Home Antioch AUSD Officials Agree to Groundbreaking Collaboration to Address NAACP East County Branch Complaint of Civil Rights Violations in Schools

AUSD Officials Agree to Groundbreaking Collaboration to Address NAACP East County Branch Complaint of Civil Rights Violations in Schools

by ECT

The following information was written by the Equal Justice Society recapping a recent Antioch Unified School District Meeting where an agreement is now in place to address a complaint by the NAACP.

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, African American students in AUSD represented only 24.8% of the student population, yet received 57.3% of all suspensions and 61.4% of all expulsions. Further, African Americans students were 35.5% of students with disabilities identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), but received 69.3% of all suspensions and 76.2% of all expulsions to IDEA students.

The agreement responds to complaints of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1963, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 brought on behalf of the East County Branch of the NAACP by DREDF, EJS and the National Center for Youth Law (NCYL).

During the March 25 AUSD Board Meeting, the agreement was approved in a 4-1 vote with Board President Claire Smith and Trustees Barbara Cowan, Walter Ruehlig, and Debra Vinson all voted in favor while Diane Gibson-Gray voted against.

Under the agreement, this will cost the District up to $140,000 for analysis and travel of consultants.

AUSD Officials Agree to Groundbreaking Collaboration to Address NAACP East County Branch Complaint of Civil Rights Violations in Schools

Officials of the Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) have announced a groundbreaking effort to identify the causes of disparities in school discipline by examining the subtle, complex, and often unintentional ways in which race, disability and discipline intersect.

“When the civil rights advocacy organizations raised concerns, our leadership team made a strategic decision to shift focus from a defensive mode to concentrating toward collaborating on the central theme and shared goal of student success. As the saying goes, think globally and act locally, and that is precisely what we are doing,” said Donald Gill, Superintendent of Schools in the Antioch Unified School District. “The achievement gap and equity issues, national themes of importance and urgency, will receive concentrated attention in our District, and we hope to serve as a model for others who face similar challenges.”

The District will hire nationally recognized experts to conduct a wide ranging review of the district’s disciplinary practices and special education services with particular attention to identifying implicit biases, stereotype threats, racial anxiety and other unconscious phenomena that could produce disparities.

“Implicit bias is a critical component of modern-day discrimination,” said Eva Paterson, President of the Equal Justice Society. “By recognizing that implicit bias hurts schoolchildren, the Antioch school district has taken the first steps to reverse the school-to-prison pipeline that too many Black children are forced into.”

The effort will also identify improvements in the identification of students with disabilities and the delivery of special education services and positive behavioral interventions to remediate behaviors that have led to inappropriate disciplinary action.

AUSD is responding constructively to the complaint that the district disproportionately suspends African American students and students with disabilities, despite denying these allegations. Claire Smith, AUSD Board of Trustees President, said, “I am pleased to share that the Board of Education gave direction in closed session to accept a plan of action that will fortify our work in the areas of student equity and access and provisionally resolve the issues raised by the advocacy organizations.”

Willie Mims, Education Chair of the East County Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which brought the complaint said the “disproportionate suspension of African American students greatly harms their chances for a quality education.”

Arlene Mayerson, Directing Attorney with the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF), added “It is imperative that district provide students with disabilities all of the supports and services they deserve. Many of these suspensions can be prevented by providing these students with appropriate academic and behavioral services to address their needs.”

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, African American students in AUSD represented only 24.8% of the student population, yet received 57.3% of all suspensions and 61.4% of all expulsions. Further, African Americans students were 35.5% of students with disabilities identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), but received 69.3% of all suspensions and 76.2% of all expulsions to IDEA students.

The agreement responds to complaints of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1963, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 brought on behalf of the East County Branch of the NAACP by DREDF, EJS and the National Center for Youth Law (NCYL).

“We are very pleased the district is taking the forward-looking steps contained in this agreement which will increase educational opportunity for all students in the district.” said NCYL Senior Attorney Michael Harris.

“Collaborating, communicating, solving problems and sharing goals will allow us to move forward positively to enhance our commitment to help all our students to achieve their potential,” stressed Superintendent Gill.

The expert team will be led by Dan Losen, Director of the Center for Civil Rights Remedies (CCRR) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) who will examine the district’s disciplinary policies, practices, and their disparate impact on African Americans and students with disabilities. Prof. Jeffrey Sprague of the University of Oregon will review IDEA/Section 504 practices, including assessment, behavioral and academic services. Prof. john a. powell of the University of California, Berkeley Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, Prof. Phillip Atiba Goff of the Center for Policing Equity, and Prof. Rachel D. Godsil of the Perception Institute will investigate the systemic effects of any implicit bias, racial anxiety, or stereotyping in the areas examined by the other team members. The team will deliver their findings by December 31, 2015, along with proposals for any necessary remediation.

of Equal Justice Society

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Never looking back Apr 1, 2015 - 6:56 pm

This is exactly why you need to move out of Antioch. Children will never be able to get a good education under AUSD and the conditions they face.

Might be time to move on! Apr 2, 2015 - 5:09 pm

WoW! Bad behavior and Bad parenting is the reason for disciplinary problems, regardless if your African American or not. As far as disabilities go, I think we are talking about mental health disabilities right? Let’s get the people who need help and want help, the help they need. As for racial bias and school suspentions; not buying it, total BS. I know too many honest hard working African American Families; with successful students K-College. They never had a problem while in school or with the Police. Why because they display good behavior and are productive citizens in our society.

As far as racial anxiety goes, today as soon as DRMS Students were dismissed 8-12 black juveniles fighting on Mt. Hamilton and Crater Peak way. No other races involved. NAACP what will you do about that? Claire Smith, Barbara Cowan, Walter Ruehlig, and Debra Vinson what will you do about that? Pay $144,000.00 pluse expense, please…….Ignorance is bliss. Hard working African American Families don’t want that and I Don’t want that BS in our neighborhood.

Never looking back Apr 2, 2015 - 11:18 pm

Implisit bias? I think the school administration is aware that the students are causing problems. Thats why they are suspended. Just another way for the NAACP to make people feel bad for doing their job. No white guilt should be had here. The administrators are consciously suspending the kids becuase they are a disruption to the others students. Not because they are arfican american. WTF is this world coming to. This is a crock of shit. Go to the schools and see for your own eyes what is going on before, during and after school.

Never looking back Apr 2, 2015 - 11:21 pm

I have a great idea. Body cams for the teachers and school administrators. Hands up don’t suspend.

Julio Apr 3, 2015 - 2:34 pm

“Go to the schools and see what is happening with your own eyes”. Never looking back! You are 100% correct. I assure you folks it is a lot worse than we are being told. A lot worse. It is not a safe environment for our teachers and some have restraining orders out against parents. This feeling of entitlement is promoted by the NAACP and all the rest of those folks you are hiring and also by Debra Vinson. This country has to stop this slide into the sewer.

I have no words Apr 3, 2015 - 3:12 pm

If the district was smart, it would install video cameras at the schools. Oh that’s right, it doesn’t have the money…

I have no words. Apr 3, 2015 - 3:15 pm

All the district has to do is install cameras at the schools. It’s so obvious.

RJB Apr 3, 2015 - 11:06 pm

But Black folks need our Benz and Mercedez…sheet you white folk get all da nice ass cars. We gots to have ours… one way or another.

We own this town! get da F out. this is the new way we rob folks. No need to hang around da walmart parking lot.. our politicians rob ya’ll hahaha

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