The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District report that in the month of July, they had 669 service calls with an average response time of 9:32 minutes.
In the month of June, the District ran 596 calls with a response time of 8:28 minutes. In calendar year 2019, the District has an average response time of 8:19 minutes for 7,679 calls and in 2018 had a time of 8:16 minutes for 7,719.
During the month of July, the District responded to 6 residential structure fires, 0 commercial structure fires, 5 vehicle fires, 1 large vehicle fires, 28 vegetation fire and 37 exterior fires. The District also responded to 20 vehicle crashes with an additional 7 requiring rescue. They also had 1 vehicle vs. pedestrian, 6 motorcycle crashes, and 3 bicycle accidents.
The District had eight (8) incidents during the month of July that required requesting “Mutual Aid”. This was more that the requested Mutual Aid for the total ofcalendaryear2019.Seven of the eight incidents where Mutual Aid was requested were for vegetation fires.
The 4thof July was one of the busiest holidays this District has ever encountered in its 18-year history. From 8:00 am on 7/4 to 8:00 am on 7/5 the District responded to 45 incidents, 22 of those incidents were for fire calls during the times of 1700-0800 (22 fire calls in 15 hours).
According to the District, here is a breakdown of the Calls for Service by Station in the month of June:
- Engine 52 (Brentwood) ran 33% of the calls for service rolling out of the station 283 times
- Engine 53 (Oakley) ran 35% of the calls for service rolling out of the station 299 times.
- Engine 59 (Discovery Bay) ran 18% of the calls for service rolling out of the station 156 times.
- Auto Aid assisted in 8% of the calls for 67 rollouts.
- CALFIRE assisted in 4% of the calls for 35 rollouts.
- Mutual Aid received assisted in 1% of the calls for 8 rollout.
Average Response Time by Service Area:
- Marsh Creek – 11:54 Minutes (22 calls)
- Bethel Island – 15:31 Minutes (41 calls)
- Discovery Bay/Byron – 11:08 Minutes (83 calls)
- Knightsen – 10:55 Minutes (49 calls)
- Brentwood – 9:01 minutes (264 calls)
- Oakley – 7:41 Minutes (188 calls)
In the month of July, the District received auto aid from Contra Costa Fire 67 times with them sending a total of 101 engines with 42 arriving on scene. Meanwhile the District sent CONFIRE auto aid 37 times for 46 engines which 19 arrived on scene.
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