Due to a sharp rise in the percentage of COVID-19 tests returning positive in the community, Contra Costa County today amended its social distancing health order to temporarily tighten face-covering requirements and prohibit indoor gatherings where there is elevated risk of spreading the virus.
Local data show that 8.04 percent of COVID-19 tests administered over the past seven days were positive, a sign that the virus is spreading rapidly in the county and that the community must take immediate steps to prevent our healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed.
Contra Costa is especially concerned about the risk of COVID-19 transmission in indoor gatherings, and in gatherings that involve removing face coverings for eating and drinking.
When Contra Costa received authorization (variance) from the California Department of Public Health in June to allow the reopening of some businesses and activities, the plan we submitted indicated that an 8% testing positivity rate would trigger the review and reconsideration of reopening activities in the county.
Other indicators show COVID-19 is on the rise in Contra Costa communities. The seven-day average number of new cases identified in the county rose from 38 on June 8 to 146 on July 8, while the seven-day average number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients rose from 17 to 54 during the same period.
The 209 adult intensive care unit beds in Contra Costa County hospitals are on average a little more than half full on a given day, including COVID-19 patients and patients with other health concerns.
Given the rapid spread of local cases, Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) is concerned that the number of patients needing intensive care could quickly exceed capacity.
According to the new health order, indoor worship services are temporarily prohibited, effective on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Services held earlier on Sunday, July 12, are not subject to this change.
Certain categories of outdoor gatherings, including worship services and social protests, are permitted at any size in Contra Costa so long as state health guidelines are followed, including physical distancing and appropriate use of face coverings.
In outdoor dining settings, staff and customers must now observe face covering requirements at all times, except when putting food or drink in the mouth. The new order also increases guidance for businesses that serve alcohol with meals to better align with state guidelines.
Members of extended family “social bubbles” must now always use face coverings when together, except when putting food or drink in the mouth.
Contra Costa County hopes to ease these enhanced, extraordinary safety measures as soon as possible, and will review available health system data daily to determine when it is safe to do so.
CCHS urges everyone to continue taking simple steps to protect themselves from COVID-19: Follow the social distancing order, and wear a face covering when you go out or are near other people. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, and always stay home from work or school if you are not feeling well.
Visit cchealth.org/coronavirus to read the new health order, and for local information about Contra Costa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
But these blm racists can protest without restrictions. Suck it cchealth!!
Do you not see how they have redirected the conversation into……
——-“how many tests return positive”
….This is a SCAM. This is a COUP.
*******What happened to the “2 MILLION DEAD FROM COVID-19 BY SUMMER” we were promised if we did not “flatten the curve”???
-that was the justification originally, based off of their fraudulent flawed models!
Now we are accepting this as justification?!!
How much more garbage are you going believe? Everything?
-These are Enemies inside the gates, not your benevolent overloads
This is so ridiculous again I ask anybody that treating this how many people do they know firsthand that have had this or have died from this. I work in the medical field there is no indication whatsoever that there’s a rise in any kind of virus spread or even any positive cases in three of the hospitals that I go to on an almost daily basis. And anybody that does die they just say it’s a virus related death but it’s not. So I don’t understand how long we’re going to let them get away with this when they haven’t even followed through on the homeless problem in Antioch like they said they were going to do but yet I see homeless people everywhere not dying or wearing masks. It’s so obvious but if you seriously read this and ask yourself how many people you personally know that have or have died from this think about it and then think about how long we’re going to let them just push us around. If anything we should seriously consider recalling this governor he just makes its own rules about everything I guess for you economy wasn’t ruined enough when they were going to open up everything on July 1st so they had to like extended longer if you think I’m wrong prove it
Gman, you’re probably not connected to anyone currently with the virus because the Bay Area is actually mandating some type of precautions. The areas of the country where these spikes are occurring are where civic leaders either disregarded precautions and acted as bad examples to their fellow people OR where gun-toting rednecks decided to storm their capitol buildings demanding an early reopening. We should be happy we don’t know anybody with it—in the Bay of course…yet.
No Sir, that sounds just like you copy/pasted their nonsensical ‘talking points’
-but apparently I have to be careful what I say or I will be CENSORED here at ECT as well.
-Seems like only the so-called ‘official narrative’ is tolerated around here, as my last comment was deleted.
-we had to flatten the curve, remember?
Now we are talking about “how many tests come back positive”, not deaths.
This virus has a 0.02death rate.
Nurses are laid off, can you not see thru the smoke and mirrors?
You are exactly right. They only want to hear what they want to hear. This is so ridiculous and everybody is losing everything because of this. No matter what people die of their chalking it up as a virus death. And they’re getting money to say that. Being in the medical field and going to different hospitals all the time on a regular basis why am I not seen any of these deaths and being told by Hospital staff they have no positive cases at all. People followed the media. The scientific proof and it’s a shame we can’t do anything about it not with the governor we have.
Pastor, don’t even waste an oz of your intelligence on them. When elections come all of these closet racists government hating Trump Tards will go back in hiding. They are just acting up because their is no adult supervision on the country right now.
Have you asked yourself why there are so few deaths in Japan? Or why so few people come down with the Chinese virus? It’s because the politicians were removed from making any decisions about health care and it was given to people who run their public health departments which consist of many PhD level epidemiologists.
Hardly anyone in Japan gets to the point where they are put on ventilators. If the Chinese virus hits them, the people are taken care of with a number of medications before it really gets bad. The public health division specialists have the authority to shut down parts of cities where there is a good possibility that there are people susceptible to coming down with this pestilence. Everything is shut down ad no flights are permitted in or out of the major cities. People are ordered to stay home and help is available if they need food provisions If someone needs to get out of their houses, they need permission and MUST wear masks and gloves.
No religion too? ?????????????????????????????????????
Massive overkill again !! Unconstitutional.
If the county is so worried about its residents, why are they allowing other parts of the state to send infected patients to your hospitals. Now you are taking the chance of spreading it faster and farther in the state. I am not saying let people suffer, but it makes no sense to me to bring more infected people in to the county…
I am so proud to live in a community full of dumbasses! “Conspiracy!” ” Unconstitutional!” What a bunch of whiny assed losers. Dopes and ignoramuses. Idiots and knuckledraggers. Tell you what…you aren’t wearing a mask when you enter ANY facility I am going to personally get in your face. This is just selfish and inconsiderate and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Know what? Even if you don’t ” believe” that the virus is real, what does it hurt to wear the damned mask for the time you’re inside an establishment? I will die, eventually. But I will be damned if I’m going to die from YOUR stupidity
Get in my face…
-I promise you will have more to worry about than the virus.
Bank on it.
In France, the wife of a bus driver who was beaten to death after he asked four passengers to wear face masks aboard his vehicle called Saturday for “exemplary punishment” for his killers. The bus driver had been hospitalized in critical condition after the July 5 attack, and his death was announced Friday.
So this is what you guys want, right? You anti-maskers? So put upon by having to wear the dreaded mask….poor pitiful whining babies.
We will complain about the masks, but not about the stimulus checks, or the fat unemployment checks. I know most people are making more on unemployment than working.
For anyone interested in learning how masks work in the real-world….
……..or you can stick your head in the sand and waive the white flag and surrender your Freedom.
Jamie, where do you shop at that allows you in the store without a mAsk?
It all depends, usually I just walk in somewhere and IF the clerk(s) say anything, I calmly tell I have a medical condition, and explain the actual existing LAW to them.
Specifically California Civil Code 51(b)
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