Home California Group Submits Proposal for “Calexit”, Hopes for California to Secede from US

Group Submits Proposal for “Calexit”, Hopes for California to Secede from US

by ECT

On Monday November 21, the Yes California group filed a proposed ballot measure with the Attorney General’s Office that would allow California to secede from the United States.

If the group has its way, the initiative will be placed on the November 2018 ballot.

According to the initiative, it removes language from the California Constitution:

The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

It is then asking that on Mach 13, 2019, for voters to decide if they want to secede from the United States.

“Should California become a free, sovereign, and independent country?”

The initiative says that at least 50% of the registered voters participate and at least 55% vote “yes’.

If approved, the measure then says the “the governor shall carry and shepherd an application for the newly-independent Republic of California to join the United Nations. The Governor shall have the authority to appoint an ambassador to whom he may delegate this duty.

According to the www.yescalifornia.org website:


Our ballot measure has two parts.

First, it repeals language that says California is “an inseparable part” of the United States of America, which was only added to the California Constitution in 1972.

Second, it esablishes a vote on independence for March 13, 2019 where we will decide if “California should become a free, sovereign, and independent country”. 


Our ballot measure accomplishes two things. 

First, if we vote yes, it effectively becomes a declaration of independence.

Second, if we vote yes, the Governor will be required to apply for California to join the United Nations.


We expect to begin collecting signatures soon after Donald Trump is inaugurated in January.


We will have six months to collect some 585,407 valid signatures. We’re shooting for one million. 

According to experts, at least 38 states would have to agree to allow California to secede along with the approval of Congress.

In Oregon, residents have submitted their own ballot proposal for secession which has language that would be open to forming a new nation with Washington, California and Canadian provinces.

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Anne Nov 21, 2016 - 9:20 pm

Will be quite funny to watch California supply it’s own Army, Navy and Air Force.


Gary Gilbert Nov 21, 2016 - 10:17 pm

This is the most idiotic, ridiculous idea these crybaby liberals could come up with because Hillary Clinton lost? LOL

What has happened to this country? Young adults playing with Play Doh, coloring books, and needing a “cry room” to help them deal with their feelings because of the election. As a nation have we really become this pathetic? For goodness sake, grow up people and get a life.

Liberals and progressives are supposed to be so evolved and inclusive and YOU people are the most bigoted and hateful individuals in our society when you can’t have your way. The election is over, Trump won fair & square, and now it’s time move on.

Joe Nov 23, 2016 - 10:13 am

You said it straight Gary. Pathetic liberal cry babies. It makes me wanna find a special safe room at the college and cry for them. They are so misunderstood LOL.

Trump this Nov 21, 2016 - 10:40 pm


The Patriot Nov 21, 2016 - 10:55 pm

Libtards! we are already the worst state in the union to have a business in. They don’t realize most of the businesses and most of the Tax payers would leave the beginning of the end called California. The scary part is that there are at least 38 other states that wouldn’t care if California broke off and fell into the ocean. There is an old saying you idiots, be careful of what you wish for.

R jb Nov 22, 2016 - 7:41 am

Waste of time and money. Will never happen.

Nick Nov 22, 2016 - 10:05 am

Pathetic. Get a life.

make america great again Nov 22, 2016 - 6:00 pm

Seems like a great idea. Without the 55 liberal delegates, the Republicans will have no problem holding the white house, house and Congress for all my kids and grandkids to enjoy. Sounds like the best idea I’ve heard on how to Make America Great. Where do I sign?

Hillary Nov 29, 2016 - 2:39 am

Whiney, cry baby, bratty Libtards that want free hand outs and to be fed by a silver spoon. Suck it up and move to Cuba where Hilary will make Cuba Great Again!

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