Antioch Mayor Sean Wright said Thursday that the City Council will hold a special meeting to remove planning commissioner chair Ken Turnage II after comments he made on social media.
Wright said he offered Turnage a chance to resign and declined, which is why they will be holding a special meeting of the City Council.
In a statement released Thursday by Wright:
“In the City of Antioch, the City Council is committed to maintaining public confidence and trust in our city government. As public officials in one of the largest and most diverse cities in Contra Costa County, we are called to serve all residents of Antioch; whether young or old, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, housed or unhoused.
Recently, the Chair of the Antioch Planning Commission posted a social media communication that does not represent the City of Antioch or the City Council. The City Council and the public, through comments, emails and phone calls, have questioned the ability of the Chair of the Antioch Planning Commission to represent them and many Antioch residents have called for the commissioner’s resignation or removal.
Mayor Sean Wright spoke to the Chair of the Planning Commission and asked for his resignation from the City of Antioch Planning Commission. Upon his refusal to resign, Mayor Wright called for a special meeting of the Antioch City Council to discuss the immediate removal of the commissioner from the planning commission.
We wish to emphasize that we remain committed to listening to the public’s concerns, and we recognize that we have an obligation to the residents of the City of Antioch to act swiftly to respond to their concerns,”
Turnage explained Thursday upon hearing the news he was going to be removed after declining to resign, said he was talking “ecological balance and balance of nature”, something that he says has been going on for thousands of years.
“Could I have worded in better, yes. Could I have used a better example, yes. But at the end of the day, all I did was suggest what Sweden did and try to explain it on my personal Facebook page for a discussion, not in any capacity as an Antioch Planning Commissioner. Now look at Sweden, what they did worked. Italy did something similar. All I was talking about was the idea of ecological balance of nature and survival of the fittest in terms of population control.”
Turnage argues he was sparking a discussion based on science and nature and said that some on the city council took an obscure view of the comments for political gain in the upcoming election.
“Its pretty pathetic that at every opportunity some will take the opportunity to insert the race card into a conversation where it has no place and never occurred. Its sad people are taking that view and running with it versus talking about science,” explained Turnage. “One thing that I have learned over the last few days, you are not free to have your own opinion in America.”
Tuesday Night City Council Recap
Tuesday night, Antioch Councilwoman Monica Wilson called for his resignation or for the City Council to remove him from the planning commission.
“I do want to take a moment to raise an issue that I believe undermines the great work that our city is doing to protect our citizens,” Wilson said in regards to the posting on Facebook. “Our Antioch Planning Commission Chair made some inappropriate comments on social media. To paraphrase, he basically made the argument that it was totally OK to allow in our community, from the elderly to the homeless, to die a COVID-19 for the benefit of reopening our economy contrary to our shared values. Furthermore, I just want to point out, my ancestors already died for the sake of our economy through a marked period in our time called slavery. Let me be clear, he is entitled to his opinion, as I am entitled to mine. However, as a member of our planning commission his words are merely not consistent of what we are doing and how we care for our citizens,”
She continued by saying the city will continue to work with the county on a response to COVID-19 to do what is best.
“His words do not in any way reflect the values of the city council or city administration. Personally, I find his words completely disgusting, inappropriate and extremely reckless. We do not have any place in public discourse for that. Lastly, I am also appalled to date none of us on council have responded to this reckless comment. It is inexcusable. Comments like this and letting our community know that we are there for them and we support them and value everyone’s life in dignity and respect no matter who they are in Antioch. As an understatement, I am beyond disgusted by those remarks… I too am asking either he resigns or we as council need to deal with taking him off of that commission.”
Councilman Lamar Thorpe said he shared Wilson’s concern.
“Councilwoman Wilson, I share your concern and disgust. I thought those comments were inexcusable and they have no place in city government, today. To your point, it’s contrary to the shared values we have as a community and I’m beyond disgusted. So, thank you for your remarks.”
Thorpe’s comments come four years after he was removed from the Economic Development commission and as Monica Wilson Council backup after his involvement with the Card Room Initiative, sponsored by the California Grand Casino in Pacheco (CA) and is in the electoral process in the City of Antioch.
“I am thoroughly disappointed because I have a disagreement with you mayor and council about a particular issue and that you would use that to retaliate against me to remove me from the Antioch Economic Development Commission where I have been advocating for the prosperity of our city,” explained Thorpe. “Not only have you burdened the city of Antioch with the fiscal responsibility of an election, you have gone out of your way to remove an asset because I do not hold the same opinion as you.”
Thorpe was ultimately removed by Mayor Wade Harper and the council.
Following Thorpes comments on Tuesday, Mayor Pro Tem Joy Motts chimed in.
“Monica, that was very passionate what you had to say. I know my expectation is that council and staff and commissions all acknowledge their service to the community, and that they act with professionalism and that they take great care for all of the community members… honestly, its absurd that we would want to take one person’s life is more valuable than another.”
Mayor Sean Wright also condemned Turnage’s comments.
“I have stopped watching and looking at Facebook just because there is so much division. The comments were not brought to my attention until yesterday, through email,” Wright stated. “I think the comments were abhorrent, should not have been said and stated. But I will fight for the right to say things. We do and need to hold ourselves to a higher standard as council members and as commissioners and those who represent the city. So, there is discussion to be had as far as that goes.”
Statement in full made by Turnage on April 23, 2020:
This opinion will not be popular and could easily anger some of you so if you are the type of person that only values your own opinion you may not want to read this. Before I start I just want to say I have been obeying the shelter in place orders. The shelter in place needs to end, we as a species need to move forward with our place on Earth and yes it appears our place is changing. The debate about this virus being man made or just happened due to eating a bat is past us (I believe it was eating the bat). This virus is like a human version of a forest fire, a forest fire will burn through and burn off all the dead trees, old tress, fallen brush and scrub shrub sucklings that drain the resources of the forest and causing it to be unhealthy. So what happens in a standard forest fire is all these portions of the forest are burned off turned into ash that fertilizes the ground. The strong trees survive and the forest replenishes itself and flourishes once again. Now when we stop the standard forest fires or natural burn off in forestry we set ourselves up for total devastation such as the recent fires in California they were in destruction in totality all because we were trying to “protect” we caused more harm.
If we look at our population as the forest you will see many similarities. We have our old, we have our weak and we have our drains on our resources. This virus is targeting those sectors of our population. If we were to live our lives, let nature run its course, yes we will all feel hardship, we will all feel loss. I am sure everyone of us would lose a person who we hold dear. But as species, for our Nation and as a Planet we would we would strengthen when this is all settled. We would have significant loss of life, we would lose many elderly, that would reduce burdens in our defunct Social Security System, health care cost (once the wave subsided), make jobs available for others and it would also free up housing in which we are in dire need of. We would lose a large portion of the people with immune and other health complications. I know it would be loved ones as well. But that would once again reduce our impact on medical, jobs and housing. Then we have our other sectors such as our homeless and other people who just defile themselves by either choice or mental issues. This would run rampant through them and yes i am sorry but this would fix what is a significant burden on our Society and resources that can be used. Of course we would lose many of the “Healthy” maybe even myself but that is the way of the World! With all this said now look at all the Worldly resources that would be able to replenish. We are hearing of many levels of Earth repair already happening just due to a lower impact of our Species so think what would happen with a significant population reduction.
The World has been introduced to a new phrase Herd Immunity which is a good one. In my opinion we need to adapt a Herd Mentality. A herd gathers it ranks, it allows the sick, the old, the injured to meet its natural course in nature. With this the Herd is strengthened, and the Herd once again becomes symbiant with the planet!
If you unfriend me because of my opinion that is your choice and I wish you the best and stay safe!
Damn what a soft world we live in but hey if something you say isn’t triggering someone nowadays than you must not be saying anything!
So, Mr. Turnage is 47 years old now. Is that right? In 3 years he will be 5, the age at which people become more susceptible to deadly viruses, and maybe at that time he can remove himself from our society and make room for the younger crowd as far as housing and jobs are concerned. Also, this way he can leave his Social Security monies he earned to us younger ones.
Ooops! In 3 years, he will be 50
I am not a resident of Antioch, I live in Concord, but I am always happy when I learn of representatives in any community acting responsibly. Monica Wilson was justifiably outraged when she read the social media post by Turnage and good for her, she acted on it. As did Antioch Mayor Sean Wright and the City Council.
I can’t even unpack the thinking of this man who welcomes a virus purge of our elderly, “weak” and homeless. His idea of nature’s balance is akin to the preying mantis eating her mate. Fine for the preying mantis, I do not judge her, but not for human beings. Our social rules should be different. Thanks, Monica, for understanding that.
He’s not wrong. That’s how the natural world works. It’s the truth. People suck. You can’t say anything without it being offensive to somebody. People are soft.
We are not living in the “natural” world. To do that, we would have to hide from lions, tigers and komdo dragons to keep them from eating us.
This creep’s father is 70 years old now, so I suppose he feels it’s OK to have old dad perish from the Chinee virus and act as if nothing happened. I hope his father cuts him out of his will.
Hey Beto! There is an island which is pretty much off limits to humans because it’s occupied by thousands of venomous snakes. It’s a “natural” world. Maybe you could go and get on that island and see how much you will love nature
Do I dare even leave a comment? Will folks come after me if they do like my view point? Can one not put out a rain of thought up for discussion? I guess we cannot discuss things
Bea! We ARE discussing things! Dive right in!
I don’t know Mr. Turnage but him speaking about sacrificing the elderly, immunosuppressed, immunocompromised, and even the healthy for the economy is deeply troubling. And no, maybe out of touch people like Trump have just learned about the term “herd immunity” but many of us know of this already (it’s the reason why moms have play dates when their kid has chicken pox). This guy didn’t hold himself in the professional manner thats expected of him and he shows he’s another baby boomer who’s not ready for the backlash of thinking before speaking. It’s not about being “soft”, people in public office like him have to be diplomatic. Something he may not have learned with his basic education.
Nancy. Your an idiot! Trump has done more good for this country as a true American Patriot than any president since Reagan/Lincoln. Trump….FOUR MORE YEARS!
Ur rite, I don’t know the difference between you’re and your either. I love Trump because he denies science becuz science is the devil and we should just pray to be healed. I don’t care if he dodged Vietnam, or ripped off Americans, married an immigrant and outsourced jobs, he speaks my language and I wish I was rich like him.
Way to go, Loretta! I’m looking to four more years of liberals crying and wringing their hands. It will be great fun to watch! TRUMP2020!
Tammy and Loretta— typical white trash names. You know Trump doesn’t care about your broke asses right? You’re seen as scum to the Trump family, not good enough to wash his toilets. There’s so many more successful and smarter Americans that can be president. I really don’t understand the Trump fetish. Pathetic
Mike O’Donnell! FYI, My full first name is TAMARA (a Russian name) and I’m far from “broke,” so stop projecting your financial failure! We had to put up with your idiot OBUMMER for 8 long years, so now YOU can put up with our guy, PRESIDENT TRUMP! By the way, you libs have another loser (Biden) in the works so expect another CRUSHING defeat like you did with the Hildebeast! You’ll get used to losing. President Trump will probably have 4 more years and after that, we might get Pence! Take a deep breath and relax.
Thanks, Tammy! You got little Mikey O’Donnell, but good! I wonder if he’s still on-the-bottle! A little Cutty Sark goes a long way! MAGA, everybody, M A G A !!
Sounds like little Mikey hails from that country where they are so fond of ‘the drink.” Maybe he’s still hung over from the last Saint Paddy’s Day. So, Mikey is butt-hurt because Donald Trump is our president? Is he burying his sorrow in drink? What will Mikey do if Trump is reelected? I shutter to think!
Even if I were not a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN— but an INDEPENDENT — I would still vote for President Trump’s reelection JUST TO PISS OFF THE LIBTURDS!
Lola, you know you can be a republican and not like Trump right? I’m a conservative Christian and I don’t agree with the man. To me he epitomizes greed, nepotism, arrogance, vulgarity and many other worldly things that a person of faith shouldn’t agree with. He reminds me of those bullies in movies and cartoons we grew up with where a boy has too much of daddy’s money and he is than incarnate. I may not side with those on the left, but as a country, we can definitely do better.
Mr. Schultz. I do not espouse any religion. I’ve met President Trump a few times and he’s great. I’ve followed his career and read his books. There is nothing “greedy” about him. Just the opposite. He has been extremely generous to people in need. I like his politics. I like what he has done to protect our country and built up our military which was pretty much destroyed by Clinton and Obama. I like him getting THE WALL built to stop the continuous invasion of this country. His insistence that we accept people who immigrate here on their merit and I discussed that with him. My husband and I have sponsored many people with advanced academic degrees who are contributing to this country. A number of them are now with labs here working on the anti-coronavirus vaccine.
As to nepotism, did you live during the JFK era where he appointed his own brother as AG? I was not born then, but I studied the Kennedy era in contemporary history classes in college.
Mike! President Trump is one of THE most successful and smartest people in the world. We are lucky to have him as our leader! In less than two years, he has done more to keep his campaign promises than Obama did in 8! Employment was way up, terrorists were barred from getting into this country, our military got a huge boost after Obama and Clinton de-balled it. Trump did not scrape and bow to foreign potentates like Obama did. He also got China to stop stealing from us to the tune of trillions!
Sean Wright is a chicken shit mayor. He has lost all of my support and I walked for him in the last election. The guy is a coward. Has been his entire term. He says one thing in a private conversation only to vote with a majority of the council because he wants the city to appear like they are working together. Hey Sean, your city is failing and you guys are more interested in getting along than making tough decisions. I hope you lose your seat come November because you have been a giant disappointment.
Per the article, you said “I will fight for the right to say things”.
You are a liar and an a complete clown who cares more about appearances than principals.
Bill, I agree with you 100%. So months a lot of the citizens of Antioch have emailed every counsel member about the hazardous conditions that the homeless have brought to our neighborhoods with needles, their feces and garbage that smells like a sewer along our sidewalks and more so taking over our shopping centers like the RiteAid on 18th & A Streets and the Starbucks. Among these vagrants are sex offenders, drug addicts and thieves. The mayor and counsel never responded to any of us about our problems Thursday are in our neighborhoods around our family that we’re trying to keep safe from diease especially COVID-19. This counsel doesn’t give a damn about us. They don’t have to live where this is happening. We should tell these vagrants that they are welcome to go to where the counsel members live and would be welcome with open arms. Our city looks like a huge slum with garbage everywhere you look. This mayor stated that he doesn’t look at social media because he can’t handle the truth about what he has done to our city. He with his counsel need to be taken out of office in November. More the worst part is that the police dept won’t respond to calls where these vagrants are involved because of the possibility of contracting COVID-19 as I was told by dispatch on a call that I made because of these vagrants trying to break into a neighbors car. These 3 guys stuck around for 3 hours and tried more than once to break into the car. I made 6 calls to PD until they finally showed up and just told them to leave. This is what this counsel and especially the Mayor has done to our city. He isn’t fit to be called Mayor or anything but how Mr. Moon described him and incompetent of do anything right for this city.
Bill, I agree with you 100%. So months a lot of the citizens of Antioch have emailed every counsel member about the hazardous conditions that the homeless have brought to our neighborhoods with needles, their feces and garbage that smells like a sewer along our sidewalks and more so taking over our shopping centers like the RiteAid on 18th & A Streets and the Starbucks. Among these vagrants are sex offenders, drug addicts and thieves. The mayor and counsel never responded to any of us about our problems Thursday are in our neighborhoods around our family that we’re trying to keep safe from diease especially COVID-19. This counsel doesn’t give a damn about us. They don’t have to live where this is happening. We should tell these vagrants that they are welcome to go to where the counsel members live and would be welcome with open arms. Our city looks like a huge slum with garbage everywhere you look. This mayor stated that he doesn’t look at social media because he can’t handle the truth about what he has done to our city. He with his counsel need to be taken out of office in November. More the worst part is that the police dept won’t respond to calls where these vagrants are involved because of the possibility of contracting COVID-19 as I was told by dispatch on a call that I made because of these vagrants trying to break into a neighbors car. These 3 guys stuck around for 3 hours and tried more than once to break into the car. I made 6 calls to PD until they finally showed up and just told them to leave. This is what this counsel and especially the Mayor has done to our city. He isn’t fit to be called Mayor or anything but how Mr. Moon described him and incompetent of do anything right for this city.
Bill, I agree with you 100%. So months a lot of the citizens of Antioch have emailed every counsel member about the hazardous conditions that the homeless have brought to our neighborhoods with needles, their feces and garbage that smells like a sewer along our sidewalks and more so taking over our shopping centers like the RiteAid on 18th & A Streets and the Starbucks. Among these vagrants are sex offenders, drug addicts and thieves. The mayor and counsel never responded to any of us about our problems Thursday are in our neighborhoods around our family that we’re trying to keep safe from diease especially COVID-19. This counsel doesn’t give a damn about us. They don’t have to live where this is happening. We should tell these vagrants that they are welcome to go to where the counsel members live and would be welcome with open arms. Our city looks like a huge slum with garbage everywhere you look. This mayor stated that he doesn’t look at social media because he can’t handle the truth about what he has done to our city. He with his counsel need to be taken out of office in November. More the worst part is that the police dept won’t respond to calls where these vagrants are involved because of the possibility of contracting COVID-19 as I was told by dispatch on a call that I made because of these vagrants trying to break into a neighbors car. These 3 guys stuck around for 3 hours and tried more than once to break into the car. I made 6 calls to PD until they finally showed up and just told them to leave. This is what this counsel and especially the Mayor has done to our city. He isn’t fit to be called Mayor or anything but how Mr. Moon described him and incompetent of do anything right for this city.
Hey wright is SO WRONG! Why put a chapter-sized post on this site THEE TIMES? You could have said the same thing is 25 words OR LESS! Of course, you’re right, but still, three repetitions is too much. You can use readership that way!
Antioch, and the rest of California,you get what you deserve—-
This ass must be gotten rid of NOW! I wonder how his parents feel? I hope they hire some security people to protect him. This jerk might very well end their lives with pillows smothering them! I wonder if he has grandparents!
I’d like to see some “population control” by removing this moron from the human species and giving him the DARWIN AWARD
I have grandparents and great-grandparents who are precious people, sharp and knowledgeable. Losing them to a disease or anything else would be tragic.
Those seniors have been through a hell of a lot more than what we have. They too were used as pawns by unscrupulous politicians. They put their lives at stake, losing life and limb, serving in World Wars, and building our country back from the Great Depression.
The old people have been through all this and done a good job as survivors of wars and great economic upheavals. They’ve done whatever they could, with so precious little to help them. . . and now this idiot wants to eliminate them just like Hitler did to the Slavs, Jews and the infirm.
I wonder who raised this guy? Was it his parents? The City Council should get rid of him immediately! Send him packing! Kick him out of Antioch for his own safety. There are some people who are very angry at him and they are not old.
Holding our public servants accountable. Well done. Now, can we focus our efforts a bit higher in the food chain where recklessness happens briefly, almost every morning. This can apply to so many political figures. “His words do not in any way reflect the values of the city council or city administration. Personally, I find his words completely disgusting, inappropriate and extremely reckless.”
Wow Kenny really! Does this also include your PARENTS!!?? LLL
His dad is 70 years old. I guess Kenny includes him in that to-be-done-away-with group.
I am not shocked that Monica Wilson pulled the race card. She has nothing else to stand on.
The council has a very poor track record, including the mayor, who have found a scapegoat to distract the public from the last few years of poor city leadership, wasted money, lying to the public, removal of transparency and people are worried about what some random guy says on his personal facebook page?
Wake up people, this is all political! Turnage is an idiot. But the City Council is worse.
Its sounds like Ken is a sociopath and even possibly another narcissist?
Why can’t people be trained in how to spot these afflictions in people before they are voted into office?
Its sounds like Ken is a sociopath and even possibly a narcissist to have made such a comment. if true, he needs to be taken somewhere where he can live out his life without being able to harm others.
Why can’t people be trained in how to spot these afflictions in people before they are voted into office?
Hey CLIFF! He was NOT voted into office. He was appointed by the MAYOR!
Its sounds like Ken is a sociopath and even possibly a narcissist to have made such a comment. if true, he needs to be taken somewhere where he can live out his life without being able to harm others.
Why can’t people be trained in how to spot these afflictions in people before they are voted into office?
This is the right move! Remove that moron! Absolutely thoughtless and mindless. How is that a pro-life policy? Insufferable. He’s free to say stupid shit, but not as a public official.
People are entitled to personal opinions until they become involved in city politics. Then their opinion is supposed to be the same as city officials. This November we have the chance to get rid of the 4 council members in this article. We must do just that!
He can take his personal opinion and put it “where the sun don’t shine.” What a total POS!
Turnage showed his ignorance with that comment, for sure. We human beings no longer live only by survival of the fittest. That was a long time ago. Lamar Thorpe was going to Pacheco to do his gambling, but holier than though didn’t want gambling in Antioch, maybe he liked the drive?
Turnage’s comment was extremely narrow minded and beyond callous, not at all representing the caring and tolerant community that Antioch is. Remove him.
The race card cures everything.
Based on what I’ve seen in the past, the herd that most needs thinning is Antioch’s city politicians – including but not limited to Mr. Turnage.
What a shame that the Mayor appointed this guy to the position. If this was done with an election, he would ot have made it. Something about him just doesn’t smell right.
Looks like he’s had his ass kicked!
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