Home Antioch Antioch Votes in Favor of Landlord Tax, Measure O Passes by 180 Votes

Antioch Votes in Favor of Landlord Tax, Measure O Passes by 180 Votes

by ECT

Antioch residents passed Measure O Tuesday night by a thin margin which will implement a business license tax on residential property owners and increase the business license tax on business.

According to County Elections Wednesday Morning, Measure O passed with 50.88% (5,208) in favor versus the 49.12% (5,028) against—a difference of just 180 votes. A total of 10,236 voters were casts

Measure O

Landlords will now be forced to pay $250 per detached single-family dwelling unit (house) and $150 per attached, multi-family dwelling unit (apartment). It also increases the annual Business License Tax to $100—except for certain home occupation businesses which will remain at $25.

It’s estimated that the Measure will generate approximately $2.3 million annually in additional revenue for the General Fund based on approximately 11,500 total residential rental units, but will be offset by approximately $300,000 in costs to administer the additional tax.

The revenue generated from the tax will go towards Antioch’s General Fund where it’s expected to pay down future debt in 2016-17 and prevent city cuts in staff and services—a deficit is expected to be in the area of $3.3 million. It also has the possibility of returning staff to 40-hour work weeks and improving services.

The “No on Measure O” Committee spent $173,575 as of October 24, 2014 to unsuccessfully defeat the Measure while the “Yes on Measure O” Committee spent around $10,000.

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Dale Nov 5, 2014 - 3:17 pm

Great news!! We need all of the help we can get!!! Now if we can just get the landlords to clean up their properties and start a program like other cities to hold them accountable for their renters….

Julio Nov 5, 2014 - 5:28 pm

We need to enforce what is on the books and collect what is due us in all areas. I want a collection agency who will set up a program for us, bring us current in two years and then turn the program over to us. This is entirely possible and the names have been submitted to the city.

Joe Nov 5, 2014 - 7:29 pm

Let’s be honest without the landlords, who would be living in Antioch?

66789abcds Nov 5, 2014 - 9:47 pm

Good the only profitable business in Antioch over the past few years have been the Section 8 landlords

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