Home Oakley Oakley Union Elementary School District to Return to Classroom on April 15

Oakley Union Elementary School District to Return to Classroom on April 15

by ECT

On Thursday, the Oakley Union Elementary School District announced that they will be returning to in-person hybrid learning beginning April 15, 2021.

According to Superintendent Greg Hetrick, they have reached a tentative agreement in their Memorandum of Understanding with the teachers union for in-person learning. This will be in two phases.

  • Phase 1: April 15 & April 16: students in preschool, TK, Kinder, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 6th grade and all self-contained special education classes.
  • Phase 2: April 19th: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, and 8th

The District will release more information with students schedule in the coming days as they make the transition from full remote to hybrid schedule. Parents can still opt for full distance learning should they choose.

For the full return plan, click here.

For more information, official notice.

OUESD Interim Board of Trustees Appoints
Sherry Seat as Area 1 Trustee

In a Special Board Meeting convened on March 30, 2021, the Oakley Union Elementary School District Interim Board of Trustees selected Sherry Seat as its provisional appointee for Area 1 Trustee. Mrs. Seat replaces former Trustee Brizendine, who resigned from the Board of Trustees on February 18, 2021.  Mrs. Seat was sworn in by Board Secretary, Superintendent Hetrick, at the special board meeting on March 30, 2021 – Full News Release

OUESD Interim Board of Trustees Appoints
Lynell Fuller as Area 2 Trustee

In a Special Board Meeting convened on March 3, 2021, the Oakley Union Elementary School District Interim Board of Trustees selected Lynell Fuller as its provisional appointee for Area 2 Trustee. Mrs. Fuller replaces former Trustee Laurence (Larry) Polk, who resigned from the Board of Trustees on January 4, 2021.  Mrs. Fuller was sworn in by Board Secretary, Superintendent Hetrick, at the special board meeting on March 3, 2021 – Full News Release

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Maxwell is an ass hole! Apr 1, 2021 - 10:00 pm

That Maxwell guy from the county is an ass hole. He represents everything bad in eduction!

Robert C. Apr 2, 2021 - 8:58 am

Despite the flowery language in Mr. Hetrick’s April 1st letter, the real message here is obvious: union obstructionism once again – a pattern we’ve seen repeated statewide in San Francisco, Fremont, etc. etc. etc. The behavior of California’s teachers unions regarding school reopenings is disgraceful. Unfortunately, our supermajority Democrat politicians are too afraid of – or in the pockets of – the public employee unions to stand up to them.

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