Home Antioch Antioch Police Respond to Bomb Threat at Tobinworld Tuesday Afternoon

Antioch Police Respond to Bomb Threat at Tobinworld Tuesday Afternoon

by ECT

The Antioch Police Department and BART Police were on scene of Tobinworld Tuesday afternoon after a report of a bomb threat.

Police responded to the 2300 block on Country Hills Drive at 1:30 pm where they began blocking off traffic and evacuated the school as well as nearby businesses as a precaution.

BART police responded with four K9’s who are specially trained in locating explosive devices.

Police blocked off Country Hills Road at Hillcrest as well as Country Hills at Deer Valley and limited vehicles to parents picking up children at the school.

Police searched a total of four buildings and the parking lot.  By 3:00 pm police called off the search after they could not locate any devices or anything suspicious.

About Tobinworld:

Tobinworld is a non-profit school for children and young adults with behavior problems. Typically students have been classified as severely emotionally disabled, autistic or developmentally disabled. Often their problems are so severe that it has been difficult or impossible for them to be accepted by, or successfully educated in, regular public school programs. Tobinworld is certified by the California Department of Education and operates from three locations.



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