The Pittsburg Police announced the arrest of a 25-year-old man in connection with graffiti incidents around the city.
According to police, for months, graffiti with the word “BCUS” was all around the City of Pittsburg. This defacement was on everything from buildings to street signs, to sidewalks and private businesses.
Police said Wednesday that thanks to the City of Pittsburg graffiti clean-up team who witnessed Mr. BCUS in the act and alerted the police right away. Pittsburg Police were able to arrest 25-year-old Shane Cisneros “Mr. BCUS”who tagged over 365 structures and will be charged with Felony Vandalism.
As for why he did this? Just “BCUS” likely won’t fly with the judge said Police in a social media post.
Information and photo released by Pittsburg Police Department
LoL BUCS is going to jail and going to pay for his damages. Taggers are weak
Be sure to alert Antioch PD. He’s done plenty of tagging in Antioch as well as on highway 4.
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