.”

Richardson called the suspect a “coward” and hopes he does the right thing and turns himself in.



The Stanislaus Sworn Deputies Association (SSDA) has established a Corporal Ronil Singh, Newman PD Memorial Fund. Donations can be made several ways:

In Person:
Any West America Bank Branch to the Corporal Ronil Singh Memorial Fund
(Newman Police Department)

Mailed to:
Stanislaus Sworn Deputies Association
Corporal Ronil Singh Memorial Fund
PO Box 2314
Ceres, CA 95307


Please be aware there are NO other approved or authorized memorial fund or online fundraising accounts that will be established.


Original Release:

Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh (33) was shot and killed during a traffic stop just before 1:00 AM on Wednesday morning 12/26/18. At 12:57 AM, Officer Singh called off on a traffic stop at Merced Street and Eucalyptus Avenue in Newman.

A few moments later he called out “shots fired” over the radio. Multiple agencies responded to assist and Singh was found at the scene with gunshot wounds. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased.

The suspect had fled the scene in his vehicle prior to assisting officer’s arrival. A gray, extended cab Dodge Ram pickup was seen in the area at the time of the shooting.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department will be leading the investigation. Detectives have photographs of the suspect and suspect vehicle and are asking anyone with information regarding the identity of the suspect to contact Detective Michael Fisher at 209-525-7083 or dispatch at 209-552-2468.

Officer Singh was a native of Fiji and has been employed by Newman Police Department since July 2011. “Our Newman Police family is devastated by the loss of Ronil,” said Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson. “If anyone has any information regarding the identity of the suspect, please contact law enforcement immediately so we can get this cop-killer off the streets.”

This investigation is ongoing and more information will be released as it becomes available.

If you have any tips, you can leave an anonymous tip by calling Crime Stoppers at (209) 521-4636. Tipsters can also e-mail tips at http://www.modestopolice.com/CrimeStoppers, or text them to CRIMES (274637) by typing “Tip704” plus the message and be eligible for a cash reward

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Melanie Dec 27, 2018 - 2:10 pm

I hope they catch the SOB.

?? Dec 27, 2018 - 4:33 pm

I can hear that pos in the White House now

Lock Him Up Dec 27, 2018 - 6:56 pm

So you support the cop killer? If by pos you mean POTUS you are correct. If you mean anything else then you must be looking at your reflection in the mirror.

Republicans who tell the truth exist Dec 27, 2018 - 8:42 pm

I think the poster is referring to the man in the White House who uses fear and racism to stoke division.

As for this particular case, the Stanislaus Sheriff is taking a page out of that same book by making the entire event about immigrants. Have you traveled interstate 5? Visited the famers? If you have you’d know that a vast majority of Stanislaus County’s work force are Mexican Migrant workers. Law abiding, tax paying workers and families.

This man who committed this crime is obviously a monster and should be punished to the full extent of the law. That he is “illegal” has zero relevance here unless every time some white kid shoots up a school they should say “Justin, a legal US resident” just killed his family, shot up a mall, school, etc…. you’re gonna hear that much more often if it were the case. Now, how would that feel?

The point is, and I’m pretty sure you’ve stopped reading by now, this is a criminal act, by a criminal. Going just on statistics alone, immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes. So by fact, stating that he’s “illegal” is playing into fear based politics and has nothing to do with this heanous crime.

Richard Dec 28, 2018 - 12:30 am

Donald Trump is PRESIDENT and is in THE WHITE HOUSE, while you’re typing on a computer sitting in your soiled underwear! LOL!

Not all Republicans are racist and uneducated. (Like Richard would have you believe) Dec 28, 2018 - 12:18 pm

You’re a mental midget and cannot debate with facts because you have none. Grow up – You give all Republicans a bad name.

Sick of it! Dec 27, 2018 - 7:21 pm

Hopefully this piece of shit will get smoked before he gets back over the border!!
Can’t get that wall built soon enough!
MAGA 2020

Republicans fighting for fact based government Dec 27, 2018 - 8:49 pm

There’s already hundreds of tunnels between Tiajuana and San Diego. Wall won’t stop that. Not to mention close to 60% of all illegal’s in the US are here on a Visa over-stay. Meaning they came here legally then just, decided to stay. They didn’t run through the desert or crawl through a tunnel. They flew here, came through the airport.

Geez, ya’ll need to read some shit that ain’t Fox News.

Lola Saavedra Dec 28, 2018 - 2:39 am

The man who occupied the White House and used fear, racism and bullying to stoke division was BARACK OBAMA! The one presently occupying the White House tells-it-like-it-is.

Lock Him Up Dec 28, 2018 - 7:44 am

Thank you Lola!!!

The Trump hating poster is clearly off their meds!

Trump and the Republicans are the ones fighting for border security. You government dependency liberal leeches are ones who want open borders

LOP Dec 28, 2018 - 7:58 am

You are more likely to die taking a selfie than by an illegal immigrant. That was their point. The orange president is going to use this story for political purposes as if illegals are killing left and right but that’s not the case. Idiots like you may believe in the paranoia, but educated citizens don’t.

Trump supporters are NOT Republicans and do not share our Republican or Christian values. Dec 28, 2018 - 12:29 pm

Interesting you bring up “government dependency” as it’s the Red States who have the highest dependency on government welfare programs.

And the talking point of “open borders” is asinine, nobody wants open borders it’s just easy for you to say because you have no depth of knowledge on the subject and don’t care to actually educate yourself, only blindly follow the lies your fed daily by this administration.

I’m a life long Republican and even I know this.

I’m beginning to think Trump supporters aren’t even Republicans, instead they are brain washed Fascists who put racism and tribalism ahead of their own and countries well being. It’s truly shameful.

Henry Dec 28, 2018 - 7:59 am

Lola, it’s almost 2019 and you’re still talking about Obama?? This is why senior citizens like you need to have restrictions on the internet and driving like minors. You’re irresponsible with both I’m sure.

Incognito Dec 28, 2018 - 2:41 am

So? This suspect is in this country illegally? Really? I AM SHOCKED! TOTALLY SHOCKED! Somebody, please fan me!

Jg Dec 28, 2018 - 9:46 am

Some Trump haters are so ignorant they can’t see beyond their own hate. This has nothing to do with Trump. This is about an Illegal alien with no regards , respect, or understanding of life. All illegal aliens have committed a crime, not some, all. Immigrants on the other hand are legally here and contribute to society. Some may commit crimes. The wall must be built. Even Obama for you liberals has a ten foot wall around his place AND supported the wall. This hate and stupidity towards our president shows the mental capacity of those who can’t seem to grasp that we are a sovereign nation with borders and a constitution. The wall will be another step to a final solution regarding illegal aliens. After the wall, reform and attention towards those wanting to be a real American citizen can take place. The murdering , rape, robbery, human trafficking, drugs, and pillaging will be greatly reduced thus preventing sad events such as this police officers wife and newly born child who now will be sad every Christmas for the rest of their lives because an illegal alien criminal was supported by Pelosi, Desaulnier, Beccerra, and the rest of the liberals. Build the wall now and let’s move to a solution to illegal aliens.

Troy Dec 28, 2018 - 10:19 am

One comes here legally, one comes here illegally. One supports his new country and serves it, one has disrespect for it breaks it’s laws and kills the good one. There should be no question that illegals should go!!!

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