On Wednesday, the city of Brentwood announced that Police Chief Tom Hansen has been named the acting assistant city manager. Captains Doug Silva and Tim Herbert will split time as Acting Police Chief in Hansen’s absence.
Here is the official announcement via City Manager Tim Ogden:
BRENTWOOD, CA – I am pleased to announce my selection of Police Chief Tom Hansen who’s been serving as the City of Brentwood Acting Assistant City Manager since October 7, 2021. Terrence Grindall who had served as the Assistant City Manager has retired as of October 6, 2021. Together, Tom will assist me with overseeing operations in my office, as well as tackle special projects and providing various department oversight as needed.
While Tom steps away from serving as Police Chief through the end of the year, he will assign Captains Doug Silva and Tim Herbert to equally split time serving as Acting Police Chief in his absence. Brentwood PD will be in capable hands, and Tom won’t be far away if needed. This will be a great opportunity for enhanced succession planning for the Police Department, and provide Tom a new lens of opportunity to serve the City of Brentwood as he has for almost 27 years. Tom will resume serving as Police Chief when the new Assistant City Manager starts.
The recruitment for Grindall’s successor is underway with the assistance of national executive search firm Peckham & McKenney who has assisted the City on several key recruitments over the last few years. The recruitment will continue through December and the new Assistant City Manager could start in January 2022. Due to three key vacancies in the City Manager’s Office, the additional leadership and institutional knowledge of Chief Hansen through the end of the year is critical to ensure operations continue to move forward in a positive way.
Tom shares my can-do approach to fixing issues, and his added passion and energy will be a great assistance on challenges. I appreciate his willingness to step up and help during this transition.