Home Pittsburg Pittsburg POA: Open Letter to the Citizens of Pittsburg

Pittsburg POA: Open Letter to the Citizens of Pittsburg

by ECT

Joe Terry, President of the Pittsburg Police Officers Association disputed media reports that accuse the Pittsburg Police Department of manipulating it’s crime statistics.

According to the letter, Terry called the allegations “outrageous” and “simply not true.”

He further highlighted that the claims are coming from a former police officer who no longer works for the police department and called the majority of officers outstanding citizens working hard to protect the community.

Terry says the police officers support a open and transparent investigation into the allegations.

 Here is a copy of the letter:

We are the police officers who proudly serve the Pittsburg community. Our officers who live and work in Pittsburg know the strides our community has made in reducing crime, protecting our residents and diminishing blight in our neighborhoods.

Because of our commitment to the Pittsburg community, and the high value we place on our reputations here, we would like the opportunity to directly address the allegations of crime statistics manipulation.

First, citizens should know that this claim of wrongdoing is coming from a former police officer who no longer works for the Pittsburg Police Department.  Please know that in no way does this former police officer represent the majority of officers who are outstanding citizens working diligently to protect our community.

We want to reaffirm that members of the Pittsburg Police Department, including our Chief Brian Addington and our command staff, have worked hard to improve residents’ safety and to claim that this achievement was completed by manipulating statistics is outrageous and simply not true.  As members of the Pittsburg Police Officers’ Association, we are the officers who respond to initial calls for service, and determine if a crime has occurred.

Our police officers wholeheartedly support a full, open and transparent investigation into the claim of “Suspicious Circumstance” reports – so the public can remain confident in the jobs we do to protect the community.

We know that on such an important issue that emotions can run high and it is easy to jump to conclusions on the validity of these claims. We ask that the public temporarily refrain from jumping to conclusions about these claims and allow an independent investigation to take place so that the facts can be revealed.

In closing, we speak on behalf of the members of the Pittsburg Police Officers’ Association in saying: Your police officers take great pride in the jobs we do in protecting our community. Please know that we will work hard to continue to merit your respect and your trust. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Officer Joe Terry President, Pittsburg Police Officers’ Association

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RayB May 11, 2016 - 2:50 pm

Transparent……….! Right!
Open the scanner airwaves again and let us be the judge.
Hiding something?

North Clayton Resident May 11, 2016 - 7:45 pm

@RayB Did you even read the article and see who it was about? Pittsburg PD uses the county dispatch who anyone with a scanner can listen to so no I don’t think they are hiding anything.

Where did Antioch go wrong??????? May 11, 2016 - 8:59 pm

I do beleive that the officers of PPD are good hardworking cops and not the cause of these allegations. I was once told by a PPD officer that they did in fact close calls as suspicious circumstances when in fact they were righteous assault with deadly weapon. I was told that these were calls were the victims refused to provide details about the incident. This is not something new, as i was told this years back. This in no way should reflect on the hardworking street cops. And for the record, I was not told this by Wade Derby.

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