On Wednesday, shortly after Governor Gavin Newsom held a press conference, Antioch Unified School District Superintendent Stephanie Anello released a message to the community regarding the move to distance education.
Anello confirmed in a brief phone interview that staff have been working to get several thousand computers ready to distribute to students who may need them as they gear up for distance learning.
She also said a more formal plan will be sent out to parents later today with additional details in the near future. A soft-rollout will begin next Tuesday.
Here is the message to parents:
A short time ago, Governor Gavin Newsome reiterated State Superintendent Tony Thurmond’s sentiment that schools should remain closed for the rest of the school year.
According to Newsome, “We should not prepare to bring our children back into the school setting.” While we know this is difficult, at this time, we will be closing schools for the remainder of the school year and will continue to focus on providing on line learning opportunities.
Our heart goes our to our families as we know that many are struggling at this time and that there are many essential workers who must go to work each day for whom distance learning creates hardships. We are doing our best to mitigate those hardships and no child in AUSD will be penalized if he or she does not have access to technology and/or if family challenges prevent a child from participating in the learning activities. Please know our approach to distance learning will be one of compassion and support.
As stated yesterday, a letter is going out to families today sharing how they can access our enhanced online learning and technology beginning the week of April 6th.
Also, we know that for many of our families, their needs extend beyond what schools normally provide but we encourage you to please reach out to your child’s principal or to private message me if there is anything we can do to support you.
Thank you again for your continued support and we wish you and your family the very best as we work through this challenging time.
With sincerity,
Stephanie Anello
Good afternoon again families. We know the announcement of school closing until the end of the school year is very difficult for all families and in particular for or graduating seniors. Please know:
-Any student who was on track to graduate will graduate and receive their diploma.
-Graduations will be held at a later date, but your child will be celebrated!
UC, CSU, and most private colleges just announced that students will be held harmless for this quarter up until the year 2023 so even freshman, sophomores, and juniors will not be affected.
-Seniors and other high school students will receive a grade of Pass or No Mark. No Mark does not affect a student’s GPA.
Again, please know that we will do everything to help you through this difficult time that we can possibly do. Additionally, we know that this has provided a lot of stress for our students. As a result, our counselors will provide a way for your children to participate in online counseling beginning next week if they would like someone to talk to regarding their feelings, etc.
Please take care and be kind to one another. This a difficult time for so many in our community and your kindness may be the very thing that gives them strength. Together we will get through this.
Stephanie Anello
Message to community dated March 31, 2020
Good Evening AUSD Families,
I wanted to reach out to let you know that tomorrow we will be mailing home to each family information about our online distance learning plan. Additionally, you will be receiving information about what supports will be available to students —including students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) and those who speak a language other then English in the home. Additionally, we will share information about accessing electronic devices if your student needs one as well as options for accessing the internet. Our current plan is to have a “soft roll-out” sometime during the week of April 7th and no student will be penalized for assignments or work missed that week as this is a new program and there may be learning hiccups as we roll this out. This information will also be shared on our website and social media.
I can’t thank you enough for your outpouring of support and kindness during this challenging time.
I hope you and your families are well. We are here for you if there is anything we can do to assist you through this transition.
Stephanie Anello