Home California Texas Relocation Report Shows Californians Top List of Those Flocking to Texas

Texas Relocation Report Shows Californians Top List of Those Flocking to Texas

by ECT

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton  on Friday released his assessment of the recent Texas Relocation Report, a study by the Texas Association of Realtors. In the report, Texas ranked second among states adding new residents from other states, based on the influx and outflow of people.

Leading all states with the number of transplants to Texas was California. In 2015, the number of people leaving California for the Lone Star State was 65,546.

“The data in this report came as no surprise to Texans, especially those who have transplanted from California,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I talk to people almost every day who made the trek from California to Texas, and without fail, they tell me their move is due to either greater job opportunities, much lower-priced housing, an escape from a left-coast political climate, or just a better quality of culture and life.”

In the study, Texas ranked second among all states for the largest inflow of residents. In 2015, 553,032 people moved to Texas. Only Florida had more people moving to their state.

As for states with the largest resident outflows, California and New York topped that list. California lost 643,710 people, edging out New York by nearly 200,000 residents looking to move elsewhere.

To view the Texas Relocation Report, click here: http://bit.ly/2i7PokG

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M.R. Jun 27, 2017 - 12:24 pm

This is largely because California is by far the most populated state. You’d hardly expect Texas to get the most new residents from a Wyoming or Idaho!

Dee Wallace Jun 27, 2017 - 12:37 pm

When visiting Texas last year I mentioned that I was from California. Multiple people replied. “So sorry to hear that”. It’s the same when traveling to any other state.

California has become a disgrace. Our leaders keep trying to convince themselves and us that it’s a badge of honor. Denial only works for short periods of time. Its time to get back to center or move to Texas!

Melanie Jun 27, 2017 - 10:59 pm

Dee, please keep in mind that a lot of people from other states are envious of CA. The weather, the wages, a lot more to see and do, etc.

I’m a moderate and like the “back to center” idea myself. But I don’t let politics affect my life. My life is the same regardless of politics.

Envy towards CA isn’t any different than envy towards good looking women or rich men. Think about it.

Dee Wallace Jun 27, 2017 - 11:58 pm

Ummmm, I think you missed my point. Let me be clearer.
I travel a lot. No one from other states, envies California. Maybe they did a long time ag, but that has changed. 100 percent of people from other States, thinks California has gone down the tubes. That is my experience and appears to be shared by my friends and business associates that travel extensively. You are correct about why people are or were originally drawn to CA, but it is the people, population and politics that have been driving people out. Wages may be higher but so is the cost of living, regulations and restrictions. It’s basically what this article and many others are all about. People are fleeing California. As a native Californian I an sickened by what our golden state has become. Actually, I’m embarrassed.

There’s a great story on this in the Times today. Other states are thumbing their noses at us. Actually they are lining up to do it. Basically proves what I have personally come to know. California has become the the joke of our national brethren.

Melanie Jun 27, 2017 - 1:34 pm

A friend of mine is moving to Texas at the end of the year. Her husband told her “I’m going with or without you.” I asked her if he’s from Texas, and she said “no, he’s never been there.” Either has she. He’s retired, and she’s still working. To me, it doesn’t make any sense to move there if you’ve never been there, and you don’t know anyone. Most people relocate for jobs, family or weather. Maybe friends.

What is it about Texas? The laws and Texas justice?

I do “get it” why CA has the most relocations. We are the most populated state.

Sean Maguidhir Jun 27, 2017 - 8:20 pm

Those who leave California are people tend to be relatively poor, and many lack college degrees.
About 2.5 million people living close to the official poverty line left California for other states from 2005 through 2015, while 1.7 million people at that income level moved in from other states – for a net loss of 800,000.

During the same period, the state experienced a net gain of about 20,000 residents earning at least five times the poverty rate – or $100,000 for a family of three.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/article136478098.html#storylink=cpy

Richard Rider Jul 11, 2017 - 1:27 pm

Sean — Wait . . . isn’t California the progressives’ dream state — the “workers’ paradise” model that they fervently wish the other 56(?) states would adopt (not to mention the country as a whole)? As your cited article unintentionally reveals, CA is arguably the most anti-blue collar state in the union.
Reading the headline about CA’s immigration between states, one would get the impression that it’s roughly an equal trade-off of rich people for poor people. It’s not.
Relatively few “wealthier people” move to the Golden State. And note the dishonesty of calling low income people “poor.” They are “poor” only in the sense that they can’t afford the extraordinarily high cost of living in our state.
Here’s the key paragraph: “About 2.5 million people LIVING CLOSE TO THE POVERTY LINE (A LINE THAT’S QUITE HIGH IN OUR EXPENSIVE STATE) left California for other states from 2005 through 2015, while 1.7 million people at that income level moved in from other states – for a net loss of 800,000. During the same period, the state experienced a net gain of about 20,000 residents earning at least five times the poverty rate – or $100,000 for a family of three.”
In other words — on a net immigration basis — for every FORTY blue collar families [NOT poor by national standards] that fled (net) the state, only ONE “wealthy” family (again, net) moved here from other states. And $100K is a low benchmark for a “wealthy” family of three in California.
The California article also says that we “export” our “poor” — like we are handing out one-way bus tickets to get them to leave. We DRIVE out our lower income people with our economic policies.
Workers’ paradise my ass!

Melanie Jun 27, 2017 - 10:54 pm

Sean, thanks for the link. Interesting article. My friend isn’t relatively poor. They both have advanced degrees, and they’re well off financially. The only thing that makes sense to me is paying off their home, paying cash for a home in Texas, and not having to be concerned about a mortgage in retirement.

I understand the poor moving out of CA. The cost of living is too high. If you’re well off financially, I sure as heck wouldn’t move to Texas. A less expensive state than CA – maybe. But not Texas! People who are well off financially can live anywhere.

I’m tired of people moving here for welfare, food stamps, WIC, free school lunches, etc. A liberal state will attract a certain element.

Richard Rider Jul 11, 2017 - 1:17 pm

A more telling figure about California is the NET domestic migration –the migration BETWEEN states (not just Texas). Prior to 1992, people FLOCKED to California. But that trend reversed after that, as CA became a less and less liveable state.

From 1992 through 2016, California lost a NET 4.0 million people to other states.  Net departures slowed in 2008 only because people couldn’t sell their homes.  But more people still leave each year — in 2016 we lost 109,000. Again, note that these are NET losses. Sadly, our CA state policies have split up many California families.

It’s likely that it’s not the welfare kings and queens departing.  They are primarily the young, the educated, the productive, the entrepreneurial, the ambitious, the wealthy (such as Tiger Woods) – and retirees seeking to make their nest-eggs provide more bang for the buck.

Richard Rider Jul 11, 2017 - 1:33 pm

Adjust for COL, and Texas kicks California’s ass.

The median Texas household income is 13.5% less than CA. But adjusted for COL, TX 2015 median household income is 29.3% more than CA.

California’s real (“supplemental”) 2015 poverty rate (the new census bureau standard adjusted for the COL) is easily the worst in the nation at 20.6%. CA is 43.6% higher than the average for the other 49 states. It’s 38.3% higher than TX.
https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/p60-258.pdf Table 4 on page 9

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