SACRAMENTO –Assemblywoman Catharine B. Baker (R-San Ramon) and Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (D- Inglewood) introduced bi-partisan legislation (AJR 49) calling on the federal government to maintain California’s ability to set its own vehicle efficiency and emissions standards.
“The federal government’s proposal is a threat to the air we breathe and the climate we live in,” said Baker. “The science is clear: California’s fuel efficiency standards work and are needed. I am pleased to see leaders from both sides of the aisle put partisanship aside and stand up for our environment. California’s standards have dramatically improved our air quality and vehicle efficiency, while our economy has grown to the fifth-largest in the world. Any action that jeopardizes that progress is misguided and must be opposed.”
“The EPA’s actions not only take our climate goals backwards, but they threaten the health and lives of Californians. These proposed changes lack supporting evidence and are projected to cost the U.S. economy $457 billion and cause 13,000 deaths by 2050,” stated Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (D-Inglewood). “California must stand united in the face of baseless attacks on our health, safety and economic security. We are proving to the rest of the world that climate policies can work and the economy can thrive – all while supporting a strong and growing middle class.”
“It’s wrong for the administration to even consider revoking California’s ability to set its own clean air standards. California has led the nation, and the world, in cleaning its air and, now in fighting climate change. We should be doing everything we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Senator Steve Glazer. “The auto industry has been right there with us, developing new technologies that lead to lower gas consumption and emissions. We must not turn our backs on the technological advances that are opening up whole new and thriving sectors of our economy.”
Last week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposal to roll back planned increases in vehicle fuel efficiency standards. In addition, the EPA moved to revoke California’s existing authority to create its own efficiency standards under a previously approved waiver to the Clean Air Act. It has been extended more than 130 times over five decades with bipartisan support. The first waiver was requested by Governor Ronald Reagan.
AJR 49 was also co-authored by Senator Steve Glazer (D-Orinda) and Assemblymembers Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo), Chad Mayes (R-Palm Springs), and Rocky Chavez (R-Oceanside).
“…are projected to cost the U.S. economy $457 billion and cause 13,000 deaths by 2050,” stated Assemblywoman Autumn Burke (D-Inglewood).
Can anyone cite her source?
People who say “the science is clear” do usually not understand science. And “$457 billion [cost] and [..] 13,000 deaths” is likely complete BS. Fact is that cars with higher fuel economy standards cost more $$. I believe that most people anyway buy good fuel efficiency for their commuter car, at least I do. So I am not worried, and I really don’t understand this hype of CA politicians.
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