Home Antioch AUSD Explains “African American Promotion Ceremony” Flier

AUSD Explains “African American Promotion Ceremony” Flier

by ECT

Last Friday, an email invitation was sent out inviting parents to an “African American Promotion Ceremony” which was not an Antioch Unified School District Event. However, a flier sent out gave the impression that it was.

The flier now has the community debating if it was appropriate to cater to one group of students versus the inclusion of all students. Some of claimed racism, misuse of public resources, and favoritism to one group of students.


The flier was sent through the Dallas Ranch Middle School School Loop which alerted parents to the event.

The problem, the Antioch unified School District nixed the event flier a month ago and it was inadvertently sent out by mistake shortly before the event inviting parents of students to attend.

According to School Board Member, Walter Ruehlig stated he was told by District Staff the flyer was denied a month ago and it was understood that AUSD was not an event sponsor.

“This is good as it should be, I didn’t object to what I knew of the event precisely because I never saw that flier and understood it all along to be a privately sponsored, organized and funded event,” said Ruehlig.

However, he says he is still a bit perplexing is how the flyer resurfaced at Dallas Ranch.

“From what I am told so far it was belatedly discovered on the Principal’s e-mail history and he, it seems overreacted to it being the eleventh hour. He hastily sent it out not knowing it had been rejected because of linkage to AUSD,” explained Ruehlig. “Admittedly, errant sending was done by only one of five schools it seems and the email was sent the day of so I do believe that the original was, in fact, kiboshed and that this was more an accident and was not some big plan. Nevertheless, a painful mistake….We all agree, publicly sponsored and privately held are two different things so we mist be extra cautious to draw the line.”

In a follow up email, Ruehlig stated no district funds were used for the fliers according to Dr. Francis, but it is possible that some district resources might have been used to support this event such as District email, etc. It is not unusual for employees to pass along flyers to educational events.

Ruehlig also provided his own Q&A with District Staff. Reuhlig’s questions are in bold.

  1. After Stepahnie rejected the ORIGINAL flier are there any e-mails showing that a kabash ALERT was put on the flier. Something should have gone to the Principals. I know any of us would have immediately put a hold on asap if so directed. There was not. In hindsight, this would have been a good idea.
  2. Were calls made telling the Principals to ignore that original flier? Not that I am aware of.
  3. Was a new flier put out? It appears a new flier did not go out. 

He also noted that

School Board Member Diane Gibson Gray stated based on the 2015 ceremony description, and her concerns from last year’s event, she did not view it as an AUSD event and did not attend.

“I did not attend the African American 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony. That evening I was attending the E.N.C.O.R.E. Promotion Ceremony, an AUSD event. I will be attending three of the five middle school AUSD Promotion Ceremonies this Wednesday, in which all 8th grade students promoting on to high school will be celebrated,” said Gray.

Here is a Q&A we sent the Superintendent and the Board Friday which was responded to by Stephanie Anello, Associate Superintendent, Educational Services Tuesday morning.

Was this event approved by the AUSD?
AUSD did not sponsor this event. However I support any individual or group that wants to celebrate our students, their cultures, and their accomplishments.

What other “ethnic” groups are hosting events such as this through the AUSD? Is the AUSD going to be offering something for each?
I do not know of any planned events through AUSD other than the promotion ceremonies planned at each school to celebrate all students.

If the AUSD were approached by other groups who wanted to be exclusive would the AUSD sanction or approve the event? For example only,  a Caucasian American graduation ceremony, Hispanic… only saying that because they are the largest, but there’s more as there are Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans, American Indians where does AUSD draw the line? Irish? Scottish? Australian? Middle Eastern?
Many universities currently hold cultural celebrations. For example, Fresno City College, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, and Cal State Sacramento are just a few of the universities that hold African American graduation celebrations. I would welcome the celebration of all cultures and their accomplishments. 

Is there any other religious groups hosting such events for promotion?
I believe Most Holy Rosary Church had an event to honor students.

Wouldn’t something such as an 8th Grade Promotion be better served to include all students? AUSD middle schools host a promotion ceremony for all students. Mr. Francis’s flyer should refer to the event as a celebration rather than a promotion as only the District can formally promote, but I am supportive of this cultural celebration of students.

Since the AUSD is being involved in this “African American” event, does the AUSD support this type of segregation?
I support anyone or any community organization that wants to celebrate students. I do not believe this is segregation but, rather, a cultural celebration.

If there is any statement the AUSD or Board would like to make, feel free. 
Mr. Francis and I spoke about a month ago when I learned of the event as it conflicted with another program’s promotion and I wanted him to know that some people who might want to attend the event might not be able to. We also spoke about  the flyer for the event misrepresenting AUSD as the sponsor and not using his district email as this also misrepresented the event. He was very understanding. Finally, I let him know that although AUSD is not the sponsor of the event, we do support anyone or any organization that wants to celebrate the achievements and milestones of our students. I thanked him for taking his own time and resources to do so.  

We asked a follow up question, here is the response:

As a follow up to question 1, you say the District will support any event that supports the student. So the District will support a marketed event that appears to be a racially segregated?

The District acknowledges and respects the right of community organizations to sponsor celebrations for students that attend District schools.  Those celebrations are separate from District “promotion” ceremonies which recognize the achievements of all students.

Thank you,

School Board Members Debra Vinson and Barbara Cowan attended the event.

When reached for comment, Barbara Cowan provided two links:

  1. http://thegrio.com/2011/05/10/are-black-graduation-ceremonies-still/
  2. http://www.jpanafrican.com/docs/vol2no4/2.4_Using_Cultural_Competence_to_Close_the_Achievement_Ga1.pdf

When reached for comment with Debra Vinson, she was open to speaking about this, but we were unable to connect with her.

Editors Notes & Comments:

Although the event was promoted and marketed poorly as a community event to celebrate 8th Grade Promotion, this clearly was a mistake by the staff to send out a flier that was nixed by the District. The District, appears to have had a communication relaying that the flier was nixed. From what we have gathered, the District Administration or staff wish to take no responsibility for what transpired. The result, as been played out in social media with a wide variety of comments.

Then there is the issue of public resources being used for a private event such as school loop and staff time. That is yet to be resolved.

It has been noted that this event was open to everyone and many people did attend.

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Donna P Jun 3, 2015 - 7:07 am

Lets just see the name change from African American to white and see how that goes over? We would have the NAACP up our butts and be in national news. But if they do it, its okay. Riiiiight.

The way I am reading this is the school district embraces segregation. I am so glad I have just 1 more year of my kids in that District. Then I am done with them and their ignorance.

Jim Simmons Jun 3, 2015 - 7:08 am

Way to go Antioch Unified School District, you look like complete idiots who can’t control your staff or even communicate to them. I am sick and tired of this reverse racism crap. Have an event that promotes all students or don’t have one at all. An event like this should never even be promoted in school anyway since it has to do with a church. This staff member should be fired.

Sandy Jun 3, 2015 - 7:11 am

Segregation in Antioch Schools is being promoted. Good to know. And you wonder why Antioch has so many problems is the African American community does not want to include others but they want to be included in everyone else events. They can’t have it both ways.

AUSD Parent Jun 3, 2015 - 7:16 am

Double standards at play. Any other event like this with white asian or hispanic and you would be national news. I’ve read the social media comments and it appears the african american community doesnt care if there is that double standard. Well, lets start putting on these events and you watch, they will be the ones to speak up loudest against them

Shannon Jun 3, 2015 - 8:19 am

This is not the only time, they had an African American Honor Roll event last year which was separate from the Honor Roll ceremony. I remember seeing a flyer somewhere Antioch Middle School did this.

Anonymous Jun 3, 2015 - 8:23 am

Thanks for covering this boondoggle ECT. I can only hope charges will be filed against the school district for misuse of public funds and reverse discrimination. The school board trustees and staff look like fools.

Tawny Jun 3, 2015 - 10:47 am

Wow. Apparently, I forgot that we weren’t allowed to celebrate and encourage underprivileged youth with a devastatingly high proportion of K12 dropouts. I guess holding an African American 8th grade graduation celebration is just out of the question, because encouraging students who are disadvantaged in comparison to the populous majority (whites) is completely asinine.

It’s time my community starts seeing things with a more critical and educated eye. This does not “promote segregation.” This uplifts students who are systemically depressed simply because of their skin color. If you think this is untrue or does not exist, try researching the term “white privilege” a little bit.

I’m saddened to call the people adamantly against the idea of this celebration ceremony my neighbors.

Teri Hernandez Jun 3, 2015 - 2:30 pm

Those students are not suppressed because of the school or their teachers. African Americans should be proud and not consider themselves systematically depressed. That view comes from their families not the community or the governments. All Blacks are not disadvantaged and if you look around you, whites are not the populous majority. Everyone should be included. How does someone become advantaged if you keep telling them they are supressed and disadvantaged? not buying it. Those type of celebrations are totally acceptable in private, but it should not be that way in a public school or entity.

Anonymous Jun 4, 2015 - 12:35 am

Tawny, you just don’t get it. Not all racists are white. You want critical, you want educated, you want the truth? Well here ya go…The only racists I know in the modern world are blacks with a chip on their shoulder. As for whites being the “populace majority” that may have been accurate in east county up until the mid 1980s but today it doesn’t hold water. Drive through Antioch, it’s about a 50/50 split. Don’t care if your black or white. Pull that reverse discrimination crap and you are a racist of the worst kind.

Gary Gilbert Jun 4, 2015 - 6:33 am

Come on Tawny you have got to know just how stupid and ridiculous this is. I would NEVER, EVER allow my children to participate in this and all of them have made the honor roll in AUSD. This is a prime example that black folks have completely lost their mind. Black people have the ability to succeed in anything they do today. The opportunities are unlimited IF you choose to work hard and be a person of honor and integrity. Both of my sons graduated from DV, went on to graduate from college and are now serving proudly in the U.S. Army. My daughter will soon graduate from middle school and she has been on the honor roll each year. You see, we don’t need to be apart of a ceremony like this because my wife and I have given them all the encouragement and recognition they need. If other black parents did the same non-sense like this would never exist.

If you want to change the “whoa is me” culture that is destroying the black families and communities then you begin by stop being dependent on the government, present yourself with dignity & respect, stop using racism as an excuse for everything that happens in your life, stop making babies that you cannot mentally, emotionally, or financially support, and demand that BLACK MEN take responsibility for their actions, their children, and the financial stability of their families.

More facts Jun 4, 2015 - 11:50 am

Gary, you are so correct. I applaud you saying it like it is. Thank you

Jas Jun 3, 2015 - 12:36 pm

Wow talk about asinine. EQUALITY! One graduation/promotion? ONE ceremony for it!! I thought we fought AGAINST segregation????

Robert Jun 3, 2015 - 5:39 pm

From the same district that has this? Is this program open to all students. Is this finally acknowledgment that there is a problem because all we see is screams of racism when people bring up suspension and dropout rates?

Gary Gilbert Jun 4, 2015 - 9:23 am

Until the black community looks inward and starts dealing with problems that effect our individual lives, stop expecting others to give you a pity party! And to my white brothers and sisters, please stop falling victim to the “white guilt” syndrome. If you treat others with kindness, dignity, and respect, you have absolutely nothing to feel bad about or apologize for. However, if you think all blacks act and think alike, you have some personal issues to resolve. LOL!!

Folks, I think we can all agree that this separate 8th grade promotion was a horrible idea that absolutely should not have been presented to the school board for consideration. If the families of these students want to celebrate the achievement of there children then they could have done this in a private ceremony. I believe the hidden agenda of this entire thing is manipulated to further divide Antioch along racial lines. If anyone is too blame for this it is black folks in the community who have a “entitlement” attitude and believe they should be catered to based on the color of their skin. We never raised our kids this way and shame on you black parents who have raised your children to believe the world owes you something. You are setting these kids up for failure and a life of anger and misery. The most racist people I have ever met in Antioch were other black people scream racism when they can’t get their way and East County NAACP is the leader of the pack! Good luck Antioch, you need all the prayers you can get!

SPEAK4WHATSRIGHT Jun 6, 2015 - 9:57 pm

This is just the tip of the iceberg…. District Officials have known and supported the re-segregation of schools regardless of what textbook robotic statements they spit-out to cover their butts- the proof is in the pudding and now instead of fixing anything they will just keep hiring and firing and rotating everyone downtown so everyone never talks to anyone twice— they do this with no heart and no regard for the complexity of the real issues they themselves have created. AUSD schools are so out of control because of the $ placed on every students head… regardless of WHAT students do at any AUSD school; they are never held accountable and its become an outright mess… Basically, as long as we keep the kids alive and present at schools–they get their money! The district office needs to reassess their priorities. Has anyone noticed the fact that schools in AUSD constantly REFUSE TO RETAIN, EXPEL, AND/OR follow through with ANY POLICY THAT MIGHT SEND A KID HOME or cost them money?
The real price paid is a big one and it’s directly affecting student and staff safety and security… NOT TO MENTION MORAL…

gsc Jun 6, 2015 - 10:11 pm

If it wasn’t promoted by AUSD then why did I find out about it on the AMS website?

BRITTANY TUELL Jun 6, 2015 - 10:19 pm

Why not require parents to obtain a license if they want kids? at least then we could require people to learn the basics of parenting while they are filing for state benefits etc. As a single white female with two disabled parents, with NO kids it blows me away that I cannot get any aid or help in becoming self sufficient SOLELY because I DON’T choose to bring a child into the world that I cant support … yet those who do (selfishly bring kids into the world) get things like; housing, cash aid, Calfresh, WIC, etc.. It makes me sick…I just want to be able to live alone, finish my education &feed myself; but that’s not possible because the state says my GROSS income is too much! Gross is not the amount I see yet it’s the amount shown BEFORE taxes and deductions amounting in over $800++ per month…. On average I gross $2200.00 and see about $1100.00 monthly! Now, lets do the math on a 1bd apartment in Antioch plus the cost of living, groceries, and utilities and tell me how I am to survive? NOT possible and not happening!!!!

ANONYMOUS Jun 6, 2015 - 10:36 pm


“African-American Male Initiative – Bridge Program”

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