On this episode, I chat with Tamisha Walker, candidate for Antioch City Council, District 1 where we talk about a variety of issues from the Antioch Police Department, community engagement, economic development, homeless, violence prevention strategies to many other items.
Episode Overview:
- 1:00 – We get into how I have been trying to interview Tamisha since June. I get into her speech in front of the Antioch Police Department and shared her story about police interaction after the death of George Floyd.
- 05:12 – she speaks about Operation Ceasefire and the lack of buy in by local government. How do we grow that program and get he community to participate? Tamisha explains people want an outlet to challenge violence in the city of Antioch—especially gun related violence. She explains why it was working in the City of Richmond.
- 12:06 – Tamisha explains why she is running for Antioch City Council including lack of participation from the community. We talk about how Cavallo Corridor and Sycamore Corridor and A Street areas are being ignored, the focus is basically 2nd Street downtown by city hall.
- 16:00 – Tamisha explains what her ideas of focus will be – including economic development, youth development, violence prevention through reimagine public safety efforts—investing in violence prevention strategies. We get into COVID-19 and impact on the budget. Need to focus on small business and the pandemic is not going away.
- 22:50 – We get into Ad-Hoc Committees, Tamisha explains why Ad-hoc committees bother her and the city council owes the residents more opportunity to participate.
- 27:40 – Tamisha gets into what she is hearing on the campaign trail from the community – city has to do better community engagement, community wants to be informed and involved. Violence Prevention and what can be done. Basketball Courts near Cavallo & 18th Street. She explains how she wants to know what they can do and is tired of hearing what they cannot do – she wants to know what is possible.
- 31:04 – What can be done to improve police relations with the community. She talks about a “middle of the road” solution. In Antioch, they are either “pro” police or “anti” police—many are in the middle who want quality services with a department that is willing to be in the community. She argues that Antioch Police need to get uncomfortable and have conversations.
- 34:15 – Tamisha talks about how the Richmond Police Department was able to work with the community and how it may work in the City of Antioch. She says Antioch City Leaders need to be willing to take charge and have deep conversations with the police chief. She further highlights the community is waiting for a decision on the Officer Michael Mellone decision and how public trust matters. We talk about need for crime commission to have more teeth in their role.
- 46:45 – We jump back into why Tamisha is running and its to be part of the community and work with the community while highlighting how Antioch has weak leadership. She highlights how to bridge a community back together.
- 49:22 – We get into homeless and what could be done. Tamisha shares some of her ideas.
- 01:03:18 – Tamisha explains how Antioch does not have any campaign contribution limits. Candidates can be bought by developers, unions, etc.
- 01:04:22 – Why should people vote for Tamisha?
- 01:06:47 – how to reach out to Tamisha or join the campaign. Facebook Page
- 01:07:33 – Tamisha plugs her non-profit at my request as she runs the Safe Return Project
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If you would like to be a potential guest, email [email protected] and explain why… this show is open to anyone in Contra Costa County.
Not a good article. Writer only tells reader what they discussed but doesn’t provide reader any details about what she actually will do. Clearly the writer uses words such as ..talked about..Explained which indicates the interviewee provided so much more. Why was nothing substantial provided. Empty article.
Because this was a PODCAST = listen. I am not going to transcribe the interview. Click play if you want to know what was said at each time stamp.
Be on alert!
There is an orchestrated Marxist take over of the Antioch governance.
Marxist are about as stealthy as an overweight elephant on rollerskates. The last minute game of musical chairs by candidates was a clue. Thorpe, Householder, Gardners and a few others are all Bernie Sanders “Burner” card carrying members.
Their cohort Shagoofa Khan was the ring leader of the now infintile infamous AUSD District office BLM attack (called a protest).
They dont even bother to use their own campaign designers for the election placards that are poping out as they all look the same and use the same layout.
So to recap. If you want Portland and Seatle to be played out here in Antioch with devastating Antifa/BLM rioters working hand in hand with city hall and the AUSD school board, THEN PAY ATTENTION!
(you cant be both!)
Here you see Ellie Householder and Shagoofa Khan holding Burnie Sanders Contra Costa County “OUR REVOLUTION” banner. The CCC OUR REVOLUTION is a Marxist Bernie Sanders/ Antifa(aka proFacista) BLM communist movement. Made to infiltrate every facet of local governance from School Boards to City councils to various planning boards to facilitate violent revoutionary change by stealth. see PORTLAND and SEATLE as well as other dumpster fire revolts going on now in our country.
This is the direct Bernie revolutionary Twitter account
What parents would name their kid “Shagoofa?” Is her nickname “Goofie?” Sweet Jesus! “Antifa” stands for Anti First Amendment! Bernie, the Bolshevik, is a big fan!
So, you can LOOSE your rights? Perhaps if you had a basic grasp of the language you might sound reasonable. Good to know you paid attention in 2nd grade English
I attended elementary school in Belgium, mon radin veillard!
Loose as in let go of.. Ie”I let loose tension of the rope”
IM sorry your govnmt school education limits your vocabulary.
Burkholder you NAZI STASI piece of you-know-what why are you erasing comments
Actually, because you are spamming this page with different names and same posts you ended up in the spam and your comments now have to be approved. So yes, your comments are delayed because they haev to be “approved”.
Sorry, but the comment section on ECT is always a mess. I appreciate the fact that you do the best you can and I’m not blaming you personally, because I realize it’s the platform you’re using. But a user on your site, anytime someone posts more than one or two comments they are blocked. It’s kind of a mess and must be a pain to manage if you have to approve someone anytime they make multiple comments.
Just constructive feedback on user experience
what kind of spineless creature of a journalist are you
In the name of the US Constitution and the First Amendment put back my comments!!!
Fine! Ill REPOST IT!
Be on alert!
There is an orchestrated Marxist take over of the Antioch governance.
Marxist are about as stealthy as an overweight elephant on rollerskates. The last minute game of musical chairs by candidates was a clue. Thorpe, Householder, Gardner, Walker and a few others are all Bernie Sanders “Burner” card carrying members.
Their cohort Shagoofa Khan was the ring leader of the now infintile infamous AUSD District office BLM attack (called a protest).
They dont even bother to use their own campaign designers for the election placards that are poping out as they all look the same and use the same layout.
So to recap. If you want Portland and Seatle to be played out here in Antioch with devastating Antifa/BLM rioters working hand in hand with city hall and the AUSD school board, THEN PAY ATTENTION!
(you cant be both!)
A group of us traveled to London specifically to locate Karl Marx’s grave and piss on it. He couldn’t even be buried in his own home country. The cemetery authorities had to finally stop that practice by erecting a barrier around the grave. But we all found a way.
Another member of the Intelligentia
I bet YOU would go to that cemetery in North London, find the Marx grave, kneel down and kiss the ground before it! Millions of human being lost their lives thanks to this monster and his philosophy.
Here you see Ellie Householder and Shagoofa Khan holding Burnie Sanders Contra Costa County “OUR REVOLUTION” banner. The CCC OUR REVOLUTION is a Marxist Bernie Sanders/ Antifa(aka proFacista) BLM communist movement. Made to infiltrate every facet of local governance from School Boards to City councils to various planning boards to facilitate violent revoutionary change by stealth. see PORTLAND and SEATLE as well as other dumpster fire revolts going on now in our country.
This is the direct Bernie revolutionary the Twitter account
I’ll leave another comment. Poorly written article. Don’t even provide reader any information of what was actually stated by interviewer. Wow. Please take a course.
Perhaps because it was a PODCAST and you click PLAY!
Just what we need!! A black, female with her own black agenda and attitude!
No thanks!!
Keep moving!!
Look at whom the present Antioch City Council is comprised of and that will tell you why this city is in so much trouble. Do people want some of the same? Same goes for Pittsburg! They had some really bright people running for offices, but the “low bid” people got elected. That should tell you about the mindset of the voters! Tells you tomes!
Heaven forbid we get a bunch o’ BLACK people on the council. Egads! Actual BLACK folk, who represent the diversity that is now Antioch. Sorry, people. It is not 1959 anymore.
That’s right! God forbid! Look at cities which have those and what has become of them! Total disasters! Diversity is perversity!
Who said it was 1959? I was born in 1980! You really want Antioch screwed up even more than it is already? Look at Antioch! Look at Pittsburg! Ever see who runs that city? How are they doing?
Firebombing socialists hiding behind their melanin lest someone should criticize ..YAWN! IT DOESNT WORK ANYMORE
Hey Curmie! Pittsburg’s city administration is made up of 100% blacks! How is that city doing? Not very well. Today, none of those people represent my interests. Now, who was running the city at the time the downtown was redeveloped? It went from a slum to something to be proud of and got rid of a lot of the criminal element. Well, it’s back now thanks to who is running the city.
LoveableCurmudgeon! If you read the histories of many nations, you will see that it was “diversity” which toppled those countries. For example, once Rome started “importing” people from various cultures, it started falling apart. Disintegrating, if you please. It is the ETHNOCENTRIC countries which managed to stay viable for thousands of years: China, Japan, Persia, Babylonia, etc. Multi-culturalism is ripping this country apart and I don’t think it will last for 100 more years! Multi-culturalism was not the intent of the Founding Fathers and they mentioned it in their writings.
Yes! There are black people on the Antioch city council and also on Pittsburg’s city council and both cities have become shitholes! You want to continue that, Loveable? The only time Pittsburg had anything positive done there was when Nancy Parent was mayor!
Why do these losers wind up in Antioch? Where did they crawl out of? Who invited them?
Here you see Ellie Householder and Shagoofa Khan holding Burnie Sanders Contra Costa County “OUR REVOLUTION” banner. The CCC OUR REVOLUTION is a Marxist Bernie Sanders/ Antifa(aka proFacista) BLM communist movement. Made to infiltrate every facet of local governance from School Boards to City councils to various planning boards to facilitate violent revoutionary change by stealth. see PORTLAND and SEATLE as well as other dumpster fire revolts going on now in our country.
This is the direct Bernie revolutionary the Twitter account
I’ll just leave this here. . . Do your homework people, is this really the person you want representing our community?
Yep, that was a story about the person she was in 2009, before she paid the time for her crimes, went into recovery, fought hard to get her life and her children back, went to college and transformed her life into one of service for her community. Did you listen to the podcast and hear the person she is in 2020? I know Tamisha from her work in Richmond, and I know Antioch. Antioch would be so beyond lucky to have a person of her caliber on the City Council. What’s the worst thing you’ve done in your life Joesph? (Besides sitting in judgement of someone who is better than you?)
“Besides sitting in judgement of someone who is better than you?”
Pot calling the kettle black? Not much of an investigator are you “Jan”?
I can tell you I’ve never tried to set an apartment building on fire by breaking and entering in the middle of the night all while endangering all the other tenants in that complex. What if she hadn’t been so incompetent And succeeded in burning the complex down? There could have easily been multiple fatalities. I’ve never been evicted, much less try to commit arson. Nor have I had one DUI much less two while driving my kids around.
Part of criminal rehabilitation is taking responsibility for your actions.
Maybe, she’s a better fit for Richmond than Antioch. Sorry
“ Antioch would be so beyond lucky to have a person of her caliber on the City Council.”
Your moral compass is skewed.
I wouldn’t be “beyond lucky”, I’d be stupid to have a person of her caliber on the city council.
TWO time DUI while driving with kids? Attempted arson in the middle of the night endangering occupants of an apartment building which could have easily resulted in multiple deaths if she had succeeded.
I have news for you, most people haven’t done anything REMOTELY close to those kinds of horrible actions.
If your acquaintances have, I suggest you’re around the wrong people.
Certainly not someone I’m voting for to represent me on the city council.
It seems that she more than just attempted arson. She committed arson! She actually lit fires in that unit and the mattress was totally ON FIRE! The occupants should thank their lucky stars that the 12 year old heard something (probably her crashing through the door) and then saw her and ran to knock on doors to alert people to get out! The kid was a hero!
Just who is “better” than us? The woman is a firebug! Leopards do not change their spots. I’m putting that link on NEXTDOOR!
Ahhhhh! The firebug is back and now has the unmitigated nerve to run for city council. Terrific!
Wow! Thanks for that link. A must read. Not someone who should be making funding decisions for law enforcement. Definitely not someone I want “representing” me or making decisions for this city.
I consider setting fire in an occupied building when people are asleep to be attempted murder!
Was there a reason you didn’t bring up the 3 arrests ?
I found that she was arrested for a bunch of DUI’s …. and was on probation when she started to burn that place down. Those residents were lucky that 12 year old kid went around at 1 am warning the people to get out of the other 3 units.
Wow, this sure triggered some nut jobs. God help us all.
Yeah genocidal idealogys. Will Do that.! Sorry if you are triggered!
The BLM movement was started by three self-avowed MARXISTS black women who referred to themselves as “Marxist-trained” — their information and interviews are on YouTube. They even go into details and name the organizations which support them financially.
So Dawn – what’s your point about Tamisha? That she’s Black? That she’s a woman? That she uses big words that you don’t understand? I listened to this very good interview about the ins and outs of Antioch City politics. I didn’t hear Marxism come up once. Sounds like you are just being a racist sexist who is condemning her for being who she is.
Jan, thank you for standing up to these rednecks. Your words do not go unnoticed. California likes to pride itself on being a progressively inclusive place, but when you read the kind of tiny minded bigotry on this site it’s pretty alarming.
Pastor MayTard,
What’s alarming is you would endorse for the city council a person with TWO DUI while driving her child around and who tried to set an apartment building on fire in the middle of the night endangering multiple tenants who could have easily died if she had succeeded. And you would blindly do so because she’s black. YOU are the BIGOT troll.
Get used to it, Pastor (?). Welcome to reality! You’re in for a big surprise—or maybe not! You won’t be happy!
So, Jan? Is there a problem? How do you know what “big words” I don’t understand? Did you sit next to me in my English classes at Stanford and monitor how I spoke up? Anyone wearing a t-shirt with blatant lies on it, doesn’t get my vote. I don’t care what race he or she is These people are big supporters of BLM .. Black Lies Matter ….. and that’s a Marxist-led organization if there ever was one! You obviously subscribe to their lies, but I don’t. The problems with Antioch started when the Oaklanders and Richmonders exported their troublemakers and criminals to our cities. Now they want to clean up what they originally exported.
Still trying to find what BIG WORDS this Tamisha woman used.
Jan, the bottom line is that all this has to do with this “social justice” and “institutional racism” crap these people are pushing, but it’s not working and they get desperate. They push one way and we push right back. If they are so worried about racism, how about they move to China and Japan and really find out what “racism” is all about. I’d also suggest Russia or even Cuba. Guess which people comprise the government of Cuba? You might be in for a big surprise!
If anyone wants to see what racism truly is, they should move to Thailand! It’s probably THE most anti-black country on earth. I sure didn’t live there for long!
The Thais will not even venture out to see a Denzel Washington film.
Jan? “Who she is?” It’s obvious! She’s a POS!
This woman wants gun violence eliminated from Antioch? There is a way! Get rid of the criminal element which has moved into this city. Go after the landlords who provide them with rentals. Demolish buildings which house them! Make live extremely uncomfortable for them! The police have to toughen up! The feds can also be involved to help.
Living in this city my whole life, I’ve never seen it in the bad shape it is today! Not only crime, but how neighborhoods have deteriorated! Most of this is now one big slum! The place continued to go down hill!
Gee that’s hysterical! Someone who has lived in the white pedophile capital of California and arguably the country for his whole life and he’s got a problem with drug dealers? I was a criminal defense investigator who spent a lot of time working cases out there in the 1990s and early 2000s, some of them cold cases going back decades. Give me your garden variety drug dealer any day over the bizarre and horrific crimes committed by the white people out there. Oh, but I guess what really matters is how short you keep your lawn cut and that you bury your bodies in your own back yard.
Jan! It seems that you’re off your meds again! When’s the next time they get replenished? Now, I see that you WERE a criminal defense investigator, but are not that now. I can see why!
Basketball courts at Cavallo and 18th? What a novel idea! Well, maybe they can be put in ROMI’s parking lot to keep the drug dealers busy between sales! Ya think?
I have no problem with this woman running her organization, working with individuals or groups, but running for a city office? No way!
Yes, if I were her, I’d quietly run my non-profit and stay out of the public eye. I sure hope she made restitution to her former landlord. What did she do about the occupants of the other three units? Did she apologize for her dangerous actions? Was she enjoined from going near that property?
Something about her just doesn’t smell right!
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