Home 2016 Election Letters: Writers Support Steve Barr for County Supervisor

Letters: Writers Support Steve Barr for County Supervisor

by ECT

The following are a series of Letters to the Editor of local residents supporting Brentwood City Councilman Steve Barr who is running for Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor District 3.


The bad news is the Brentwood City Council will lose council member Steve Barr at end of term this year.

Steve has been a key leader in our city and has had profound influence on the success and safety of our city. The good news is Mr. Barr has decided to offer his proven and superior leadership skills to the position of Contra Costa County Supervisor (District 3 position). What a great way to share his superior skills with the county, while at the same time continuing to share a voice of Brentwood – one of the best places to live in the county.

I urge you to consider Mr. Barr when you vote for supervisor at this upcoming election – there is nothing better than strong leadership with a proven track record of success.

Mike Hinchcliff  Brentwood


Steve Barr is a person who will take the time to listen, ask questions and act when appropriate.

How do I know? I happened to run into Steve in the community center, about two years ago, on a Saturday. I asked if he had a few minutes to talk about the Brentwood library. At that time, the city council had just voted for a modest expansion of the existing space.

I had done some research that indicated Brentwood should have a much larger library. Steve spent an hour with me that day.

Shortly thereafter, he proposed that the city council hire a consultant to do a needs study. The study confirmed that we needed a much larger library. The city council approved the construction of a new library recently, and doors will open in about two years.

Clearly, Steve played a key role in getting us where we are today. Taking the time to listen, asking questions and then acting appropriately are the skills we need in the next county supervisor. That is why I am supporting Steve Barr.

Mort Morgenstern
Brentwood Library Foundation board member


On behalf of the Brentwood Police Officers’ Association (BPOA), I am proud to announce our endorsement of Steve Barr for Contra Costa County Supervisor.

As much as we have liked working with Steve as a Brentwood City Councilmember, we know that his leadership at the county level can make a real difference in helping East County become safer regionally. Steve’s understanding of finances and his ability to communicate and work with everyone really make him stand out from the pack. As we have seen, Steve does not shy away from taking on tough problems, and does not use politics as an excuse. He is calm, but direct, and he will face issues head on. Not every problem can be solved overnight, but Steve shows up for the long haul.

That is exactly the kind of person our community needs at the county. On June 7, remember to vote for Steve Barr for county supervisor!

Eric Huesman

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Cameron May 19, 2016 - 9:40 am

It looks like Barr has been busy enlisting his friends for political payback favors. A letter from the Brentwood Police Officers Association? Aka the police UNION? Come on, of course they are endorsing him. They work for him!

Local community members don’t come out of the woodwork to endorse a candidate that lost badly in the last Brentwood race. Especially for a person that has done very little in the past several years and has not been very active in anything of mention. In fact Mr. Barr has been associated with a less than zero result when it comes to his involvement with the fire district which is a regional body. Trying to make him out as a good leader when his record differs greatly is disingenuous.

Barr has had years to shine and he hasn’t. What makes anyone think he is suddenly going to re-invent himself.

Don’t be fooled, I know I’m not.

Voter May 22, 2016 - 2:20 pm

Cameron is a plant from another campaign. Steve Barr is the best candidate for east county hands down.

Bill May 22, 2016 - 10:01 pm

@Voter, what do you think you are? A plant from another campaign as well! DUMMY!

Cameron May 23, 2016 - 3:34 pm

@ voter

Based on what? How can you claim he is the best candidate when you fail to address a single facts. Simply claiming a candidate is the best on nothing more than a spray on tan doesn’t cut the mustard.
I think the fact that the Supervisor currently doing the job supports and endorses Diane Burgis over Steve speaks volumes.

I actually like Steve but don’t think he is qualified or has he demonstrated any real leadership. In fact he has had a lot of opportunity but hasn’t performed very well.

Your experience in this issue appears to be very limited.

It should come as no surprise that I am supporting the better qualified candidates, Diane Burgis.

Unome May 24, 2016 - 9:45 am

@Cameron & Aliases,
I actually like Diane. Since she chose to be influenced by dirty money the decision not to vote for her became easy. My choice for Steve Barr was made much more easily by process of elimination and qualifications to represent Far East Counties best interest. Diane was chosen by Piepho because of her control issues. This is a serious concern. The elimination of voting for Diane was illiminated when she received dirty money from two sitting supervisors. Everyone knows and is concerned with todays political circle of influence. This needs to stop as it is corrupting government. Hardcastle is a used vehicle salesman. He is out for that reason. Antioch runners are out because Antioch is out of control. Barr is a family man, friends of farmers, an independent thinker, and a long time resident. Barr is easily the best choice to vote for.

Family Values Jun 7, 2016 - 9:06 pm

Congratulations to Steve Barr top vote. Looks like it will be you and the tree hugging home wrecker.

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