Kudos to the Brentwood City Council for adopting a Half-staff Flag Policy for City facility flags in the event of current staff member, local public safety officer, and current and past members of the City Council. The policy does state “upon notification” of a death as these are difficult to track with so many public safety officers which could be police, fire, or emergency medical responders.
This agenda item was brought forward by Vice Mayor Joel Bryant a few weeks back after the fiasco with flags at half-staff in January after the death of a local public safety officer. It is my hope that other cities in East County adopt something similar in the very near future.
In speaking with Vice Mayor Bryant last night after the meeting, I asked him how important this issue.
“It is of utmost importance to me, both as a Council person, and a resident,” said Bryant. “The sacrifices that our Public safety personnel give to us by daily doing their jobs receive little enough appreciation and recognition as it is.”
He explained that most people don’t realize that while they do have a job to perform, there is a lot of going beyond the call of duty.
“There is no way we can repay them the lost time with their own families at Holidays, Birthdays, Graduations, first steps, etc… that they are standing in our stead, laying their lives on the line, with monetary reimbursement,” said Bryant.
According to a February 7, 2011, Congressional Research Service Report regarding flying the flag at half-staff notes that the provisions of the Flag Code on flying the flag at half-staff are like all of the Code’s provisions, a guide only. There are no known federal restrictions or court decisions that limit lowering of the flag to half-staff.
The council approved this item 5-0.
“I and the Council feel that it is the least that we can do as a city to honor them by this important ceremonial tribute at the time of their passing in the line of duty. My heartfelt thanks, and eternal gratitude goes out to all of our Public safety workers,” said Bryant.
Much needed and your right, other cities should do something similar out of respect
Well done Mr. Bryant, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
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