Home California Romney Proposes Sending $1,000 Checks to Every American in Coronavirus Economic Plan

Romney Proposes Sending $1,000 Checks to Every American in Coronavirus Economic Plan

by ECT

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today called for urgent action on additional coronavirus response measures aimed at providing economic relief for working Americans and families, easing the financial burden for students, and protecting both health workers and patients. Romney is pushing for consideration of these proposals as discussions continue on an additional coronavirus relief package.

“The House coronavirus response package contains critical measures to help families in Utah and across the nation in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, and the Senate should act swiftly on this legislation,”
Senator Romney said. “We also urgently need to build on this legislation with additional action to help families and small businesses meet their short-term financial obligations, ease the financial burden on students entering the workforce, and protect health workers on the front lines and their patients by improving telehealth services. I will be pushing these measures as Senate discussions continue about an additional relief package.”

Romney’s Proposals Would:

Provide Economic Stability for Working Americans:

  • Immediately Send $1,000 Checks to Each American: Every American adult should immediately receive a one-time check for $1,000 to help ensure families and workers can meet their short-term obligations and increase spending in the economy. Congress took similar action during the 2001 and 2008 recessions. While expansions of paid leave, unemployment insurance, and SNAP benefits are crucial, the check will help fill the gaps for Americans that may not quickly navigate different government options.
  • Provide Grants to Impacted Small Businesses: Provide bridge grants from the SBA to qualified small businesses that apply but don’t receive Economic Injury Disaster Loans. This program would ensure small businesses can meet short-term obligations, such as payroll and rent, without forcing them into future bankruptcies. An eligible small businesses must exhibit a revenue loss greater than 50% from the same month in the prior year. The program will also include criminal penalties for fraud and an audit by the SBA’s Inspector General to ensure compliance.

Ease Financial Burden for Students:

  • Allow “Unexpected Costs Due to COVID-19” as Factor for Pell Grant Amount: To ease the burden on some students who had to make unexpected travel, housing, and storage purchases due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we should amend the Higher Education Act’s “Cost of Attendance” to take into account such costs. Doing this will impact the Pell Grant award amounts and more accurately reflect the current reality for students.
  • Loan Deferment for Recent Graduates Impacted by COVID-19: Defer the payment of student loans for a period of time to ease the burden of those who are just graduating now, in an economy suffering because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Improve Telehealth Services for Health Workers and Patients:

  • Require Insurance Plans to Temporarily Cover Telehealth: To protect the health workforce and connect patients with providers, require all private insurance companies (individual, small- and large-group, and self-insured market) to cover telehealth services, if the reason for using telehealth services is related to COVID-19. The federal government would reimburse private plans for the full cost of services.

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Cletus Mar 17, 2020 - 9:55 am

Taking a page from Andrew Yang and all the previous universal basic income (UBI) folks huh? Well this is ‘Murica and we bail out the billionaires, bankers, and corporations before the American people! Hell yea brother

Jg Mar 17, 2020 - 10:21 am

Romney is jumping on the grandstand stage. Feeding off of corona19 to make himself look good.The country can not afford to give 1,000 each to 300,000,000 million people. He is an idiot.

Debra Garrett Mar 18, 2020 - 10:17 pm

Your exactly right!

CS Mar 19, 2020 - 4:35 am

Jg your an idiot for not even having the thought of helping Americans that need help!
Think all money given away to
Other countries the belongs to the tax paying Americans!And
Who better to give it to than Americans in the time of need.
You obviously don’t need!butt
There’s people who do!
So that’s an opinion better kept
To yourself idiot.

Luisa Apr 9, 2020 - 2:57 pm

I totally agree with CS, and with every
person that thinks you are in IDIOT!
You are inhumane, disgusting, selfish, heartless beast!
Lots of people have lost their jobs.
They are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, putting food on the table, paying bills.Think about parents who have children to support ☹️ (This is HEARTBREAKING)
Disgusting, heartless individuals like you are the reason we have this pandemic!
We should ALL ask for the Lord’s forgiveness, and instead of evil actions, and thoughts…. Be KIND, and help the less fortunate! God is watching all us, and we shall all receive what we deserve!
Why are you so worried a 1,000 dls? These dls. are not directly coming out of pocket!
I know… You are going to say you pay taxes…. Well… Let me tell you…! Many of us do!; and so did the many that sadly, and unfortunately are now unemployed.
You, and ALL that share your views are PATHETIC, HEARTLESS, SOULS!!!

Ray Mar 17, 2020 - 10:43 am

Use his own money?
I think not.

None’ Mar 18, 2020 - 10:28 am

The country can afford whatever it needs if EVERYONE paid their fair share, especially the 1%.

Jg Mar 18, 2020 - 11:14 am

None, you can take the entire wealth of the 1 percent , clean them out and it still would not cover 1,000 dollars each for 300,000,000 million people. You must be related to Romney the moron socialist. Even if you did , half of the recipients would either snort it, shoot it up, or piss it away. Free free free never works in the long run.

Danielle Mar 19, 2020 - 2:46 am

If we have money to build a wall or give money away to illegal immigrants then I think our government can spare that chump change . Think about what your saying!!! Think of the frivolous wasted money spent everyday! WE CAN AFFORD IT

Regina Miller Mar 19, 2020 - 6:01 am

Stop giving money to other countries immediately, stop spending money on illegals immediately, stop bailing out people and companies that have millions and millions of dollars. What will $1000 due for us really? It will not pay my mortgage, if we are not working and people can’t pay their rents what will that $1000 do? But airlines and other businesses want billions of dollars in relief

Patty Mar 19, 2020 - 8:52 am

$1,000 for ‘working families’ not retirees or dependents so far from 300,000,000

Sandra Apr 9, 2020 - 1:23 pm

You should be ashamed. I worked 45 years. 2 jobs most of it and paid taxes from both. I am a retiree at 63 teying to live on 1300.00 a month social security. No. I don’t work now but I have and I have to pay the same prices “working Americans” do. My taxes have paid for abortions I don’t believe in..illegal immigrants I think should take the legal path and paid other countries I don’t agree with. Surely we could now give us some of our own money.

Neil Apr 9, 2020 - 9:48 pm

I couldn’t of said it better myself…..

Trina Eplett Apr 11, 2020 - 6:02 pm

Sandra I am hearing you. I don’t think anyone should be excluded. We are all suffering some more than others. I pray we can get thru this relatively unscathed. My heart goes out to the families who have lost someone from this virus. Take care be safe be healthy…

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