Home Contra Costa County Rep. DeSaulnier Issues Statement Regarding Secretary Clinton’s Emails

Rep. DeSaulnier Issues Statement Regarding Secretary Clinton’s Emails

by ECT

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier speaks with FBI Director James Comey at the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee hearing on Oversight of the State Department.

Washington, DC — Today, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) issued the following statement on FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Oversight & Government Reform Committee.

“FBI Director Comey clearly demonstrated that the extensive, 12-month investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails did not warrant prosecution.

For the Republican presidential nominee, who immediately and outrageously claimed the entire system is rigged, we doubt he is aware that Director Comey was first appointed during the Bush Administration. Today’s hearing assured the country they can, and should, have confidence in public officials, like FBI Director Comey, who put the best interests of America and the U.S. Constitution ahead of partisan politics and self-aggrandizing.

While there is no doubt Director Comey made the only appropriate decision given the facts, the Oversight & Government Reform Committee and Congress need to review lessons learned from Secretaries Powell, Rice and Clinton, and clarify best practices for communications and data security.  Moving forward, the rules should be crystal clear to the Secretary of State and every State Department employee.”

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Thanks for making my vote for Trump! Jul 7, 2016 - 2:39 pm

What a POS! Do you feel better by releasing that statement that Comey who somehow after finding that Clinton lied too many times to count not only to the public but also to the FBI, was not only grossly negligent but also incompetent with our national security,…. All this for years…. And once caught…. Quickly ERASED (with a cloth) her private server! Then After finding ALL this wrong doing…. Oh she’s innocent?????? Are u freaking kidding me???? Can you say white privilege????? Neither Powell not Rice did any of this! You are a scum for protecting her and allowing this incompetent moron to walk freely! Yes the system IS rigged!

Vote for TRUMP Jul 7, 2016 - 2:57 pm

Republicans and democrats are all the same. Bush, Clinton, Obama, all the same crooks!! Trump is only running as a Rep so he can win. So all these career politicians will soon be gone, the New American Revolution is coming in 2017

The Patriot Jul 7, 2016 - 3:10 pm

These organized criminals really think the American people that refuse to drink the Democrat liberal Kool Aid are stupid. This idiot just said ignorance is an excusable offense. That doesn’t work for traffic violations, why should it be ok for national security.

Daughter of the American Revolution Jul 7, 2016 - 3:38 pm

Truth and Justice. Where is it? What happened to our America. Vote For Trump.

I agree Jul 7, 2016 - 4:11 pm

I agree vote for trump.

Not Hillary Jul 7, 2016 - 5:17 pm


Change is Needed Jul 7, 2016 - 8:06 pm

DeSaulnier is just another career politician.You people voted this POS in. He will lie just like Hitlory has. He is above the law. We are just pawns that support his lavish lifestyle with our hard earned money. At least Trump can’t be bought and will clean the mess in Washington DC. These sleazy career politicians have been taking advantage of the American citizen for too long.

Vote Trump before the middle class is taxed into bankruptcy and non existence.

WJ Jul 8, 2016 - 1:06 am

Mark, you should cutback on the Clinton Kool-aid. You have obviously been drinking way too much!

Unome Jul 8, 2016 - 8:36 am

Mark D, there is also no dought that Hilary Clinton lied to us and congress. She has no business being a candidate. Honesty and integrity is required. Hilary has neither based on Bengazi and the emails.

Phule Me Twice Jul 8, 2016 - 9:48 am

Those on the other side of the fence could claim the same thing about you, Mark and Unome…too much Faux News, not to mention parroting “Benghazi!!!!” at every opportunity.

I’m not in love with Hillary, but I at least trust her with the nuke codes. Mr. Drumpf’s skin is way too thin and his man-crush on Putin is just plain scary.

Phule Me Twice Jul 8, 2016 - 9:49 am

Ack!!! WJ, not Mark!

The Patriot Jul 8, 2016 - 10:06 am

You mistake thin skin for standing up for himself and America and the man crush for respect. Any leader will say to always respect your enemies and their capabilities. You can trust that Hillary and the Clinton Crime Foundation to sell our Nuc codes to our enemies. If people can’t see what is going on, Hillary will continue the dismantle of America that Obama started.

My vote is for Trump Jul 8, 2016 - 10:04 am

You trust a liar that can’t even keep confident information safe with NUKE codes????? Are u freaking insane???? She would put it on an un-encrypted server or prob write it on a piece of paper since she “doesn’t understand technology”. Yea, waste ur vote on that lying murderer!!!!

Phule Me Twice Jul 9, 2016 - 1:29 pm

I trust her more than I trust the Donald…and you better too. Hell will freeze over before Mr. Drumpf wins in November.

The Patriot Jul 9, 2016 - 9:01 pm

I sure hope the hell we are living now is starting to freeze over. I’m afraid we have lost our nation already with people supporting a lying criminal, failed Secretary of State that is bought and paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood. If you want to see our Constition dismantled and the State of Islam take over, vote for Hillary and kiss your free ass good bye. More so if you are a woman or gay. Trump is not the perfect person but he is our only hope to bring back the America we once had.

Anon Too Jul 10, 2016 - 3:31 pm

Where do you get your facts? Do you just pull this stuff out of your nether regions? Oy, vey!

Thoth Jul 8, 2016 - 11:47 am

The entire American political system is fraudulent. To still have faith in how things are ran in this cesspool of a country is a mystery no person can solve. We are a nation founded on thievery, extermination, doublespeak, and fraud. The ghosts of our collective past are coming back to haunt us. Good luck, America.

The Patriot Jul 9, 2016 - 9:16 pm

The statement about how our nation was founded holds no truth. You sound like you have been brain washed by that soicilist commie Howard Zinn. We are still the greatest Nation in the world. Our Nation is in trouble, Bill Clinton started the dismantling of the US, Obama has taken it to the next level, and Hillary is waiting to finish the job.

Thoth Jul 10, 2016 - 1:07 pm

So what you’re saying is that the Native inhabitants of this continent simply gave all the land over to the first white colonists without a fight? Are you saying the Spanish conquistadors were simply given all of this land without any bloodshed? Your idealized version of America’s past is the truly brainwashed position. To deny all of the killing, rape, and pillaging that went on establishing this “great nation” is dispicable and inaccurate. America has been falling apart since the first ships landed. Get your head out of the sand, Patriot. Real patriots who love their country point out its faults, not glaze over it all with silly historical revisions.

Wtf Jul 10, 2016 - 2:44 pm

You know what Thoth????? Every country has had difficult beginnings. Can u name me one that hasn’t???? But look at the US today…. We fight for the weak and the oppressed, we spend millions, actually billions trying to help the impoverished, we are the most unselfish during any natural or manmade disaster. There are millions of other examples of who WE as Americans are. Name any other country that is so giving??? Yes, we have had a history that most are not proud of I.e killing of native Americans and slavery. We can’t change the past. But we can the future. Hillary only represents the past by keeping minorities and the poor dependent on the government. She will only lie to get what she “wants”. With her lying husband at her side. If you are proud of her “record”, by all means waste your vote. But do not complain when nothing changes or except the poor get poorer and the rich get richer!

The Patriot Jul 10, 2016 - 3:28 pm

It appears that you hate America and we should be concerned of your status here. Yes the Spanish did what they did all over the world but they did not colonize the US. I do not deny conquering, killing, raping and pillaging did not happen, Native Americans did it to each other. Unfortunately this was the way of life back then along with slavery. Slavery still exist in some nations today but not here. Our founding fathers established the US under God in the name of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL! Your mind is seriously polluted if you think that descents of all races would be better off today without America. Wtf is correct, we have given back 10 fold and are the first to come to aid. If you do not embrace the Constitution and the American values you must represent the others that are trying to destroy us. It is people of your mindset, dwelling on the past that cause all of our issues today.

Sapien Jul 8, 2016 - 11:58 am

Remember folks, Clinton didn’t just first appear onto the scene with this presedenial race. She has many many years of her political corruption documented for all to see: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aT__i9txay4

I think Trump is surprised he’s made it so far and doesn’t really want the job of president. He’s saying as much nonsense as he can to be disqualified but just keeps making friends across the sheepish, dull-minded land of America. Trump has gotten himself into deep waters. When he gets into office he won’t keep the job. We are entering a new paradigm…

Old Pittsburg/Antioch Hwy Border Jul 9, 2016 - 11:38 am

The fan of either running candidates. Director Comey did his best to state the facts. He is correct in stating no Judge, Grand Jury, or People would sit through a year of testimony prepared by a special prosecutor and collectively agree Hilary should serve time for the crimes she “unknowingly” committed. All voters should read his statement over and over to be sure that a vote cast for Clinton is a “just” vote.

Old Pittsburg/Antioch Hwy Border Jul 9, 2016 - 11:39 am

No fan of either candidate.

The dude Jul 12, 2016 - 8:12 am

Corrupt scumbag

Shadow Gov't Jul 12, 2016 - 9:10 pm

Yeah, both of them.

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