Home California State Agencies Outline Comprehensive Plan to Improve River Flows for Fisheries

State Agencies Outline Comprehensive Plan to Improve River Flows for Fisheries

by ECT

SACRAMENTO, CA – California Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth and California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham issued the following statement regarding voluntary agreements outlined Wednesday in conjunction with the State Water Resources Control Board’s hearing on the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan update.

“A vast majority of water users and government agencies are committed to voluntary agreements because they provide a quicker, more durable solution that will improve flows and restore habitat while avoiding lengthy litigation. We appreciate that the State Water Resources Control Board’s action today creates space for work to continue on agreements that can deliver real benefits for the environment while protecting all beneficial uses of water.”

More information regarding the plan and voluntary settlement agreements along with the meeting materials can be found here.

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1 comment

Teresa Dec 13, 2018 - 9:12 am

Don’t be Fooled by the headline!!

This is about the Tunnels!

Follow the “here” link to Governor Brown’s Water Plan & you will see this is promoting 3 New intakes on the Sacramento River to get cleaner water & the 2 tunnels. The plan does Not Increase the amount of water.

Only Dams will Increase the amount of water. Stop the tunnels…build Dams instead!

Also, stop planting lawns in the desert. Plant crops in CA that require less water. Central & Southern CA need to implement water conservation measures!!
Plus… build Dams!!!!!!!

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