Home Podcast WTF California: Oakley Councilman Outside Reality, District Attorney’s Incompetence, Richmond Could Expand Voting Block

WTF California: Oakley Councilman Outside Reality, District Attorney’s Incompetence, Richmond Could Expand Voting Block

by ECT

On this episode of WTF California Podcast, we focus on a bunch of Contra Costa County tidbits from Oakley Councilman fibbing, Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office continues to showcase incompetence. City of Richmond looking at allowing undocumented residents to vote. LA City Council votes ban on homeless encampments. Plus much more.

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Mark Saavedra Jul 29, 2021 - 2:45 pm

This District Attorney is a about as useful as a fart in a windstorm, but I am not surprised! Recall her!

Robert C. Jul 30, 2021 - 8:00 am

Your observation is correct. Ms. Becton is unwilling to accept the fact that the fundamental duty of district attorneys is to prosecute criminals – not make the laws or act as “social reformers.” Those responsibilities fall to others.

Ron King Jul 30, 2021 - 12:51 am

That low-life crook, Canciamilla, got away with his crime but there will be reckoning in the future. He should be in prison and pay back every penny of that money he absconded with and that means NO PENSION! That’s how things work out in the end. Thanks to the grossly incompetent Becton (how do we get stuck with such totally incompetent people?) will get her’s as well.

HEG27 Aug 1, 2021 - 8:41 pm

I’m totally puzzled by the Canciamilla case!

Trevor Johnson Aug 3, 2021 - 8:37 pm

The old fart, Canciamilla, should be spending 5 years in prison on-the-mainland and forfeit his pension.

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