Home Antioch WTF California: A Chat With Don Freitas on State of Antioch, Plus Recall Talk

WTF California: A Chat With Don Freitas on State of Antioch, Plus Recall Talk

by ECT

On this episode of WTF California, we sit down with former Antioch Mayor Donald Freitas in a candid chat with what is going on in the City of Antioch and the city council. We get into the role of a mayor, press conferences, recalls, community divide. Sadly, Antioch has become “anything but Antioch” in terms of how others view the city. Freitas provides his thoughts on Mayor Lamar Thorpes first 90-days in office, censures should be placed on Thorpe and Tamisha Torres-Walker. We also ask if Thorpe is recalled, would Feitas run for mayor.


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