Home California Congressman DeSaulnier’s Statement on Government Shutdown

Congressman DeSaulnier’s Statement on Government Shutdown

by ECT
Rep Mark DeSaulnier

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) issued the following statement on the government shutdown.

“This government shutdown was entirely avoidable and is the responsibility of President Trump, who boasted that he was ‘proud to shut down the government.’  He put far right radio and TV pundits ahead of the American people and created uncertainty and instability for more than 420,000 federal workers who are furloughed or will be forced to work without pay this holiday season.

House Democrats were poised to vote in favor of a clean plan to temporarily fund the government and were denied. Republicans have the ability to reopen the government at any time. If they don’t, Democrats will take control of the House in January and govern responsibly. I stand ready to work with my colleagues to reopen the government at the earliest possible date”

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Jg Dec 26, 2018 - 8:46 am

Desaulnier needs to realize that the wall needed will save lives, reduce crime, reduce drugs, and help provide a legal way to citizenship. It is politicians like him that are the real cause of excessive crime, drug trafficking, increase dependency of people living free off of the working persons taxes, endangering border patrol officers lives, and contributing to the exploitation of undocumented persons. Desaulnier and his co idiots should take this as an opportunity to negotiate real immigration reform. For example, provide funding of wall and demand current illegal residents have a pathway to become legal. Negotiate on DACA. The wall has been approved long before Trump. Blaming him for Desaulnier and other Dems inactions is plain moronic. What’s also deceiving by the Dems is that these government workers will not be paid. That’s a lie. They now get an extended paid vacation on the public’s taxpayers. Thanks Desaulnier for helping to screw up our County more. Mark , you need to put your big boy pants on and lead a solution instead of throwing a tantrum.

Lola Saavedra Dec 26, 2018 - 2:30 pm

Not all immigrants here automatically want CITIZENSHIP! Many just want a GREEN CARD showing “permanent” LEGAL residency and that’s it. Many get jobs and after a few years, accumulate enough money to take to their home country where that money will go far, build themselves a nice house and have enough funds to subsist.

Elizabeth Dec 26, 2018 - 2:33 pm

We don’t need any more immigration laws! We don’t need a “reform.” What we need is to have the 20,000 immigration laws we already have on-the-books, ENFORCED!

Keith Dec 30, 2018 - 6:23 pm

Perhaps you idiots demanding that WE pay for a wall forgot one of Frump’s primary campaign promises that Mexico pay for it? Most all of us sane, intelligent and logical human beings who refused to be blinded by the red truck driver hats knew that wasn’t going to happen so why should we care in now? In just a few short weeks the republicans won’t have a majority in the house and therefore won’t have a leg to stand on when trying to forever this crap down our throats. Here’s a novel idea. Frump’s got a lot of money hidden why doesn’t HE pay for it?? He won’t be needing it where’s he’ll be going to soon anyway!!

Mr. Fox Knows Dec 31, 2018 - 7:29 pm

Hey Keith! You anger that your candidate, Hillary Clinton, suffered a CRUSHING defeat should not burden you any longer. Trump has achieved what he has promised to do that includes tax credits and stopping terrorists from entering this country and also a lot more I can’t list here. So, take a deep breath and think that we had to put up with YOUR candidate, OBAMA, for 8 long years! Surely, you can hang in there for the 4 years we have Trump. . . and the reason we have TRUMP is because of OBAMA!

Jeff Hensel Dec 26, 2018 - 9:07 am

Although I do not like the shoutdowb, I agree with the need for the border wall. Please Mr. Desaulnier get back to work and get the border funding approved.

Nolan Dec 26, 2018 - 11:10 am

Thank you mark desaulner…..the loser ass trumpersters dont know caca

Ray Dec 26, 2018 - 12:21 pm

Pubic education failed you, eh?

Antioch-Pittsburg Highway Dec 26, 2018 - 11:40 am

Here is Mark Desaulnier kicking the can down the road. No real solution in his statement. Any moron can say let us open the government. By the way Mark, there is no such behavior in politics to “govern responsibly”.

Ray Dec 26, 2018 - 12:19 pm

Go fart in your hat, Markie!
Nobody cares WHAT you think!

Pete Bennett Dec 26, 2018 - 1:12 pm

If remember he was endorsed by Contra Costa District Attorney Mark Peterson. I have known Mark since 1981, I was hired by Hobie Taylor to build Hobies Roadhouse Bar and Grill. We used to slug down Buds at his bar.

You will learn a great about Mark, his role in a kidnapping next to his house, the murders of my relatives and my friend from 2005 plus the emerging unknown issues around PG&E, Kinder Morgan (Pipelines), #CampFire, San Bruno Explosion and the future Governor of the State of California whose Winery was not destroyed?

I am former PG&E Programmer with a personal story that links events all the back to 1979 where a chemical shed exploded on the old Ellinwood Farm just south of Sun Valley.

Investigators from the State Attorney General have been embedded since my F-250 exploded in 2004 on 680 and there is no police report to be found.

This story is why a young woman was murdered in her house in Byron, why you should question the Michelle Celebrini case, the murder suicide on Putman in Antioch.

Don’t forget we live in a county where the DA was indicted, police officers killed and the Narcotics Taskforce was indicted.

I have known Wielsch, Butler and DA Peterson from the late 80s to as far back as 1981 when Wielsch’s father leased space next to my Concord Cabinet Shop.

[email protected]

G Wayne Dec 26, 2018 - 5:00 pm

I encourage Mark to pickup a carload of illegal immigrants and bring them to his gated community and let them move in with him since he doesn’t believe in a border wall.

People like DeSaulnier, Pelosi, Cry Baby Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Maxine Waters love illegal immigrants as long as they don’t have to deal with them in the million dollar neighborhoods.

The children that became ill and died while in immigration custody is sad, however, they would be alive if the parent would not have put their lives at risk but coming to our country illegally. Want to blame someone, blame the parent!!!!!

Jerry Dec 26, 2018 - 5:05 pm

Trump himself has employed lots of undocumented immigrants. It’s business, they’re going to replace jobs because the job-makers and capitalists will use cheap labor when available. Trump/Congress don’t care about the populace at large, they play lip service to line their pockets.

G Wayne Dec 26, 2018 - 7:03 pm

Keep drinking that liberal koolaid Jerry.

At least we have a current President who wants to protect America instead of that traitor Obama who did everything he could to weaken us domestically and around the globe.

Trump isn’t perfect but thank God our President isn’t that criminal Hillary Clinton!

Jerry Dec 26, 2018 - 7:46 pm

It’s a fact that Trump hired undocumented immigrants in his hotels and golf courses. It’s not some cooked up myth.

You’re the one who’s drinking the koolaid for still bringing up irrelevant Obama and Clinton, they have nothing to do with this.
Plus, Hilary isn’t a criminal; Ivanka did the same thing she did, genius.

G Wayne Dec 26, 2018 - 8:38 pm

Hey Jerry since you obviously don’t believe in borders do us a favor and take down the fence around your house and remove ALL of your windows and doors, and put a sign on your front lawn saying “Feel Free to Enter, Everyone Welcome” and let us know what happens! I’m sure nothing bad will happen because you liberals are so accepting and open minded.

Richard Dec 28, 2018 - 2:50 am

Trump does not hire anybody! Well, maybe his very top people. Hiring is done by contractors and others. But you didn’t know that, did you?

Nancy Dec 26, 2018 - 7:51 pm

Melania Trump is one of those immigrants I can barely understand what she’s saying! Half the time I don’t even know if she’s speaking English or not. She needs to go back to where she came from.

G Wayne Dec 26, 2018 - 8:24 pm

Racist much Nancy?

I Dec 26, 2018 - 8:45 pm

Melania speaks five different languages fluently but I guess It must be really hard to understand someone when you only have a 3rd grade education!

Are You Serious Dec 26, 2018 - 8:49 pm

Melania speaks five languages fluently but I guess it would be hard for you to understand her with a 3rd grade education.

Stupidity knows no shame!

Black Bart Dec 28, 2018 - 2:59 am

Hey Nancy! Melania Trump is a gorgeous, charming, educated woman who speak 5 languages and knows protocol … unlike the last First “Lady” who put her hands all over the Queen of England and even goosed her! If you don’t understand Mrs. Trump, then it’s time for you to take a hearing test. Make an appointment with an audiologist. No! She is an American citizen and needs to stay here and continue being our First Lady…. through 2024! Melania is the most beautiful and classy First Lady we have ever had . . . and she doesn’t try to steal designers’ clothes like “you know who” did!

James irvin Dec 26, 2018 - 7:52 pm

I place This man ln the same catagory as I do Pelosi and. Shummer Just another fucking idiot who if he had any grey matter between his ears. Would take it out and play with it .a Another civil war is on the horizon folks and that is what it is going to take to rid our country of these morons who have no respect for our valuies our constitution our principles our way of life or who and what we are it is high time to pick up a weapon and lock and load and get krid of them and long live president Trump may he be in office for another six years .

G Wayne Dec 26, 2018 - 8:28 pm

You are my kind of American patriot James.

Individuals like Jerry probably would probably love living next door to MS-13. There’s no one more ignorant than a Bay Area liberals.

Priya Singh Dec 27, 2018 - 1:25 am

G Wayne, I understand your petty mind is paranoid at the fact of outsiders coming to your community because your life is so precious that you and your family will be singled out by terrorists. But trust me, we already have terrorists born in the USA that have attacked fellow Americans but you don’t want any legislation towards that right? Pathetic and ironic. Look up the statistics, illegal immigrants do much less violent crime per capita than Americans do to each other. The term you embody is called XENOPHOBIA. Stop living in fear. You’re welcome.

PS. MS-13, way to show that you’re up to date on modern gangs lol

G Wayne Dec 27, 2018 - 8:03 am


If you feel this way about America, then why are you here?

Believing that individuals should enter ANY country isn’t xenophobia as you pathetic liberals like to say, it’s called following the law. Something you obviously believe doesn’t apply to you.

G Wayne Dec 27, 2018 - 8:14 am

I invite you to put on a military or law enforcement uniform and defend this nation against anyone who threatens the safety and security of our citizens. I’ve proudly done both.

My guess is your liberal ideology coupled with cowardice would prevent you from doing so. Liberals talk a good game until the bullets start flying. Patriots run towards the action!!!!!

Trent F Dec 27, 2018 - 8:29 am

G Wayne, you continue to fail to respond to anyone’s actual comments. You just keep spouting nonsense. FYI patriotism is not the same as nationalism.

Dawn Dec 28, 2018 - 2:24 pm

Hey Priya … If even ONE illegal harms or kills an American citizen, then that is too many! In some respects, you are correct. Not as many illegals commit violent crimes because they are usually hiding out for fear of deportation but they will be flushed out and dealt with. By the way, our Founding Fathers made it very clear who should be let into this country and who shouldn’t. Read some of their writings and see for yourself.

Another point: There were/are reasons for people to be ethnocentric. Look what happened to countries which embraced DIVERSITY? The Russian Revolution of 1918 was instigated by non-Russians and this culminating into the horrid USSR which itself was demolished thanks to diversity of citizenry. Look at Rome and what happened to it AFTER Romans welcomed “diversity.” Then, read some of ancient history and what happened to the Tower of Babel.

Sorcerer Dec 28, 2018 - 2:32 pm

James Irwin – In San Francisco, we refer to Pelosi as NASTY NANCY who is experiencing early unset of dementia, poor soul. My New York relatives give Schumer the moniker, Scheister Schumer.

Keith Dec 30, 2018 - 6:29 pm

Its called early ONSET. Better get you own brain scanned. I bet they don’t find much but gas!!

Aleksander Dec 27, 2018 - 2:06 am

Let’s get this straight. Trump said he would have Mexico pay for the wall, now he’s extorting the federal government (including workers and their paychecks/livelihoods) if US taxpayers don’t pay for it?

Elizabeth E. Parker Dec 28, 2018 - 2:28 pm

Hey Aleksandr … Mexico is already “paying” for the wall……. via the withholding of our millions as our country’s taxpayers annual contribution to their economy. Also, President Trump met with then Mexico’s president -elect (AMLO) and discussed this situation. . . and got an agreement from AMLO. Are you even aware how many Mexican contractors are already working on parts of the wall right now? Take a trip to the border and see for yourself and talk with them.

Jg Dec 27, 2018 - 10:18 am

Sadly, the Democrats refusal to secure our borders is resulting in termoil. Unfortunately these same democrats are not thinking of US citizens but rather their own selfish power by bringing in votes for themselves through unconstitutional means. This issue is an opportunity for all Americans and immigrants wanting to become legal citizens to put a wall up to manage and secure our border along with getting some illegals to be legal. It’s not rocket science. The liberals just need to grow up and work with others. As far as Mexico paying for it, there are ways they are already. It’s just the dumb liberals who can’t understand math and economic factors. I guess it is those same fools who keep voting in people like Desaulnier. Thank you Mr. President whom ever you are or will be for protecting America and following our constitution.

G Wayne Dec 27, 2018 - 2:18 pm

Exactly Jg:

Idiots like Trent F & Priya must have crossed our border illegally themselves and that’s why they are so sensitive ?

Real Americans believe in legal immigration!!!!

G Wayne Dec 27, 2018 - 4:32 pm

We have a illegal immigrant cop killer running like a coward from law enforcement right now but I’m sure you bleeding heart liberals can care less that his wife is now a widow and his infant son will NEVER know his father. But that’s okay with Priya, Trent F, and Jerry because anyone who cares about protecting law abiding American citizens and legal immigrants are xenophobic and racist in your eyes.

It’s 4:20 p.m. right now and I have brothers and sister law enforcement officers who are on the California border at this very moment protecting our nation. These brave men and women are not being paid but they fully support our President and the shutdown because they are witnessing up close and personal the immediate present danger illegal immigrants pose to our country.

Since the individual(s) named above care so much about illegal immigrants take a trip to the Border and invite some of these individuals to come home and live with you.

James P Irvin Dec 30, 2018 - 2:36 pm

If I had my way I would take all the afore mentioned morons and liberal idiots out stand them against a wall and put one in their head for selling out their country and for high treason against same enough said .

Mike Heller Dec 31, 2018 - 11:34 am

Representative DeSaulnier says we need “expert analysis” before we build a border wall/fence. I guess he knows something the United Nations doesn’t (build wall across Cyprus), the Israelis don’t (built several walls which seem to be keeping terrorists out), the Croations don’t (several border walls and fences), the Spanish don’t (huge fence between their territory and Morocco), the Romans didn’t (Hadrians Wall in England), and the ancient Chinese didn’t (heard of the The Great Wall?). No, I think this is more stalling — Congress has had since the last Immigration bill passed in 1986 to get the border secured, and today we see even a 7 year old girl can walk right across it.

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