Home California AAA: Eat, Drink and be Responsibly Merry

AAA: Eat, Drink and be Responsibly Merry

by ECT

AAA aims to keep impaired drivers off Northern California roads and provides tips for celebrating responsibly this holiday season

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. To keep roads calm and bright this Christmas Eve, AAA will once again offer its Tipsy Tow service. Service will be available in Northern California starting 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24 and run through 6 a.m.Tuesday, Dec. 25.

“As families and friends gather to celebrate Christmas Eve, AAA wants to ensure everyone has a plan on getting themselves or guests home safely,” said Michael Blasky, spokesperson for AAA Northern California.

AAA Tips for a Safe Christmas:

Be a responsible partygoer:

  • If you plan to drive, don’t drink.
  • If you plan to drink, select a designated driver and give them your car keys.
  • If your ride falls through, use a rideshare service, call a cab, or use AAA’s Tipsy Tow as a transportation alternative.
  • Buckle up — it’s your best defense against impaired drivers.

Be a responsible host:

  • Offer food and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Make sure all of your guests have a designated driver.
  • Keep the numbers for safe transportation options, like Tipsy Tow, handy.
  • Take the keys away from anyone who is thinking of driving while impaired.

“If you’ve been singing ‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas,’ we urge you to keep your promise, and never drive drunk. AAA encourages all Northern Californians to use Tipsy Tow, if necessary, to ensure they’ll spend the holiday with their loved ones, safe and sound,” Blasky said.

Tipsy Tow provides a free ride home and vehicle tow of up to 10 miles for any driver, not just AAA Members. For mileage beyond this, motorists are charged a standard towing rate. To use the service, anyone who wants to ensure a safe ride home for an impaired motorist should call 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357) and state that they need a Tipsy Tow.

Services will not be provided to motorists requesting a tow to another drinking establishment, repair facility or any other location other than their home or a hotel if the motorist is, or plans to become, a guest. Other services not covered include: Requests to start a vehicle, flat tire change, gas delivery, taxi service and requests to transport more than two people with the vehicle.

AAA estimates that a first-time DUI conviction can cost a motorist more than $10,000 in fines, penalties, legal fees and increased insurance costs.

About AAA Northern California
AAA has a proud history of serving Members for over 100 years. The company is on a mission to create Members for life by unleashing the innovative spirit of 4,000 employees representing nearly 6 million Members across Northern California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming and Alaska. In addition to legendary roadside assistance, AAA offers home, auto and life insurance, and extraordinary travel services. According to Via Magazine’s Smart Guide, being a AAA Member can save you more than $1,200 a year. Learn more at AAA.com.

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