Home Antioch Final Results: Antioch’s Measure C Passed at 68%

Final Results: Antioch’s Measure C Passed at 68%

by ECT

The City of Antioch can officially close the book on the 2013 election as Measure C passed with 68.09% support as voters approved a 1/2 cent sales tax increase that will help hire more police officers.

Early results had the Measure passing at 67.98% supporting the measure, however, final results showed a higher support of the tax.

The next order of business for the Antioch City Council will be implementing their 7-member community oversight committee to ensure the Measure C funding is spent 100% on police services.

Final Results with 11,175 voters:

  • Yes: 7,609 = 68.09 %
  • No: 3,566 = 31.91 %

Measure C Final

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Fred Nov 22, 2013 - 12:53 pm

Yawn. This is not news other than rubbing it in the face of those who voted against it. No big difference between 67% and 68% other than technicalities. What really matters now is will the process for the oversight committee be fair or will they stack the deck with ‘friends’

JimSimmons42 Nov 22, 2013 - 12:57 pm

Great job Antioch and thank you for placing a Yes vote as that was the smart thing to do. Let’s take our city back.

karl dietzel Nov 23, 2013 - 12:03 pm

“let’s take our city back” by raising taxes? there are still 18 authorized and funded pd positions open, not filled, there is still no spending plan, there is still no crime fighting plan, this is all blah..blah..blah..

Nathan Legay Nov 22, 2013 - 2:36 pm

Sweet, now the naysayers can go eat sand. Anyone who voted no must love all the negativity Antioch has to offer. That shall change and they’ll have to naysay something else.

Ernie Nov 23, 2013 - 6:36 pm


It appears that grumpy Karl (above) missed the memo!

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