Home Antioch Letter: Antioch Resident Calls Interim City Manager Appointment Political Payback

Letter: Antioch Resident Calls Interim City Manager Appointment Political Payback

by ECT

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted by Antioch resident Mark Jordan in response to the City of Antioch announcing Cornelius Johnson will be appointed interim Antioch City Manager.

Mayor and Council Members,

I do not know Mr. Cornelius Johnson and believe that we have never met. From what I have read, he appears to be a fine person and a retired public servant from San Francisco.  It is often stated he is a retired Captain, however it appears that is a misrepresentation of fact.

In whole it is probable that he would make a solid section as an interim City Manager were it not for the obvious fact that his appointment smacks of QUID PRO QUO.

This appointment by certain members of the Council appears as pay back for campaign donations and event sponsorship.  Are you really going to give this for that?

Mr. Thorpe and Ms. Wilson should recuse themselves from the vote. And they know very well, why.  And then there is Ms. Walker.  Based on her statements concerning police services and member of the force, she also should recuse herself.

That leaves the quandary.  Should a minority of two member make the decision?  No majority?  The answer is a simple; no.

Therefore, irrespective as to whether Mr. Johnson is qualified for the job he should not be considered or approved.  Find another qualified individual.  This looks just like of old time Chicago political payback.

Mark Jordan, Citizen of Antioch

Antioch City Council Meeting Information:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
  • Agenda: Click here
  • Time:
    • 4:00 P.M. Closed Session
    • 5:30 P.M. Special Meeting/Study Session
    • 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting
  • Place: The City of Antioch, in response to the Executive Order of the Governor and the Order of the Health Officer of Contra Costa County concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease, is making Antioch City Council meetings available via Comcast channel 24, AT&T Uverse channel 99, or live stream (at www.antiochca.gov).

If you wish to provide a written public comment, you may do so any of the following ways by 3:00 p.m. the day of the Council Meeting: (1) Fill out an online speaker card, located at  https://www.antiochca.gov/speaker_card, or (2) Email the City Clerk’s Department at [email protected]a.us.

To provide oral public comments during the meeting, click the following link to register in advance to access the meeting via Zoom Webinar:
https://www.antiochca.gov/speakers. You may also provide an oral public comment by dialing (925) 7763057. Please see inside cover for detailed Speaker Rules.

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Recall Thorpe Nov 9, 2021 - 10:27 am

Why hasnt Thorpe been recalled?? He is a corrupt racist !

Lisa Seaton Nov 9, 2021 - 1:09 pm

To Mark Jordan: Everything in your letter holds true, however, Ms. Walker should not even be on the City Council because she was not legally elected. She kept her successful prosecution for arson secret and this was revealed to voters AFTER she was “elected.” Arsonists are not permitted to run for office in California, even if their sentence was expunged. Those of us who research the candidates prior to heading for the polls, knew that already.

Brandon James Nov 9, 2021 - 3:51 pm

I don’t think Thorpe is educated enough to know what “QUID PRO QUO” means. I bet he thinks it has something to do with the sea creature SQUID.

LoveableCurmudgeon Nov 10, 2021 - 5:10 am

If it weren’t for your former guy none of you could spell Quid Pro Quo. This appointment is made within the law and, unless proven otherwise, should stand. There are forces in Antioch who are having a cow over the fact that people of color are taking a piece of the action. It ain’t 1960s Antioch. It’s revealing that so much criticism and vitriol is directed at city officials who happen to be non white. It’s past time to realize that it isn’t 1961 any longer

Grace Wilson Nov 10, 2021 - 11:45 pm

It doesn’t matter what color or race they are. The two (mayor and mayo pro-tem) are running Antioch into the ground. They are doing a PISS POOR job! They are ruining this city with their “piece of action.” This is definitely a quid pro quo (and I am very familiar with that term as I have a degree in CLASSICS from UC Berkeley—- Class of 2015,) for your information. These “non-white” officials are ruining our city! Although it can also be ruined by White ones—-and it has, in the past. So, you have nothing to stand on, LOVEABLE!

STREET-SWEEPER Nov 11, 2021 - 5:02 am

Perhaps, but there’s no coincidence to to demographics and massive rise in crime since the 2000’s. To deny that would be hypocritical.

Chris Burton Nov 11, 2021 - 12:55 am

C’mon, LOVEABLECURMUDGEON! Most educated people know what Qui Pro Quo means as well as other Latin expressions! We use this in the legal profession all the time as well as in medicine. It’s also used in everyday vocabulary. This situation with appointing this Cornelius fellow as an “interim” city manager, is a prime example of quid pro quo if there ever was one. Just added another one to help the city become even crappier. Thorpe and company are not even trying to hide this!

Two Wheeler Nov 11, 2021 - 7:56 am

And there it is. When you don’t have a valid argument, as Curmudgeon doesn’t play the race card.

I don’t care what color Thorpe and TTW are. They are classless and do not deserve to be in office. They are not helping Antioch.

JUSTIN Nov 11, 2021 - 9:59 pm

TWO WHEELER, Are you even aware that TTW was not legally elected? She doesn’t have anything to say about who is elected and who isn’t. Thought I’d clarify that for you, You don’t have to thank me.

Sela Nov 18, 2021 - 4:22 pm

I hope Mr. Cornelius Johnson has the experience, education & professionalism to do a good job as city manager because the Antioch needs someone that, just like surrounding cities have done. I lived in Antioch almost 40 years & nothing has changed, except hate, crime & homeless have gone up. i question Mayor Thorpe & Council members Experience & professionalism, & not to make it about themselves. There is should be some requirements/guidelines, background check when running for City office.
Im hope that this is Not “Quid Pro Quo” (something for something) , that would be crooked.
Antioch deserves better & move forward.

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