Home Antioch Letter: Mayors Wife Encourages Support For Husband’s Re-Election

Letter: Mayors Wife Encourages Support For Husband’s Re-Election

by ECT

Dear Editor,

My name is Lisa Harper. I am a teacher’s assistant in Antioch working with special needs students.   I have been married to Wade Harper for over 27 years and he still calls me his bride.  Some of you I have already met out in the community, at the grocery store or at church.  If we have not met, I look forward to meeting you.

I want to tell you a few things about Wade that you won’t read in the newspaper.  Wade has always understood that his calling is to serve the community.  Wade was a youth minister at his local church and a former pastor.  Wade served as a police officer for 24 years.  I will never be able to explain to you the way I felt and what was going through my mind when the police dispatcher would call our home to tell me that Wade was going to be a little late coming home.  My heart would always skip a beat because I couldn’t help but expect the worse.  As a lieutenant Wade would routinely get called during the night if there was a major incident.  Wade was always ready to serve.

Another thing you may not know about Wade is that he is a very giving person who is always giving of his time and resources to the people of the community that he loves.  He regularly pays for a meal or a cup of coffee when a person isn’t expecting it.  He will stop to help someone fix a flat, push a car or even buy gasoline for someone who has run out.  Wade volunteers by providing leadership trainings to local churches.  When Wade was on the news the other day stopping to help a man who was trapped in a wrecked car, I said, “Yes, that’s my husband, always helping someone.  At that time he rejected the idea that he was a hero.  He was just trying to help.  That’s the Wade that most people don’t know about.  My husband has done a great job a putting the City of Antioch on the right track.  As an MBA he understands that you have to have a sound plan to move the city forward.  His Strategic Management Plan is working to guide the city forward to a better future for all Antioch residents.  I encourage you to vote for Wade.  He’s got the city of Antioch on the right track.

Vote by absentee ballot or vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.  Vote for Wade Harper

 Lisa Harper

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R j. B Oct 27, 2016 - 8:07 am

Sean Wright is the leader that we need if we want to make a difference in Antioch.

I’ve already submitted my vote so have many of my friends for the good Dr. Wright.

Gary Gilbert Oct 27, 2016 - 9:33 am

Sean Wright is a great choice for Mayor.

Nick Oct 27, 2016 - 10:49 am

A pastor, a police officer and a mayor. What a range of occupations.

R jb Oct 27, 2016 - 12:24 pm

Don’t forget Debate Protestor to add to his list.

Julio Oct 27, 2016 - 10:55 am

@Nick And mediocre at best at all of them. Sean is the person we need. Forward thinking instead of always thinking about himself.

R jb Oct 27, 2016 - 12:23 pm

Excellent point, Julio

Insider Oct 27, 2016 - 11:00 am

A Mayor is not an “occupation” as it is not considered full time or career employment. It has only a slightly elevated position over a city council.

County Supervisor, Sheriff, District Attorney, Assemblymen, Senator, Congressmen are considered occupations. Learn your civics!

Nick Oct 28, 2016 - 11:32 am

A mayor is a politician. And politics is an occupation. The position of mayor in Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston pay over 200K. You don’t think a position that pays over 200K is an “occupation?”

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Insider Oct 28, 2016 - 11:45 am

Nick, in Contra Costa County the position of Mayor is not an occupation. Learn your geography! In Contra Costa County the position of Mayor is not paid a standard salary or living wage, nor is it considered full time employment. Learn your economics!

A school board member runs for election, which is also politics but is not an occupation. Nor is a sanitation district member, water district member, or hospital care district trustee. The examples are endless. Apparently you have no clue.

It’s you that has no idea what you are talking about or who you are talking to.

Nick Oct 28, 2016 - 12:25 pm

“Occupation” is defined as “a job or profession.” Being a mayor is a JOB, even if it isn’t your profession. You’re clueless.

Insider Oct 28, 2016 - 11:37 pm

Yeah Nick, you keep thinking that.

Being a Mayor is not a job, nor is it defined as one. Only a very select few of the 19 cities in CCCounty even have a Mayor as separately elected office. Inclusive of those, there is not a single Mayor that could afford to live in the city they serve (which is required by California Govenment code) if the position of Mayor was their job (and source of income-also defined as occupation).

I’ve been involved politics for decades. Do you even have 1 day of experience or do you always opine about things you know nothing about? Trust me, you haven’t a clue and thanks for proving it.

If it makes you feel better keep trying to convince yourself, it only perpetuates your ignorance.

Nick Oct 29, 2016 - 12:02 pm

Why are you getting so upset over nothing? All I said was he had a range of occupations. To most people that comment is no big deal.

If you get that upset over something so minor, what are you life when you have to face important things?

By the way, occupation is in the dictionary. Look it up.

I don’t care if you’re in politics. I’m entitled to my opinion.

DEAL WITH IT! You’re an idiot.

Insider Oct 29, 2016 - 9:27 pm

Gee Nick, who pulled your string? I’m just putting out facts which apparently have you all twisted up. You are the one defending yourself by internet shouting (all cap posting). I guess that is how you deal with someone pointing out your opinion is just opinion. I’m done trying to educate you. Perhaps some day when you are old enough to hold a job you will have a better understanding.

Nick Oct 29, 2016 - 12:06 pm

Job definition: “a duty or responsibility.” Being a mayor is A JOB, even if it’s not full time. You can look that one up too.

Insider Oct 29, 2016 - 9:33 pm

Sorry ‘lil buddy, it just doesn’t work that way. I know every Mayor in the county and none consider it an actual occupation. Maybe you should spend less time forming baseless opinions or meet a few of them, do a little job shadowing, take a civics class or talk to an HR person. Then your opinion might count for something besides displacing a few electrons on a web site.

Nice try though.

Pearl Oct 30, 2016 - 12:17 am


A city manager occupation is to runs the city Mayors are figureheads and are there to run meetings

Melanie Oct 30, 2016 - 9:51 am

Wow. What a silly argument from Insider. Getting all uptight over something so minor. Grow up. Is it Harper himself? Nick is correct. If anything, it was someone else who was insulting… saying that he’s mediocre at best. Nick just said he’s done a few different things. How petty Insider…everyone can state their opinion on a blog. That’s what blogs are for. If you don’t like other people’s opinions, don’t read their comments…

Insider Oct 30, 2016 - 4:28 pm

Melanie, both you an Nick are entitled to your opinions as long as you don’t peddle them as facts. It appeared very clearly that is what Nick was attempting to do. Trying to force feed your opinion by using all caps or calling someone an idiot didn’t further his cause.

You chiming in suggesting it is minor, silly or insulting and then trying to defend opinions in general doesn’t really make much sense now does it? According to your perspective, my facts are “petty” but Nick’s opinion wasn’t? I find that comical however hypocritical it makes you look. Take your own advice; no one made you read my comments then consider taking my advice; no one forced you to respond. That is unless you are Nick.

Sorry Melenanie (Nick), but you just can’t have it both ways. Nice try again.

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