Home California California Legislative Black Caucus Endorses Diana Becton as Next Attorney General of California

California Legislative Black Caucus Endorses Diana Becton as Next Attorney General of California

by ECT
Diane Becton

The California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) announced Thursday that they unanimously endorse and support Contra Costa District Attorney Diana Becton to serve as the next Attorney General of California.

Becton could replace Attorney General Xavier Becerra, if appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom should current Attorney General Xavier Becerra takes on a role in President Joe Bidens cabinet after being nominated as the Secretary to the US Department of Health and Human Services. If the US Senate does confirm Becerra to the position, he would step down and create the vacancy.

Here is the Statement issued by the California Legislative Black Caucus:

“District Attorney Becton is a well-respected jurist and litigator with an exceptional statewide and national reputation among her colleagues, California’s law enforcement, and social justice communities. She is an experienced executive leader of large organizations, a strong supporter of progressive policies aligned with CLBC priorities, and has a track record of working with California’s diverse communities. In addition to her demeanor as a fighter for the people, District Attorney Becton has profound and abiding integrity. These unique qualities and experiences make her the best candidate for appointment as our state’s next Attorney General.

Diversity in our leaders is core to who we are in California. District Attorney Becton is the only African American woman serving as district attorney in the state of California, and we would all benefit from her variety in experience and perspective. Given her experiences, education and collegial connections, as well as her track record supporting progressive policies, District Attorney Becton is the transformative candidate for these turbulent times.

Without hesitation and with our highest recommendation, we respectfully urge Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint Diana Becton to serve as the next Attorney General of California.”

Source: Official Press Release

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Simonpure Jan 22, 2021 - 12:25 pm

Please no!!! She is way to light on crime.

Racist Jan 22, 2021 - 3:28 pm

Of course they do!
Her only qualification is that shes black.
Shes corrupt, a Soros elect, soft on crime , racist and hated by her staff and counterparts.
But shes black so why not.
Racism at its finest.

Yeahright Jan 22, 2021 - 4:50 pm

And we didn’t think things could get worse.

Engine 52 Lover Jan 22, 2021 - 9:14 pm

Things will get a lot worse. Biden is President. And when he’s sleeping Kamala and Nancy will be there. Is it 2024 yet?

Daniel Jan 22, 2021 - 9:38 pm

They’ll get a lot worse than they are!!

K. Pinkton Jan 22, 2021 - 10:38 pm

“Abiding integrity?” Are you kidding?! She admitted she plagiarized her application to be appointed district attorney in the first place but Diane Burgis was the swing vote that put her in the DA office. She is not fit to be attorney general any more than DA. Remember this: she said looters in WC could avoid charges if they showed they needed the stuff they stole. Right, like all the Nordstrom stuff. Come on!

Rudolph Bowers Jan 23, 2021 - 1:10 am

A George Soros backed liberal. If u want more crime, less deterrence for committing crime that’s what u will get.

Enough is Enough Jan 23, 2021 - 5:47 am

I wholeheartedly welcome decency, civility, sanity and intelligence to the White House, and can scarcely believe there are people who would prefer this country to be run by circus clowns. We all deserve better than the nonsense we’ve put up with the past four years.

Aaron Jan 23, 2021 - 10:48 am

The past four years we had the greatest President ever. You must be on medication that is seriously affecting your brain or you listen to the fake news.

Your Mother Jan 23, 2021 - 5:03 pm

Aaron, stop drinking the koolaid already. The Russian ploy you call the greatest president was only good at one thing: duping the gullible & stoking the flames of angry redneckery.

Your Mother Jan 23, 2021 - 10:07 pm

You know you’re a grade-A Neocon-redneck when you attribute everything in current society that you hate to George Soros, black politicians, and cops being held accountable for their actions. These far Right MAGA clones are still chugging the koolaid.

Joy Lansing Jan 24, 2021 - 3:57 am

The circus clowns are the ones who were voted in and now will be with us for the next 4 years and the country will go to hell in a hand-basket and I can just hear the liberals complain like crazy when taxes are raised and illegals are let in to take whatever jobs are left and, while we did not have ANY terrorist attacks when President Trump was in office, this might change now. So, watch your surroundings. Brace yourselves! If you see something, say something.

Love My Country Jan 24, 2021 - 8:04 am

At least one terrorist attack was directly led by the former president himself, so I’m not sure what delusional world you’re referring to.

If the same attack had been launched by some other country you’d be outraged, but when it’s at the hands of your leader you’re perfectly fine with it. That’s not patriotism, that’s brainwashing.

America does NOT need a cheeto for president! Jan 24, 2021 - 9:37 pm

Lol the greatest president ever??? I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT! Sure he ran the position of presidency like a business, but just like his other business ventures, he ran this one to the ground like the rest! Smfh the only thing hes good at is misdirection. He will act a fool to take attention off of what hes really doing just long enough that by the time anyone starts raising questions everything seems legit. That is THE ONLY REASON he has had any success or wealth. Hes about as fake as his grand father or great grandfather! (who GAVE HIM THE WEALTH AT BIRTH) who STOLE NIKOLA TESLA’S belongings after tesla died and cashed in on his ILLEGAL actions…both are fake as fucc and should seriously go play in oncoming traffic

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