Home Pittsburg Pittsburg Unified to Stay In Distance Learning Through End of the School Year

Pittsburg Unified to Stay In Distance Learning Through End of the School Year

by ECT

The Pittsburg Unified school District voted Wednesday to continue Distance learning through the remainder of the year according to a message that went out by the Superintendent Janet Schulze.

According to the District, they have had an enrollment decline by 416 students which is an additional 118 student decline than anticipated. Their prior year average daily attendance was 95% while the current year attendance is at 97%.

Dear PUSD Community,

At last night’s Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to not move forward with the timeline for in-person hybrid learning after the spring break and to remain in full distance learning through the end of this school year. After listening to feedback during multiple webinars last week, reviewing survey data, and hearing the public comment during the meeting, it was ultimately decided the logistics of the hybrid model present too many barriers, disruptions, and inequities, and it would be better for our scholars to remain in their current distance learning schedule.  Also, while the rate is declining, the higher rates of COVID-19 in the Pittsburg community remain a concern.

I know the situation we are in during this pandemic has been extremely difficult for our families and staff. I appreciate everyone’s dedication, partnership, and service in the best interest of our scholars.

We will focus our planning for a robust summer learning program and the start of the 2021-2022 school year. 

In Community,

For a look at the Board Packet, click here

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Hdh Mar 12, 2021 - 12:56 pm


Frank Mar 12, 2021 - 7:06 pm

So as the children fall further behind the teachers and school district employees can enjoy more vacations.

Frank Mar 12, 2021 - 7:09 pm

So as the students fall further behind the teachers and district employees can enjoy there vacations. I guess high school sports are out too.

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